- substantial damage;material damage

AIH is closely related with the autoimmune response of a substantial damage to the liver disease , and which is characterized by high C hypergammaglobulinemia , serum autoantibodies , chronic inflammation and fibrosis of the liver histological changes .
The effectiveness of administrative procedures is illegal does not necessarily lead to substantive justice substantial damage , depending on the treatment of illegal administrative procedures , administrative acts in violation of procedure resulted in administrative actions ultimately manifested form of ineffective and effective two effect form .
Conclusion CT perfusion imaging is accurate and sensitive in evaluating hemodynamics of acute cerebral venous occlusion and is useful in the early evaluation of the consequences for brain parenchymal lesions .
LDH isoenzyme reflected the extent of the renal damage . Urinary LDH and its isoenzyme might be an important parameter for evaluating the chance of recovery of the renal function .
Induction : Cerebral ischemia are the main cause of Vascular Cognitive Impairment ( VCI ) often leading to exaggerated brain damage and cognitive impairment .
Objective To study the renal lesion of patients with cirrhosis whose urine routine test were negative .
Manifested extensive cerebral dysfunction .
This emphasizes the need for effective imaging to demonstrate the presence and severity of drug-related parenchymal changes .
Thus , whether treatment of glucagon-insulin will improve the injured liver of these patients or not is still in controversy .
Causation under the Anti-dumping Law means the causal relationship between the dumped imports and the injury to the domestic industry .
Ultrasound is non-invasive , rapid , and cheap in the assessment of the liver parenchyma damage of patients with cirrhosis , and it can provide important evidence for clinical diagnosis .
Chinese producers and exporters could still escape the duties if the US International Trade Commission determines US producers have not been materially injured , or threatened with material injury , by the imports .
Acute pyelonephritis is a common disease in urinary system and can results in the irreversible renal parenchyma lesions-renal scarring and lead to a series of complications , such as hypertension , chronic renal failure and so on .
CRF has attributed to various causes of chronic progressive renal damage , kidneys can not maintain its normal function , thereby , azotemia , metabolic disorders and the involvement of various systems and a series of clinical symptoms of the syndrome .
Under Article ⅵ of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT / WTO ), countries are permitted to introduce anti-dumping measures where dumping has been proved to have taken place and where it has caused or threatened material injury to domestic producers .
In other words , Social Dumping has the same influence on domestic industries as common regular and fair competition , therefore , it does not lead to any material injury and there is no casual relationship between Social Dumping and the social problems that some states have claimed of .
WTO Anti-dumping Agreement allows members to resort to anti-dumping measures when their domestic industries face material injuries from dumping imports .
The intestinal mucosa was impaired histologically .
According to WTO anti-dumping law and anti-dumping laws of the countries in the world , rules on material injury are based on three factors as follows : volume of dumping imports , price of dumping imports , and consequence to the like product producers of importing countries .
Conclusion The study suggests PAB and TBA can be sensitive index to hepatic metabolism and damage . It will be helpful for the diagnosis & treatment of chronic hepatic disease with the two items combined .
Threat of Material Harm : The second criterion for confirming the dumping Harm
But the lack of the actual impingement made the anti-subsidy sanction fail .
However , the ALT value is found a less sensitive index and perhaps cannot thoroughly reflect hepatic toxicity .
Property loss confirmed due to permanent or substantial damage to inventories , fixed assets , intangible assets or long-term investments ;
Low intensity signal within the spinal cord accompanying herniated disc and bone fragment , indicating hemorrhage in spinal cord or structural damage ;
Only when acts of obtaining evidence in covert investigation severely infringe on civil rights or judicial integrity , shall judges exclude covert evidence .
Double reverse survey of exceeded its domestic industry is substantial damage compensation in our country , the extent of the damage caused by export trade .
The head of the government 's National Cyber Bureau said anonymous lacks the skills to harm vital infrastructure and that hardly any real damage occurred .
The paper , by examining the relevant ani-dumping cases , attempts to discuss the application of the second criterion-the threat of material harm-in determining dumping harm in anti-dumping practices .
As of 2010 , China suffered from antidumping investigation sums to 804 , of which 590 cases of the last antidumping measures against , and no doubt Chinese firms have caused tremendous damage .