
  1. 高职教育要培养技能型实用技术人才高职院校高素质技能型人才培养探索

    Exploration of Training of High Quality Skill Type Talent in Higher Vocational Colleges

  2. 这主要表现在三个方面:生利功能;为资本主义经济发展培养了大批实用技术人才;大企业重视职业教育。

    This mainly manifested in the following three aspects : profits-generating function ; cultivated a great number of practical and technical personnel for capitalistic economic development ; big business appreciated vocational education .

  3. 高职学院应围绕培养高素质的实用技术人才和管理等方面人才的目标,从完善教学体系、创新教学方法,改革管理体制入手,加强实验教学,提高教学成效。

    The higher vocational technical college should aim at educating talents of high quality in practical techniques and management . By consummating the teaching system , innovating the teaching method and reforming the management system , the experimental teaching can be strengthened . Meanwhile , the teaching effect is improved .

  4. 结合实验教学培养实用生物技术人才

    Fostering Practical Biological Technology Personnel in Combination with Experimental Teaching

  5. 本文论述了通过改革植物学、动物学、微生物学部分实验课的教学内容,培养实用生物技术人才的过程。

    The authors have carried out a teaching reform in biotechnological experiment course by establishing the modular course system through many years exploration and practice .

  6. 文中分析、说明了我国高等职业教育的内涵、性质,以及社会发展对高等职业教育的要求,认为高等职业教育的主要目标是为社会培养实用技术型人才(即技能的学习与掌握)。

    The paper illustrates the higher professional education connotation and character . It believes that the higher professional education aim is to train the practicing engineers for society , and .

  7. 在日本政府的大力支持下,高等专门学校迅猛发展,并逐步形成了注重培养学生职业所必需的职业能力等办学特色,为日本工业经济建设输送了大批高质量实用专业技术人才。

    So , it gradually forms it features of training students to have vocational ability required by occupation , and provided Japanese industrial economical reconstruction with large numbers of practical specialized technical personnel .

  8. 根据当今社会对实用技术型人才文化素质的要求,笔者探讨了对高职文化基础课课程结构和教学方法的改革,以期使高职教学达到良好的效果。

    According to the requirements on the academic quality of the applied technical talents of the society , the paper explores the reform of the course structure and teaching methods of the fundamental courses in order to improve the teaching effect of mathematics in higher vocational colleges .

  9. 民族地区农村小康社会建设必须紧紧抓住基础设施建设、产业结构调整、实用技术推广与人才培训以及基层组织建设等几个重点。

    To build a well-off society in ethnic areas , it is necessary to put stress on infrastructural facilities construction , industrial structure adjustment , extending practical skills and talent training .