
  • 网络Correspondence;correspondence analysis;Correspondent Analysis;cCa
  1. 对应分析(CA)结果表明道路边界的植被主要由非盐生的本地植物构成。

    A correspondence analysis ( CA ) illuminated that the roadside vegetation primarily consists of non-halophytic native species .

  2. 典型对应分析的结果表明,影响前缘氨氧化细菌多样性变化的因素为铵态氮,pH和总盐。

    Canonical Correspondence Analysis ( CCA ) showed Ammoniac Nitrogen , total salt and pH were main factors affected Ammonia oxidizing bacterial diversity .

  3. 基于OpenGL的对应分析因子载荷三维图的绘制

    The Factor Loading 3D Graph Drawing of the Correspondence Analysis Based on OpenGL

  4. TM图象对应分析研究

    Study of Correspondence Analysis on Landsat TM

  5. 排序是植被与环境关系分析的重要手段。利用地理信息系统技术(GIS)结合除趋势典范对应分析对黄土高原地区植被与气候关系进行了研究。

    The relationship between information of vegetation and climate variables in Loess Plateau in China is analyzed by using technique of GIS combined with DCCA ( detrended canonical correspondence analysis ) .

  6. 根据盖度值应用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)对其分布格局进行了分析。

    TWINSPAN and DCA were adopted to analyze their distribution pattern on the basis of their degrees of coverage .

  7. 通过去趋势对应分析(DCA)判断其是否具有线性相关关系,具有线性相关关系选择冗余分析(RDA),具有非线性相关关系则选择典型对应分析(CCA)。

    We determine whether they have a linear relationship by detrended correspondence analysis ( DCA ) .

  8. 品种类型与HMW-GS组合的对应分析验证了HMW-GS品质效应的分析结果。

    The subunit effects on quality traits was further affirmed by correspondence analysis of cultivar type and HMW-GS gene pyramiding manner .

  9. 利用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)对昆嵛山不同林分类型下的灌木层和草本层进行了数量生态学分析。

    The TWINSPAN classification and DCA ordination were employed for the quantitative analysis of the shrub layer and herbage layer under different stands .

  10. 以横山县为例,从两种尺度上,利用野外调查,实验室分析和典范对应分析(CCA),得到不同尺度下(小流域尺度和县域尺度)土壤理化性质对环境因子的响应。

    Taking Hengshan County as a case , the relationships of land types , soil properties and topography were analyzed at two different scales using CCA method .

  11. 本文从泊松定理出发,设计三度体理论模型,运用重磁对应分析方法,研究理论模型的重磁异常相关系数R、斜率B和截距A。

    According to the Poisson ` s theorem , the theories model of three degrees body was designed , and the related coefficient R , inclined rate B and intercepts A of model ` s gravity and magnetic anomalies by using correspondence analysis method were studied .

  12. 典范对应分析(CCA)是当前生态学最为有效的排序研究方法。

    Canonical Correspondence Analysis ( CCA ), one of most effective ecological ordination tools in the world today , could be applied to analyze examination grades of students in pedagogy .

  13. 采用去势典范对应分析(DCCA)方法,分析了不同移栽处理中气候因子与烟草评吸指标之间的关系。

    Detrended canonical correspondence analysis ( DCCA ) method to analyze the relationship between the different transplanting deal with climate factors and tobacco smoking indicators .

  14. 时间-空间对应分析表明:2002、2003年为珠江三角洲PR流行的高峰期,粤北在2001年为高发年份;2002、2003年,PR的流行率均以粤东为最低。

    Analysis of spatial-temporal correspondence showed that the high seroprevalence of PR for Pearl River Delta appeared in 2002 and 2003 , for the north in 2001.In 2002 and 2003 , the low seroprevalence of PR were observed in the east .

  15. 本文运用二元指示种分析TWINSPAN和无倾向对应分析DCA的数学方法对草地植被进行分类与排序。

    The classification and ordination of the grassland vegetation are studied with the numerical methods of TWINSPAN ( Two-way indicative species analysis ) and DCA ( Detrended correspondence analysis ) .

  16. 方法将食物中毒分为4类,中毒食品分为7类,以SPSS100FORWINDOWS的对应分析(ANACOR)进行数据处理与绘图。

    Methods The types of food poisoning were divided into 4 and poisoning foods into 7 kinds and analyzed by correlative analysis ( ANACOR ) in SPSS 10 0 for Windows .

  17. 而对照和处理对应分析中毒蛋白含量与IAA含量关系均不密切,推测Bt基因的表达可能不受生长素的诱导;

    On the other hand , the toxin protein content bore little relation to the IAA content in both check and treatment , from which we can inferred that the expression of Bt toxin gene was not induced by IAA ;

  18. 等级聚类分析和无偏对应分析(DCA)结果显示:次生林群落多样性较高,人工林较低。

    The results of Hierarchy Clustering Analysis and Detrended Correspondence Analysis ( DCA ) showed similar trend : Secondary forest had the highest diversity , while the diversity of the plantations is relatively lower .

