
  • 网络Drug Addition;medicine markups;Profiting from drugs
  1. 自今年早期开始医疗卫生改革以来,北京市最近又有三家医院取消药品加成。

    Beijing has asked three more hospitals to remove their medicine markups , as the city continues its medical health reform that it began early this year .

  2. 政府办医院取消药品加成的补偿机制研究

    Study on Compensation Mechanism of Public Hospitals when Government abolishes Drug Mark-up

  3. 药品加成率与医院药品管理水平的关系

    Relationship Between Drug Add Rate and Hospital Drug Management Level

  4. 浅析改革或取消(公立医院)药品加成政策

    Brief Analysis on the " Reforming or Canceling of the Drug Price Addition Policy in State Hospitals "

  5. 从1954年开始,公立医院的补偿渠道主要包括财政补助、医疗服务收费和药品加成收入三个部分。

    The compensation channels mainly include financial assistance , medical services fees and income from pharmaceuticals three parts in public hospital .

  6. 本文阐述了引起药品加成率负效应的因素和克服措施。

    This article describes the negative factors affecting drug add rate ( DAR ) and the measure to alleviate the effects .

  7. 坚持全面协调合理调整价格:从取消药品加成政策引发的话题

    Insist on the Coordination on All Sides , Adjust the Price Rationally : Cancellation Policy by the Topic Caused From Drug Addition

  8. 新医改方案提出,设立药事服务费等多种方式逐步改革或取消药品加成政策。

    The new agenda of health care reform has put forward that the drug markup policy will be gradually substituted by the dispensing fee .

  9. 随着药品加成政策的取消,增设药事服务费已提上议事日程。

    Along with the elimination of drug markup policy , charging dispensing fee in medical settings has been put up on the reform agenda .

  10. 本文以以药养医政策形成的制度背景为基础,建立了线性激励模型和多部门监督模型分析政府和医院之间的委托代理关系,指出药品加成率过高、监管高度重叠的问题。

    In this paper , Linear Stimulation Model and Multi-sectoral Supervisory Model are established to analyze the principal-agent relationship between the government and public hospitals .

  11. 建国以来,我国公立医院的补偿主要有服务收费、药品加成收入和政府补助三种渠道。

    Since the founding of our country , the compensation of public hospitals in China mainly include service charges , drug addition revenue and Government subsidies .

  12. 我国公立医院获得补偿的主要渠道是医疗服务收入,政府补助收入和药品加成收入。

    In the public hospitals in China , there are three compensation ways for hospital expenditures : medical care revenue , drug revenue and government subsidies .

  13. 本论文在对公立医院补偿机制进行全面研究之后,提出取消药品加成政策后公立医院补偿机制改革的对策和建议,包括七个方面。

    The essay conduct a comprehensive study for the issue of compensation mechanism in the public hospitals , and proposed to abolish the policy of drug-plus compensation mechanism in the reform of public hospitals measures and suggestions which mainly include seven aspects .

  14. 但随着药房托管的实施,其运行过程也在现行制度下暴露了一些诸如变相药品加成、供药不及时等问题,从而不能最大限度的达到试行目的。

    However , with the implementation of the Pharmacy Trusteeship , its operation process has revealed some problems , such as drug addition , the delay of medicine supply , and so on . All of these have lead to the influence of the maximum experimental purposes .

  15. 结果与结论:取消医院药品加成具备可能性和可行性,一旦实施,将对药品价格和医院药学产生利弊兼具的明显影响,应予重视。

    RESUTLS & CONCLUSION : It is possible and feasible to cancel hospital drug price addition , which will bring about significant influences ( both positive and negative ) on drug prices and hospital pharmacy once being put into practice , to which great attention should be paid .