
  • 网络Public hospital reform
  1. 坚持公益性调动积极性&公立医院改革的两个关键点

    Two Key Points of Public Hospital Reform : Public Welfare and Incentive Mechanism

  2. 公立医院改革是医疗体制改革的重要内容。

    Public hospital reform is one of important parts of health care reform .

  3. x省Y市是17个国家联系指导的公立医院改革试点城市之一。

    Y city is one of the seventeen cities which confirmed by country as pilot reform cities guided by government .

  4. 公立医院改革中引入市场机制的探讨

    Discussion on the Market Mechanism in the Reform of Public Hospitals

  5. 用平衡记分卡理念和方法引导公立医院改革

    Using the Balance Scorecard to Direct Reform of Public Hospital

  6. 广州公立医院改革的问题与对策分析

    The Question and Countermeasure About the Reform of Public Hospitals in Guangzhou

  7. 浅谈新医改政策出台后的公立医院改革工作

    Discussion into State-Owned Hospitals Transformation after the Introduction of New Medical Reform Policy

  8. 公立医院改革的方向和路径尚不清晰。

    The direction and path of public hospital reform are not yet clear .

  9. 学习贯彻两个文件推进公立医院改革

    Guiding by two documents to promote public hospital reform

  10. 公立医院改革试点有序进行。

    We progressed in an orderly fashion with trials of reforming public hospitals .

  11. 所有权与经营权分离是城市公立医院改革和发展的途径

    Separated the ownership and operation right is a reform approach in urban public hospitals

  12. 公立医院改革实践要从统一基本认识出发;

    The practice of public hospital reform should be started from the uniformed thought ;

  13. 政府行为对公立医院改革的取向起决定性作用。

    Government behavior is important to decide the direction of the public hospital reforms .

  14. 加快公立医院改革。

    Speed the reform of public hospitals .

  15. 医生也不愿参与现行的公立医院改革。

    Doctors are not reluctant to participate in the current public hospital reform , too .

  16. 公立医院改革中两权分离理论和实践探索

    An exploration of theory and practice on separation of two rights in public hospital reform

  17. 他表示,公立医院改革是一项艰巨而长期的任务。

    He said that the reform of public hospitals is a difficult and long-term task .

  18. 公立医院改革思路

    Reflection on public hospital reform

  19. 日本公立医院改革经验分析

    Public hospital reform in Japan

  20. 二是抓好公立医院改革试点。

    Second , we will do a good job in the pilot projects for reforming public hospitals .

  21. 公立医院改革试点县市达到1300多个。

    The number of counties and county-level cities carrying out trial public hospital reforms reached over 1,300 .

  22. 笔者认为,作为公立医院改革与重构管理体制的前提和关键环节,产权制度改革只是一个时间问题。

    The property rights system innovations were imperative and it was the precursor of public hospital reforms .

  23. 此次公立医院改革能成功吗,可能遇到哪些困难呢?

    Will this new round of public hospital reform be successful ? What difficulties might be ahead ?

  24. 建立双补一控机制推进公立医院改革

    Establish the mechanism of " dual compensation and one control " to promote the reform of public hospitals

  25. 海南省的公立医院改革模式探索主要从医疗安全与质量的微观层面进行。

    The revolution mode exploration in Hainan was carried out from micro-aspects from safety and quality of medication .

  26. 公立医院改革及回归公益性,是世界范围内医疗卫生研究领域的重要课题之一。

    Reform and returning to public welfare of public hospital is an important topic on worldwide health research .

  27. 公立医院改革给医疗机构的财务管理工作提出了更高的要求也赋予了其更多的使命。

    The reform of public hospitals advances higher requirements and more missions for the financial management of medical institutions .

  28. 补偿机制改革则是公立医院改革成败的关键。

    While the reform of the compensation mechanism is the key to the success of the reform on public hospitals .

  29. 通过公立医院改革,使得人民群众得实惠得方便、医务人员受鼓舞、公立医院健康发展。

    Through the reform , bring the masses benefits and convenience , courage the medical staffs and promote health services development .

  30. 主要收集近几年有关国内外公立医院改革研究文献,经过分析和再处理后供研究借鉴。

    Mainly collect research literature of recent years on domestic and foreign public-run hospital reform for reference after analysis and re-treatment .