
  • 网络audit system
  1. NJ县支行内部审计体系的设计内容包括设计原则、组织结构、权限职责、工作流程、管理制度、评价机制等六个组成部分。

    The Agricultural Bank of China NJ sub-branch of the internal audit system design , including design principles , organizational structure , powers duties , work flow management system , the evaluation mechanism of the six components .

  2. 在此深层分析基础上,设计了农业银行NJ县支行的独立的内部审计体系,解决此次内部审计过程中所面临的问题。

    In the cause of the problem on the basis of analysis , design of the Agricultural Bank of China NJ sub-branch of independent internal audit system , to resolve the problems of facing the internal audit process .

  3. 基于移动Agent的网格跨域安全审计体系结构及实现

    Cross-Domain Security Auditing Architecture and Implement in Grid Based on Mobile Agent

  4. 利用基于JAAS的认证功能和J2EE服务器特有的授权和审计体系,为系统的安全控制提供了保障。

    The authentication based on JAAS together with authorization and audit function provided by J2EE application server assure the security control for system .

  5. 我国高校经济效益审计体系构建初探

    A Study on Constructing University Benefit Audit System in Our Country

  6. 构建和完善新型金融审计体系框架的研究

    Study on Build-up and Improvement of Newly-type Financial Audit System Frame

  7. 基于能力观的企业战略审计体系之构建

    Construction of enterprise strategy audit system based on ability view

  8. 科学合理的审计体系已经形成。

    The scientific and rational audit system has been established .

  9. 略论金融操作风险与金融机构信息系统审计体系之构建

    Construction of Financial Operational Risk and Audit System of Financial Institution Information System

  10. 试论我国审计体系的四个支撑点

    Four strong points for Chinese audit system

  11. 所以,建立科学有效的内部审计体系,完善内审制度已成当务之急。

    Therefore , establishing the effective internal audit system and improving the system becomes so urgent .

  12. 从而构建一个完整的具有较强可操作性的工业企业内部控制审计体系。

    Thereby it builds a complete and strong operability internal control audit system in industrial enterprises .

  13. 审计体系的再探讨

    Second Research on the Auditing System

  14. 并对政府科学研究机构科技创新能力审计体系的运行及评估进行了系统研究。

    The capacity and performance of the audit system of government science and research organization are studied .

  15. 国家实验室科技创新能力审计体系的构建

    Construction of the Audit System on S & T Innovation Capacity of State Key Laboratories in China

  16. 在这种情形下,进行高校效益审计体系的研究就非常必要。

    Under such a circumstance , it 's very necessary to study the benefit audit system of university .

  17. 全文共四章:第一章俄罗斯审计体系的形成和发展。

    This study includes 4 section : Chapter 1 describes the origin and development of Russia audit system .

  18. 探讨审计体系在于研究审计要素及其相互关系。

    Research on the auditing system lies in the research on the essential factors of auditing and their interrelation .

  19. 其三,建立完善的稽核审计体系,完善专业监督检查制度。

    Fourth , establish a complete audit of the audit system and improve the professional supervision and inspection system .

  20. 各保险公司如建立起有效的内部审计体系,保险市场的违规行为将大大减少。

    Each insurance company like establishes the effective internal audit system , the safe market contrary behavior greatly will reduce .

  21. 原有审计体系的审计目标、审计重点、审计方式和方法应作相应的调整。

    Therefore the original goal of audit , the key audit points , the way to audit should be adjusted accordingly .

  22. 我们有必要借鉴引用,并深入探索架构具有中国特色的公司道德审计体系。

    We should use for reference and research deeply to form corporate moral audit system which has China 's own features .

  23. 其次从公司内部审计体系现状进行分析,发现公司内部审计体系存在的问题。

    Secondly , from the analysis of the internal audit system present situation , discovered the existence of internal auditing system problems .

  24. 这些尝试在救灾款物审计体系方面的研究中都具有开拓性。

    These attempts on the study of the audit system of relief funds and materials can all be deemed as the first time .

  25. 作为审计体系的两大组成部分&内部审计和外部审计,都是基于受托经济责任的需要而产生和发展起来的。

    Internal audit and external audit which are two parts of audit system come into being and develop on the basis of economical responsibility .

  26. 因此,完善其流程,对建立健全企业内部审计体系,促进国有企业可持续发展具有重要意义。

    Therefore , consummates its flow , to establishes the perfect enterprise management audit system , the promotion State-owned business sustainable development has the important meaning .

  27. 我国的审计体系是由内部审计、政府审计和社会审计组成的,他们在各自不同的领域发挥着不可替代的作用,其中内部审计的基础性作用尤为重要。

    China 's auditing system is composed of internal audit , audit of government and social audit , and each plays a unique role in its respective field .

  28. 而企业风险管理工作是否有效在很大程度上取决于企业内部是否有一个完整高效的内部审计体系来对风险管理进行监督及评价。

    Enterprise risk management is valid to a large extent ; depend on whether there is a complete efficient internal auditing system to oversee risk management and evaluation .

  29. 为此,我们应该加强法规对会计行为的监督控制,转变政府会计管理工作职能,健全民间审计体系。

    We should enforce the supervision and control of the laws and regulations to the accounting activities , change the administrative function of governments , and amplify the non-government system of auditing .

  30. 推进政务公开、行政效能监察和问责制相结合,重点强调应逐步导入基于绩效的公共预算体系和绩效审计体系;

    Push on government affairs open , administration efficacy and system of responsibility combination , emphasize on public budget system and performance audit system step by step on the basis of performance .