
  • 网络guarantee
  1. 对外担保本来是一正常的经济现象,它是经济运行过程中为克服信息不对称所采用的一种必要的经济与法律手段。

    Guarantee is originally a normal economic phenomenon , which is a necessary economic and legal mean to overcome the information asymmetry in the process of economic operation .

  2. 在市场经济的健康发展之中,公司对外担保的现象十分普遍。

    Corporate guarantee is widespread in the development of market economy .

  3. 上市公司对外担保行为的股权结构特征解析

    The Guarantee of Listed Companies : A Perspective of Ownership Structure

  4. 董事会特征对上市公司对外担保行为的影响十分明显。

    Board characters have a significant influence on guarantee behavior .

  5. 公司对外担保应当由公司董事会自主决定。

    The board of directors shall decide the external security by itself .

  6. 上市公司对外担保风险及防范研究

    Probe into the Risk of Listed Companies ' Security and Guarding System

  7. 公司对外担保效力的实务解读

    Practical Analysis on A Company ' Effect of Guarantee

  8. 从公司治理谈我国上市公司对外担保

    Discuss about corporate external guaranty from corporate governance aspect

  9. 上市公司对外担保行为涉及的法律问题

    Legal Issues Regarding External Security by Listed Companies

  10. 最后,对如何规范上市公司对外担保行为提出对策和建议。

    Finally , suggestions and countermeasures are brought forward to regulating the guarantee behavior .

  11. 对于上市公司对外担保能力问题问题,各国立法对上市公司担保问题的处理不尽相同,大部分采取了较为灵活的态度。

    Legislations treat guarantee ability of listed company with different attitude in many countries .

  12. 股权结构对上市公司对外担保行为具有很强的影响力。

    Ownership structure significantly influences corporation guarantee behavior .

  13. 严格控制上市公司的对外担保风险

    Strictly controlling the risks of listed companies in providing guaranty to any other party

  14. 公司对外担保效力研究

    Study on a Company 's Guarantee Effect

  15. 而一旦债务人陷入财政危机时,债权人就面临着债权不能实现或者不能完全实现的风险。再次,公司对外担保可能会引起市场风险。

    Moreover , the company guarantees to the outside that may cause the market risk .

  16. 第三种是或有负债类的,包括各种对外担保和法律诉讼所可能发生的资产损失;

    The third is debt , including potential asset loss caused by sponsion and lawsuit .

  17. 近年来,独立担保被广泛运用于国际金融、国际贸易领域,我国在对外担保业务中也频繁使用。

    At present , guarantee is already applied in international finance , trade field extensively .

  18. 第二部分,针对现行公司对外担保制度进行了分析。

    The second part of the article analyzes the security system in the Corporate Law .

  19. 在现代,各国对公司对外担保的限制日益放宽,甚而不再对其加以特别限制。

    In the modern times , every country has relaxed the restrictions of external security .

  20. 依法追究违规占用资金和对外担保行为的责任

    Lawfully investigating the liabilities for irregular possession of funds and provision of guaranty to other parties

  21. 关联担保是我国上市公司最典型的对外担保形式。

    Connected guarantee is the most typical form of the guarantee behaviors of Chinese listed companies .

  22. 我国证券市场上屡屡惊现的上市公司非理性对外担保的案例已经引起了市场参与各方的强烈关注。

    Many cases of irrational guarantee of listed companies have surprised every participant in China 's securities markets .

  23. 第一,公司对外担保的利弊分析。首先,公司对外担保可能会损害公司股东的利益。

    Secondly , the company guarantees to the outside that may damage the interests of the company creditor .

  24. 我国上市公司对外担保引致财务困境问题不容忽视。

    This paper studies the theoretical and empirical issues on the financial distress induced by corporate external guaranty .

  25. 我国上市公司对外担保行为在证券市场和金融机构中引发了诸多问题。

    The guarantee of Chinese listed companies has raised sev - eral problems in security market and financial institutions .

  26. 文章由此从管理和法律两个路径展开对外担保的研究。

    So the research is carried out along two different way , the foreign guarantee management and the legislation .

  27. 因此可以看出对于公司对外担保问题,有着进行深入研究的必要性和现实意义。

    Therefore , about the corporation external guaranty problem , there 're needs of sinking into researching and actual meanings .

  28. 本文对上市公司对外担保涉及的相关法律问题进行了系统梳理,以期能为规范上市公司担保行为提供参考。

    This paper reviews relevant legal issues on external security by listed companies in hope to provide for useful reference .

  29. 上市公司对外担保由来已久,其中积聚的问题也错综复杂。

    It is not new for listed companies to guarantee for external loan , and the problems concerned are complicated .

  30. 在对我国现行公司对外担保制度进行分析后,就公司做出对外担保的决议违反公司章程规定的效力分类别进行了论述。

    After analyzing the security system of the corporation , the effect of violation the corporate charter was discussed by category .