
  • 网络capacity;Carrying capacity;load
  1. 结果显示:大寨子亚种群是一个具有很强的潜在繁殖力的种群,如果没有偷猎,亚种群在100a之内不会灭绝,并且能迅速达到环境容纳量。

    Results of the simulation suggest that in the absence of poaching the population will reach carrying capacity within the next 100 years .

  2. 我们早前听说HomeKit不是发布会的重要内容,而这次的场地、密切相关的Siri和场地的容纳量都说明除了升级iPhone设备、新的AppleTV和AppleWatch2.0操作系统,发布会上一定还会有什么其他东西。

    We 'd previously heard that HomeKit wouldn 't be a big part of the launch , but the location , the Siri tie-in and the capacity of this event imply there has to be something beyond updated iPhone devices , a new Apple TV and the launch of watchOS 2.0 .

  3. 平衡种群密度与环境容纳量k值相等。

    The equilibrium population density is equivalent to the carrying capacity K.

  4. 为解决这个问题,本文采用MATLAB仿真计算平台进行了实测分析与研究,对LOGISTIC人口预测模型进行了泛化式改进,获得了与其它文献不同的人口环境容纳量。

    In order to solve the problem , the paper analyzes actual measurement and deliberates with utilization of MATLAB simulation platform , makes generalized improvements to LOGISTIC population prediction model was improved , and achieves environment capacities of population which are different from other literature .

  5. 根据Leslie矩阵模型,到1998年,麋鹿将发展到400余头,接近其环境容纳量,到2000年将发展到约1600头。届时它将逐渐达到稳定年龄分布。

    According to Leslie matrix model , population size of David 's deer will increase to 420 in 1998 which is about the environmental capacity , and 604 in 2000.The instantaneous rate of increase is 0.2067 when the population reach a stable age distribution .

  6. 结果表明,玉米螟赤眼蜂在羽化初期(0~3h),卵巢中只有部分卵处于成熟状态,随着雌蜂年龄的增加,其抱卵量不断增加,至72h时接近其卵巢容纳量。

    The results showed that only a fraction of mature eggs were observed in ovaries at the early stage after emergence , however , egg load increased as the female age increased and almost corresponded to ovary storage capacity by 72 h of adult life .

  7. 鹿类动物冬季环境容纳量估算方法评价

    Evaluation on Methods of Estimating Winter Habitat Carrying Capacity of Cervidae

  8. 环青海湖地区天然草场牦牛的环境容纳量

    Carrying Capacity of Yak in Surrounding Qinghai Lake Area Ecosystem

  9. 该半岛猕猴最大容纳量为1850只。

    The maximum carrying capacity at the peninsula is approximately 1850 individuals .

  10. 白头鹤在升金湖上湖越冬期环境容纳量的研究

    Environmental carrying capacity for over - wintering hooded cranes in Shengjin Lake

  11. 在综述了国内外有关容纳量研究现状的基础上,提出了野生动物环境容纳量研究的发展方向。

    The status and development of carrying capacity were summarized .

  12. 闽南-台湾浅滩海域生态系统渔业资源容纳量

    Fishery resource capacity in ecosystem of Minnan-Taiwan Shoal Fishing Ground

  13. 大学容纳量过小对社会阶层间的流动的损害更甚于高额学费。

    Too little capacity hampers social mobility more than high tuition fees .

  14. 每个生态系统都有我们所说的容纳量。

    Every ecosystem has what we call a carrying capacity .

  15. 海珍品综合增养殖中的种间关系和生态容纳量的研究

    Study on the interspecific relationship and ecological capacity in rare marine animals culture

  16. 关于容纳量及其研究

    On the carrying capacity and its study

  17. 具有振动容纳量的单种群模型

    Single species models with oscillatory carrying capacities

  18. 机场容纳量将会提升……。

    An increase in airport capacity would occur . Property values near airports might rise .

  19. 容纳量是物种群体大小的最大化,可以由一个特定生态系统的资源支撑。

    The carrying capacity is the maximum population size of a species that can be sustained by the resources of a particular ecosystem .

  20. 这种方法不仅能增加沼气的收集量,而且能增大垃圾填埋场的容纳量,因为垃圾腐烂过程中体积会变小。

    That should increase not just the amount of methane collected but also the capacity of the landfill , since waste shrinks as it rots .

  21. 当环境容纳量是单调时单种群增长模型解的渐近性。

    This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of models of single species growth when the carrying capacity of the environment is monotonic .

  22. 应进一步研究该水域养殖容纳量,进行科学、合理的规划,调整养殖布局,以取得更好的经济效益和生态效益。

    Therefore , aquaculture capacity should be further studied to plan the waters scientifically and reasonably , adjust fishery placement and achieve better economic and social benefits .

  23. 种群的未来发展对环境容纳量的大小变化具有高度的敏感性:环境容纳量大幅度减少时,对种群的负面影响非常严重;

    The future dynamics of the population would be sensitive to variations in environmental capacity : the effect would be awfully serious when if capacity was violently reduced .

  24. 但新的研究认为:更有可能的原因是它们的数量已经达到了该物种在东太平洋环境容纳量的最大值。

    But the new research suggests it 's more likely that California blue whales have reached the limits to growth in that region of the eastern Pacific Ocean .

  25. 根据国内外鹿类动物环境容纳量研究现状,按确定容纳量的研究方法将其归纳为营养容纳量和空间容纳量两大类。

    Two primary methods were summarized to estimate habitat carrying capacity , by nutrition and by space , according to the current research status of deer carrying capacity in recent years ;

  26. 然而,一个城市的人口容纳量是一定的,这么多外地人来到北京,必然会占用北京的资源,对北京的交通、治安、环境等造成影响。

    However , the urban population of accommodation is certain , the foreigners will take up the resources of Beijing . such as the Beijing traffic , public security , environmental impact .

  27. 专业生态位、专业规模与环境容纳量、专业内外的竞争与种群波动、专业体系的多样性发展,都对学生的发展有着重要影响。

    Specialty niche , specialty scale and environmental carrying , specialty internal and external competition and population fluctuation , and the variety of specialty development all have great influence on students ' development .

  28. 其次,以安全容纳量计算和连续人群流动模型为基础,从总体和局部进行人群控制的角度探讨了事故发生的机理。

    Secondly , it is discussed that the mechanism of the accidents based on not only safe capacity and continuum crowd flow model , but also from overall and local perspective for crowd control .

  29. 考虑当环境容纳量是振动时单种群增长模型解的渐近性,所得结果推广了文[5]中给出的结果。

    This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of models of single species growth when the carrying capacity of the environment is oscillatory . The present paper extends known results obtained in [ 5 ] .

  30. 石油烃环境容量的估算是海上油(气)田开发工程环境影响评价中评估海域污染物容纳量、规定污染物排量控制指标、评价污染物处理措施以及环境影响情况的基础和关键。

    The calculation of the hydrocarbon environmental capacity is the foundation and key to the evaluation of sea area pollu-tant capacity , stipulating pollutant control criteria , appraising pollutant treatment measures and environmental impact in off-shore oil / gas development .