
xuān pàn
  • pronounce judgment;give decision in a case;condemn;adjudge;sentence
宣判 [xuān pàn]
  • [pronounce judgment;give decision in a case] 法庭向当事人宣布判决结果

  • 那个案件这几天就要宣判了

宣判[xuān pàn]
  1. 我们到底愿不愿意把我们一切的事交托神,让祂去宣判呢?

    Are we willing to have all our ways submitted to God , for Him to pronounce judgment on them ?

  2. 法官将于今天宣判。

    The judge will pronounce sentence today .

  3. 该公司被宣判破产。

    The company was adjudged bankrupt .

  4. 在宣判前,米尔斯先生越狱了。

    Before sentence was passed , Mr Mills escaped from jail .

  5. 他已经认罪,会在晚些时候宣判。

    He has admitted the charge and will be sentenced later .

  6. 地方法官宣判林先生扰乱治安罪名不成立。

    Mr Ling was acquitted of disorderly behaviour by magistrates .

  7. 在被宣判犯有叛乱罪和叛国罪后,他们昨天被枪决了。

    They were shot yesterday after being convicted of mutiny and high treason .

  8. 法庭宣判其持械抢劫罪名成立后他被驱逐出境。

    He was deported on a court order following a conviction for armed robbery

  9. 现如今宣判的裁决比以前严厉了。

    Tougher sentences are being handed down these days

  10. 鉴于对你的所有指控都证明属实,我特此宣判你无期徒刑。

    I hereby sentence you for life after all the charges against you have been proven true

  11. 他被宣判无罪。

    He was acquitted of the crime .

  12. 法官宣判被告偷窃。n.罪犯

    The judge convicted the accused man of theft .

  13. •Last.fm的联合创始人理查德•琼斯说得更直白:“苹果对iPhone在线音乐服务宣判了死刑。”

    FM , put it more bluntly : " apple just ____ over online music subs for the iPhone . "

  14. 伦敦CommonSerjeant法院的Barker法官决定保守宣判此案。

    Judge Barker , the Common Serjeant of London , decided to exercise it sparingly .

  15. 上月,一家香港法院宣判,摩根士丹利一名前投资银行家的内幕交易罪名成立。这名前雇员是在为中国最大的国有投资集团中信资源(CiticResources)提供顾问服务期间获得相关信息的。

    Last month , a Hong Kong court convicted a former Morgan Stanley investment banker for insider trading involving information he obtained while advising Citic Resources , China 's largest state-owned investment group .

  16. 短短两周,这种交易便迅速引起了公众关注,然后被美国证券交易委员会(sec)迅速宣判了死刑。

    In just two weeks , these trades have exploded into public consciousness and then been served a likely death sentence by the securities and Exchange Commission .

  17. vt.发音;宣判;断言vi.发音;作出判断老师缓慢地朗读每个词。

    pronounce The teacher pronounced each word slowly .

  18. Chevron石油承认通过第三方非法获得伊拉克石油之后两周对Wyatt进行宣判。

    Wyatt 's sentencing comes two weeks after Chevron oil admitted obtaining Iraqi oil illegally through third parties .

  19. 11.acquitvt.宣告无罪他被宣判无罪。

    He was acquitted of a crime .

  20. Clarke先生表示同意,他认为公布宣判符合政府透明化的承诺他还表示打算就下一步该如何做咨询高级法官。

    Mr Clarke agreed that the sentencing proposals chime with the government 's commitment to transparency ; he plans to consult senior judges about what to do next .

  21. 虽然上述判决标志着其在美国取得最新胜利,但欧洲法庭却宣判Ebay败诉于路易酩轩(LVMH),并在近几个月里做出了两项判决,各判罚Ebay赔偿数百万美元。

    While this marks its latest victory in America , courts in Europe have been ruling in favour of LVMH , handing down two multi-million dollar judgements in recent months .

  22. 对旁观者来说最重要的信息在于,心脏骤停并不意味着死亡宣判,如果更多人懂得如何进行CPR和胸外按压,会有更多生命被拯救。

    The main message to bystanders is that cardiac arrest is not necessarily a death sentence , but lives can be saved if more people learn CPR and how to deliver chest compressions .

  23. 受英澳矿业企业力拓(RioTinto)四名员工因涉嫌受贿和侵犯商业秘密而受审的影响,在华外国企业正受到密切关注。力拓案预计将于本周一宣判。

    Foreign businesses in China are coming under heavy scrutiny as a result of the bribery and commercial secrets trial of four employees of Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian miner , with a verdict expected on Monday .

  24. 力拓案今日宣判四被告或判有期徒刑预计上海一家法院将宣判澳大利亚公民胡士泰及力拓股份有限公司(RioTintoLtd.)其余三名经理人涉嫌窃取商业秘密和收受贿赂一案。

    Shanghai Court to Issue Rio Tinto Verdicts SHANGHAI ( Dow Jones ) -- A Shanghai court is expected to issue verdicts for Australian national Stern Hu and three other Rio Tinto Ltd. executives on charges of commercial spying and bribe-taking ,

  25. 一个联邦陪审团宣判,“齐柏林飞艇”(LedZeppelin)的摇滚名曲《通向天堂的阶梯》(StairwaytoHeaven)当中前奏的乐段并不是抄袭而来,令乐队在危及数百万美元利益的版权诉讼案中获胜。

    Led Zeppelin did not steal the opening riff of its rock anthem " Stairway to Heaven , " a federal jury ruled here , giving the band a victory in a copyright case in which millions of dollars were at stake .

  26. 他的律师马克穆凯西(marcmukasey)向法庭表示,他将尽力与检方达成新的保释协议,说服法官释放迪帕斯凯利,直至宣判。

    Marc Mukasey , his lawyer , told the court he would try to fashion a bail package with the prosecution that would persuade the judge to release Mr DiPascali until his sentencing .

  27. 最高法院法官DeenaBaltman在宣判其罪行时说,38岁的Jha是Niyati的唯一保护人,然而,“他非但没有保护她,反而一再殴打她,最终将其致死。”

    In delivering her sentence , Superior Court Justice Deena Baltman said the 38-year-old Jha was Niyati 's sole protector but " instead of defending her , she beat her repeatedly , ultimately to death . "

  28. 对Inglis夫人的宣判不能也不应被视为阻止人们善意地保护病症晚期的亲人,也并非向社会传达法律禁止人们结束亲友痛苦生命的信息。

    Mrs Inglis ` s sentence cannot , should not , have been about protecting the terminally ill from well-intentioned relatives or " sending messages " to the public that they are not empowered to end a loved one ` s agonising life .

  29. 法官宣判凶手死刑。

    The judge pronounced a sentence of death on the murderer .

  30. 他被宣判犯有一系列针对保险公司的欺诈罪

    He was convicted of a series of fraud against insurance company