
xiāo jìn
  • curfew
宵禁 [xiāo jìn]
  • [curfew] 戒严期间夜间禁止人们外出或通行

宵禁[xiāo jìn]
  1. 军队对这座城市实行了宵禁。

    The army clamped a curfew on the city .

  2. 你必须在实行宵禁以前回到家中。

    You must get home before curfew .

  3. 军队强制实行黄昏至黎明的宵禁。

    The army imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew .

  4. 地方当局说宵禁是一种预防措施。

    The local administration says the curfew is a precautionary measure .

  5. 正在执行12小时的宵禁。

    A twelve hour night time curfew is in force .

  6. 军队目前在斯利那加巡逻,且已实行了宵禁。

    The army is now on patrol in Srinagar and a curfew has been imposed

  7. 成千上万的人不顾宵禁涌上街头。

    Thousands of people have taken to the streets in defiance of the curfew .

  8. 采取了一些措施以缓和宵禁的紧张气氛。

    There were some moves to let up on this curfew a little bit .

  9. 在该村实行了宵禁。

    The village was placed under curfew

  10. 非国大声称宵禁使得警察肆无忌惮地把人们当动物来抓捕。

    The ANC claimed the curfew gave licence to the police to hunt people as if they were animals

  11. 华盛顿特区市长穆里尔·鲍泽宣布从1月6日18点至1月7日6点实行全市宵禁。

    Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser declared a citywide curfew from 6 pm on Wednesday to 6 am on Thursday .

  12. awfully:极端地,非常地beconcernedabout:忧虑break:打破curfew:宵禁他不过是个没守宵禁的14岁男孩,你太过担心了。

    Rufus : You 're awfully concerned about a 14-year-old boy breaking curfew . -

  13. 这段44秒的雪花屏录像已经被上传到了视频网站YouTube上。考虑到居民的安全,当地政府不得不从晚上9点就开始实施宵禁。

    In the wake of these sightings , government officials have put in place a 9pm curfew .

  14. BREE,宵禁不会有什么效果的。

    Bree , a curfew isn 't gonna do any good .

  15. 在组合优化过程中,往往需要获得从起点到终点之间的最短路,而其所考虑的目标可能是一个与时间相关的变量,同时,对于网络中的节点往往有宵禁的限制(curfews)。

    Shortest path problem is a basic are in the combinatorial optimization . The objective is time variable . Moreover , there are curfews in some nodes in the network .

  16. 他没遵守的不是我的宵禁。他一直住在Ostroff中心。

    Lily : Well , it 's not my curfew he 's breaking . He 's been staying at the Ostroff center .

  17. 在17岁的时候他顺利通过了在Llor的考试,并取得了不错的成绩,无需宵禁,而且能很好地处理由于全校最高的身高所带来的困扰。

    He coursed through school to age17 at Llor , reaping fine grades , requiring no curfew and pretty well navigating the tallest-guy-in-school challenge .

  18. 从黄昏到黎明,实行了严格的宵禁。

    A strict curfew has been imposed from dusk till dawn .

  19. 这个地方在大部分的时间都处于宵禁之中。

    Much of the time the area has been under curfew .

  20. 在审判前执行的全国宵禁令仍没有取消。

    A curfew imposed ahead of the judgment remains in place .

  21. 此前,他下令立即在阿比让实施夜间宵禁。

    Earlier , he imposed an immediate overnight curfew on Abidjan .

  22. 晚上七点以后,宵禁变为全面宵禁。

    After seven in the evening , the curfew became total .

  23. 城市主要地区已实行了宵禁。

    Curfews were in force in major districts of the capital .

  24. 他们可能在西海岸实行宵禁。

    They might impose a curfew along their western sea coast .

  25. 这起案件导致对全体驻日美军实行宵禁。

    The case prompted a Japan-wide curfew for U.S. service members .

  26. 不过因为伊朗的事态走向太疯狂了,所以伊朗政府正在计划宵禁。

    But the Iranian supreme leader says the election results are official .

  27. 他对青少年实行宵禁,如违反该规则,其父母还将被罚款。

    He announced curfews for teens and accompanying fines for their parents .

  28. 拜托别说我晚上有宵禁

    But please don 't say I have a curfew .

  29. 安德鲁斯宣布取消包括夜间宵禁在内的部分限制措施。

    Andrews announced the lifting of some curbs including a nighttime curfew .

  30. 在宵禁前我必须回家去

    and I have to get home before my curfew .
