
  • 网络Actual Speed;actual velocity
  1. 追求表面文章,不讲实际效果、实际效率、实际速度、实际质量、实际成本的形式主义必须制止。

    We must put a stop to formalism and to the pursuit of appearances without regard for practical results , real efficiency , actual speed , quality or cost .

  2. 综合两次MTD结果得到了目标的实际速度,并推导出了脉冲占空比和速度测量误差的关系式。

    By synthesizing twice MTD results , actual velocity of the target is gained . Relation between pulse duty ratio and velocity measurement error is deduced .

  3. 将捏合块表面实际速度与流道两端的压力作为边界条件旋加于有限元分析模型,利用ANSYS有限元计算软件求出捏合块流道的速度场与压力场。

    The real velocity on kneading block surfaces and pressure of both end are applied as boundary condition in FEM analysis . By using a finite element analysis package-ANSYS , velocity profile and pressure profile of kneading block are obtained .

  4. 基于SIFT的密集匹配方法能够得到物体表面均匀密集的点云,满足高精需求,但该算法的计算效率很低,不满足实际速度要求。

    The dense matching method based on SIFT can obtain uniform and dense point cloud for object surface , which can help to obtain high resolution results , but it has low computing efficiency .

  5. 另一种类型的轨迹是测量技术创新的实际速度。

    The second trajectory measures the actual pace of technological innovation .

  6. 理论模型和实际速度模型的计算结果证明了方法的正确性和有效性。

    The correctness and effectiveness of the method was demonstrated on theoretical and real data .

  7. 考虑该传动啮合齿对数变化引起的的波动,得到了系统的实际速度响应。

    Taking changes of mesh tooth pair number into account , the practical speed responses are gained .

  8. 之后,基于实际速度控制系统线性模型,设计了一种同时考虑抑制系统参数变化和外界负载干扰的鲁棒控制器。

    Secondly a robust controller is designed to restrain the uncertainty of the parameters and outer load disturbance simultaneously .

  9. 试验结果表明,并条机加减速过程实际速度曲线和要求速度曲线吻合良好、系统运行平稳可靠;

    The experiment results show that the real velocity curve fits the expect velocity curve well and the machine runs steady .

  10. 当迭代周期结束时,我们就知道了开发团队的实际速度,利用它代替预计速度。

    As iterations are completed , we learn the development team 's actual velocity and can work with it instead of the estimated velocity .

  11. 系统利用所测的实际速度值装定延迟时间,极大地提高了靶场测试仪器对飞行弹丸的捕获率。

    A delay time is set with real velocity of projectile in the designed system so that the capturing rate of measuring instrument is improved .

  12. 结合理论走时与观测走时反演得到每个网格点的实际速度,并得到不同深度的速度图像。

    We inverse the true velocity of each gridding point combining the theoretical and observational time . Then we obtain images of velocity in different depth .

  13. 推导了结构的实际速度和谱速度之间的转换公式,基于该转换公式修正了功率等效方法下的附加阻尼比计算公式。

    Then the transforming equality between actual and spectra velocity of structure is derived , based on which , the additional damping ratio equation is revised .

  14. 实际速度比值偏离2越大,抽取同一反射点纵波和转换波数据的误差越大,反演误差也越大。

    The more real interval velocity ratio deviates from two , the more the data of compress wave and shear wave abstracted from the same reflector point different and result of inversion deviate .

  15. 再将综合溶蚀模量和用化学动力学理论确定地下水实际速度的解析解公式与有限单元法耦合,计算确定出各节点的溶蚀速度。

    Coupling comprehensive corrosion modulus and the analytical solution formula for determining actual rate of groundwater by chemical kinetics with finite element method , we calculate the corrosion rate at each junction point .

  16. 研究了用滑转率修正系数,对不同地面和垂直载荷条件下的滑转率进行实时修正的方法,实现了在各种工况下拖拉机的实际速度与目标速度的一致。

    The real vehicle speed is held to be equal to the object vehicle speed on any work conditions by real time adjusting the slip rate that is adjusted by slip rate correction factor on different condition of soil and vertical load .

  17. 结果表明,原来的理论速度公式与实际速度有差异,而该模型计算的实际速度有重要的适用价值。

    The result which was calculated through a systematic imitation model showed that the speed calculated with former theoretical formula was different from that of real conditions , and the real speed got from the imitation model had a very important applicability .

  18. 总结分析了行人在行走时的各种参数,如行人的实际速度、平均速度、期望速度等速度概念,还总结了如行人的动静态行走空间等空间概念。

    Summarize and analyze the various parameters of the pedestrians walking , such as pedestrian speed , average speed , desired speed , speed concepts , but also summed up the concept of space , such as static and dynamic walking of the pedestrian space .

  19. 收入发展速度为扣除物价因素后的实际发展速度。

    The tempos of income refer to real tempo , The price factor is taken out .

  20. 例如,如果具有4个可运行的任务,那么fairclock将按照实际时间速度的四分之一增加。

    For example , if you have four runnable tasks , then fair_clock will increase at one quarter of the speed of wall time .

  21. 实验证明,改进的Huffman配置压缩算法与原始算法相比,尽管在一定程度上影响了压缩率,但实现了系统实际配置速度的提高。

    Experimental results show that the modified Huffman compression algorithm compared with original algorithm can achieve a higher actual configuration speed at the expense of compression ratio to some extent .

  22. 实际测量速度为40Hz~25kHz。

    The measuring speed can be from 40 Hz to 25 kHz .

  23. 实验结果表明,在配置加速比高的参数选择下,LZSS配置压缩算法能够获得更高的实际配置速度,因此选取配置加速比作为评价配置压缩算法的指标,比压缩率更具有指导意义。

    Experimental results show that LZSS configuration compression algorithm obtain higher configuration speed when choosing parameters with higher configuration speedup ratio .

  24. 比较rh、rm与本征反应速度rk的大小即可判断耦合过程的控制环节,并对实际反应速度作出粗略的估计。

    By comparison of rh , rm and the intrinsic reaction rate rk , we can determine the controlling step of the absorption / desorption process and make a rough estimate about the actual reaction rate .

  25. 该算法以提高配置加速比为出发点,分析了配置存储和配置接口的带宽不同比值时,各种Huffman编码长度和算法局部压缩率对实际配置速度的影响。

    The algorithm aims at improving configuration speedup ratio , analyzes impact of different Huffman code length and local compression ratio to configuration speed under specific difference of data rate between configuration memory and configuration interface .

  26. 转8A型转向架实际运行速度只能保证80km/h左右,要提高运行速度,必须改善车辆动力学性能和运用可靠性。

    The practical running speed of Zhuan 8A type bogies is only ensured to be 80 km / h or so . The vehicle dynamic performance and running reliability must be improved in order to increase the running speed .

  27. 在抗休克成功的患者,实际补液速度(Vt)与以公式算得的速度(Vc)之差的绝对值与Vt之比小于或等于10%,即|Vt-Vc|/Vt≤10%为准确。

    Difference between actual velocity ( Vt ) and velocity calculated by the formula ( Vc ) versus Vt was equal or less than 10 % , which expressed as | VtVc | / Vt ≤ 10 % ( considered as accurate ) .

  28. 对由于狭缝摄影机的胶片速度和目标的实际影象速度不一致产生的畸变进行了分析和修正,实现了数据的精确测量和处理-

    It makes the precise measuring and processing to image data .

  29. 实际的速度就是半径乘以角速度。

    The actual speed is the radius times angular velocity .

  30. 同这个要求相比,实际发展速度要低得多。

    Compared with the requirement , actual development speed is very lower .