  19. 基于75种记录的藓类植物及其盖度数据,应用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)分析其分布格局。

    Based on 75 recorded moss species and their coverage , Two-way Indicator Species Analysis ( TWINSPAN ) and Detrended Correspondence Analysis ( DCA ) were used to analyze their distribution patterns .

  20. 本文通过对天山中段植物群落的DCA排序和TWINSPAN等级制分类及其与3个土壤变量的CCA典范对应分析,定量地研究了该区域植被分布与环境之间的相互关系。

    In this paper , the relationship between the vegetation distribution and the environment of the middle stretch of Tianshan M. was quantitatively investigated with the methods of DCA ordination , Twinspan classification and CCA analysis .

  21. 应用典型对应分析法(CCA)对藻类植物的个体丰度与环境变量的相关性进行测定,探讨了不同理化指标的变化对不同季节各采样点藻类群落结构变化规律的影响。

    The algal individual abundance and environment variables were examined by canonical correspondence analysis ( CCA ) . Among sampling stations different physical and chemical indicators impact the algal community structure . The distributions were discussed in different seasons .

  22. 去势典范对应分析(DCCA)发现坡位、经纬度、年降水量和3-5月降水量对物种分布产生影响。

    Species distribution is found to be greatly influenced by slope positions , longitude and latitude , annual precipitation and precipitation from March to May through detrended canonical correspondence analysis ( DCCA ) . 3 .

  23. 出现频率在15%以上的24个物种与6种环境因子之间的典范对应分析(CCA)结果显示,总氮、总磷和溶解氧对该地区大型底栖无脊椎动物群落多样性的影响较大。

    CCA analysis of the 24 species that were more than 15 % in occurrence frequency and 6 environmental factors showed that total nitrogen , total phosphorus and dissolved oxygen were the major factors influencing distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in the research area .

  24. 方法采用核心津下套圈缝合联合周边Halsted缝合法临床治疗71例98指,术后早期主动活动,定期随访,将随访结果与其他缝合方法进行对应分析比较。

    Methods 98 digits in 71 cases were treated with Center intra-tendinous suture and Halsted suture in edge . Following up 3 to 6 moths , the results were compared with other methods .

  25. 探讨了缙云山常绿阔叶林物种多样性的变化特征,并运用去势典范对应分析(DCCA)方法,分析了不同样方中土壤因子与群落多样性指数之间的关系。

    The variation patterns of species diversity in evergreen broad-leaved forests in the Jinyun Mountain were studied and the relationship between soil factors and species diversity was analyzed using detrended canonical correspondence analysis ( DCCA ) method .

  26. 借助于前人根据中国东部区域表土层孢粉数据,运用对应分析方法所建立的孢粉&气候转换函数,对本文MZ钻孔孢粉数据进行转换,重建崇明岛地区第四纪以来年均温度序列。

    Transforming sporo-pollen data from MZ borehole as an aid in setting up pollen-climate transfer functions The Quaternary sequence about mean annual temperature is reestablished , by use of the factor analysis based on modern and fossil pollen data .

  27. 去势对应分析(DCA)和典范对应分析(CCA)被用于分析17种环境因子之间的相关性,和环境因子对27个多样性结构成分和67个样方空间格局的影响;

    Detrended Correspondence Analysis ( DCA ) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis ( CCA ) were applied to detect relationships among 17 measured environmental indices , as well as the effects of environmental factors on the spatial patterns of 27 structural indices of biodiversity and 67 sampling plots .

  28. 在样方调查的基础上,分别采用双向指示种分类法(TWINSPAN)、除趋势对应分析法(DCA)和典范对应分析(CCA)对东灵山地区濒危植物刺五加的生存群落进行数量分析。

    Based on the survey of community plots , a quantitative analysis of endangered Acanthopanax senticosus communities in Dongling Mountain was performed with two way indicator species analysis ( TWINSPAN ), detrended correspondence analysis ( DCA ) and canonical correspondence analysis ( CCA ) . The communities of A.

  29. 还对应分析了雨季开始偏早年及偏晚年1月及5月100、500hPa及SLP场距平合成场,并与2002年进行了比较,得到了一些对预测云南雨季开始期有指导性的结论。

    In addition , 100 , 500 hPa and SLP anomalous fields in January and May were analyzed in earlier and latter years of rainy season onset time . Comparing with the circulations in 2002 , some directive results of predicting onset time in rainy season of Yunnan were obtained .

  30. 性传播疾病季节性的对应分析

    Application of Correspondence Analysis to Season Character of Sexually Transmitted Diseases