
  • 网络Foreign trade operators;foreign trade dealers
  1. 对外贸易经营者可以依法成立和参加进出口商会。

    Foreign trade dealers may establish or join Chambers of Commerce for importers and exporters in accordance with law .

  2. 对外贸易经营者依法自主经营、自负盈亏。

    Foreign trade dealers shall enjoy full autonomy in their Business operation and be responsible for their own profits and losses in accordance with law .

  3. 通过海关互助合作,发现对外贸易经营者涉嫌存在低开出口发票的行为;

    Informants about other behaviours of writing export invoice at a lower price .

  4. 商务部关于《对外贸易经营者备案登记办法》公开征求意见的通知

    Circular of the Ministry of Commerce of the People 's Republic of China , on Inviting Public Comments on Measures for the Record and Registration of Foreign Trade Operators

  5. 本法所称对外贸易经营者,是指依照本法规定从事对外贸易经营活动的法人和其他组织。

    Foreign trade dealers as mentioned in this Law shall cover the legal entities and other organizations engaged in foreign trade dealings in compliance with the provisions of this Law .

  6. 对外贸易经营者未按照规定办理备案登记的,海关不予办理进出口货物的报关验放手续。

    Where a foreign trade dealer fails to register as required by regulations , the Customs shall not process the procedures of declaration , inspection and release for the import or export of goods .

  7. 对外贸易经营者可以依法成立和参加进出口商会。投资者并购省内产品出口国有企业,可优先赋予外贸经营权。

    Foreign trade dealers may establish or join Chambers of Commerce for Importers and Exporters in accordance with law . 6 For merger and acquisition of SOEs , the investors shall be given priority to operating right for foreign trade .

  8. 对外贸易经营者出口技术设备的,应就所涉技术领域检索进口方所在国家和地区的专利文献,避免侵犯第三方专利权。

    When foreign business operators export technologies or equipments , they shall retrieve the patent documents in the relevant technical fields of the country or region where the importer is located , so as to avoid infringing upon the patent right of any third part .

  9. 国家鼓励发展对外贸易,发挥地方的积极性,保障对外贸易经营者的经营自主权。

    The State encourages the development of foreign trade , exercises the initiative of localities and safeguards the autonomy of business operation of the foreign trade operators .