
shí zhí hán shù
  • real-valued function
实值函数[shí zhí hán shù]
  1. 最后引入实值函数,得出了实值函数与向量平衡问题的适定性之间的关系。并且给出了一些相关的命题和结论。

    Finally the introduction of real-valued function of real-valued function obtained with the vector of the appropriate balance between qualitative relationship .

  2. 联合插值限制的实值函数的L2逼近

    L_2 - Approximation of Real-Valued Functions with Simultaneous Interpolatory Constraints

  3. p-adic变量实值函数的图像的宽度和中心

    Width and center of graph on real function with p-adic variable

  4. 在阐述了解析小波频谱为一实值函数是其实部和虚部构成Hilbert变换对的一个充分条件后,论证了这类解析小波变换系数的实部和虚部同样构成Hilbert变换对的结论。

    For this group of analytic wavelets , the conclusion that the real part and imaginary part of their transform coefficients also constitute an Hilbert transform pair was perfectly deduced .

  5. 最后,在Hilbert空间上的C~2实值函数有紧梯度场的假设条件下,给出了文[2]中的三临界点定理的一种加强形式。

    Finally , under the condition that C2 real function defined on Hilbert space has the compact gradient field , a strenthening form of the three critical points theorem in 〔 1 〕 is given .

  6. 本文给出实值函数关于向量值函数的弱Riemann-Stieltjes积分的定义,且推广文〔1〕中的结果。

    In this paper , we give the definition of the weak Riemann-Stieltjes integration in the weak complete Banach Space and generalize some results in [ 1 ]

  7. 有界实值函数空间中的一致逼近

    Uniform Approximation in the Space of Real-valued Bounded Functions

  8. 关于直线上实值函数的间断点

    On the Sets of Discontinuity Points of a real Valued Function on a Straight Line

  9. 文中构造了一类形似的实值函数并证明了相关结果,并将自变量换为离散分3种情况得到了原差分方程每一解在初始条件下趋于1的充分条件。

    Some sufficient conditions for every solution to the equation satisfying the intial condition to converge to 1 by using a class f function on R was obtained .

  10. 综述定义在一般拓扑空间上的广义实值函数的下(上)半连续的几种定义,并证明它们的等价性。

    For generalized real valued functions defined on general topological spaces , this paper gives several definitions of lower ( supper ) semi-continuous , and proves their equivalence .

  11. 一致有界实值函数集上的最佳同时逼近以单位重量下波纹管的补偿量最大为目标函数,对波纹管的结构参数进行优化设计。

    Best Simultaneous Approximation of a Uniformly Bounded Set of Real-valued Functions ; In this paper , the work of the structure parameters of optimization design for Bellow is presented .

  12. 由于水印函数是一类实值函数,其值域仅受计算精度限制,可以大幅度提高水印容量。

    As watermarking function is valued in real number set , and its range is only constrained by the preciseness of calculation , so the watermarking capacity can be greatly improved .

  13. 作为[0,+∞]值模糊集支持度的特例,有限集上非负实值函数的支持度,被用来描述弱比例规则。

    As a special case of the support degree of two [ 0 , + ∞ ] - valued fuzzy subsets , the support degree of two nonnegative real-valued functions on a finite set is used to describe weak ratio rules .

  14. 本文引进了平移下半连续对应,将定理A由下半连续实值函数的情形推广到平移下半连续对应的情形,并在序空间中证明了一个序不等式。

    In this paper , Transfer lower semi-continuous correspondence is introduced , Theorem A is extend-ed to the case in which the lower semi-continuous real functions are replaced by Transfer lower semi-continu-ous correspondences , an inequality in ordered space is established .

  15. 针对实值连续函数优化问题,提出了一种混合的EP-ES进化算法,典型数值实验表明,所提出的算法是可行的、有效的。

    A mixed EP-ES evolutionary algorithm for real-valued function optimization is proposed . Numerical results illustrate that the proposed algorithm is efficient .

  16. 闭区间上实值连续函数性质定理的非标准证明

    Nonstandard Proofs the Property Theorems of the Real Valued Continuous Functions on Closed Intervals

  17. 实值非负函数关于集值序增函数的集值Riemann-Stieltjes积分

    Set-Valued Riemann-Stieltjes Integral of Real Non-Negative Function with Respect to Set-Valued Order Increasing Function

  18. 其次,利用集值模糊测度的测度选择定义了非负实值可测函数关于集值模糊测度的模糊积分,并讨论了其积分性质,获得了其积分收敛定理。

    Thirdly , we define the fuzzy integral with respect to set-valued fuzzy measure by the choices of it and gain the convergence theory of this kind of fuzzy integral .

  19. 集值函数关于实值单调非减函数的集值Riemann-Stieltjes积分

    Set-valued Riemann-Stieltjes Integral of Set-valued Function with Respect to Real Non-decreasing Function

  20. 首先引入集值函数关于实值单调非减函数的集值Lebesgue-Stieltjes积分,然后讨论了集值Lebesgue-Stieltjes积分的性质,最后建立了集值Lebesgue-Stieltjes积分的极限定理。

    A multivalued Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral about real monotone non-decreasing function is defined , Then the properties of multivalued integral are discussed , and their convergence theorem are obtained .

  21. 在等价鞅测度框架下,讨论了(在到期时刻)期权处于实值状态时支付函数为幂型的股票欧式期权定价公式。

    Via the framework of equivalent martingale measures , we derive the pricing formulas of European options with power payoffs ( if the option is in the money , at the time of maturity ) .

  22. 根据该模型的特点,提出了一种改进的遗传算法,采用特定实值编码、罚函数法和物资需求量分割策略处理模型中的约束条件。

    According to the characteristics of the model , an improved genetic algorithm ( GA ) was proposed . And a special real-valued coding scheme , punishment function method and demand split strategy were adopted to deal with restriction in the model .