
  • 网络Symmetric Information;symmetrical information;symmetry information
  1. 而在每种情况下,又分对称信息(非创新企业知道RD结局)和不对称信息(非创新企业不知道RD结局)两种情况。

    The non innovating firm knows R & D outcome for symmetric information and does not know it for asymmetric information .

  2. 随后构建对称信息下的TPT-RSC协调模型,分别对分散决策和集中决策两种情形下的结果进行分析,并运用价格补贴契约实现TPT-RSC的协调。

    Then it builds the TPT-RSC coordination model under symmetric information , analyzes the results between decentralized decision-making and centralized decision-making , and uses the price subsidies contract to achieve the TPT-RSC coordination .

  3. 非对称信息、IPO退出与创业企业家激励

    Asymmetric Information , IPO Exit and Motivation to Venture Entrepreneur

  4. 非对称信息下创业投资IPO退出激励机制研究

    Research on Motivation Model of IPO Exit to Venture Entrepreneur under Asymmetric Information

  5. 经济学中的委托&代理关系泛指任何一种涉及非对称信息的交易,即在交易过程中,拥有信息优势的一方被称为代理人(agent)而另一方则称为委托人(principal)。

    The principal-agent relation in economics is the exchange that relate to asymmetric information . In the course trade-off , have information advantage is agent , and that another is principal .

  6. 本章首先分别运用委托代理理论、非对称信息理论和信号传递理论深入剖析股权结构影响企业RD投资行为的理论基础,然后在此基础上,分析不同股权结构下的企业RD投资行为机理。

    This chapter first studies deeply the theoretical basis of the affection of ownership structure on R & D investment behavior by using principal-agent theory , asymmetric information theory and signaling theory respectively .

  7. 构建了非对称信息下的逆向供应链Stackelberg博弈模型。

    The paper built a Stackelberg game model for reverse supply chain under the asymmetric information .

  8. 非对称信息下BPO风险、成本和决策博弈研究

    Study on the Risk , Cost and Decision-making Game of BPO in the Asymmetric Information Condition

  9. 虽然非对称信息理论模型一直在学术界盛行,但是所有关于IPO抑价理论都过分强调了自己的理论解释而忽视其他理论对IPO抑价的解释。

    Although the theory of asymmetric information model has been popular in academia , but all the theories about the IPO underpricing overemphasize his theory while ignoring other theories .

  10. 在对称信息的框架下,建立了双渠道供应链中制造商电子渠道与零售商服务合作的Stackelberg和Bertrand模型。

    In the symmetric-information framework , the service-cooperation Stackelberg and Bertrand model of electronic channels and retailers in dual-channel supply chain are proposed .

  11. 股市的变动反映实体经济的变动,同时它的变化又对实体经济产生影响,影响效应主要有Q值效应、非对称信息效应、财富效应以及流动性效应等。

    The fluctuation of stock market reflects the change of real economy and affects the latter at the same time . The effects mainly include the Q effect , asymmetric information effect , fortune effect and the liquidity effect etc.

  12. 货币政策通过股票市场传导的渠道有:托宾的q理论、财富效应渠道、非对称信息效应渠道、流动性效应渠道和狭义股票市场渠道。

    The monetary policy 's channels , which are transmitted by the stock market , include Tobin 's Q theory , wealth effect channel , asymmetric information effect channel ? liquidity effect channel and narrow sense stock market channel .

  13. 在以往的研究中,IPO抑价和后市表现长期被割裂,前者通常采用有效市场假说(EMH)和非对称信息的分析框架,而后者则对有效市场假说构成挑战。

    The efficient markets hypothesis ( EMH ) and information asymmetry were adopted as the analysis framework for the IPO underpricing , while the after-market performance constitutes a challenge to EMH .

  14. 股票市场传导货币政策是通过托宾q值效应、财富效应、流动性效应和非对称信息效应发挥作用。

    The channel of the monetary policy though stock market includes the following items : the Q theory of James Tobin , the channel of the wealth effect , the channel of the circulation effect and the channel of unsymmetrical information effect . Information collection and using ;

  15. 自该现象被发现起就受到金融学家的广泛关注,为对其进行合理解释,国内外学者从不同角度提出了许多相关理论,如非对称信息理论、市场制度理论、IPO非配理论。

    After this phenomenon was discovered initially , in order to explain it properly , financial economists pay much attention to it and have developed several theories form different aspects , including asymmetric information theory , market system theory , IPO allocation theory , and so on .

  16. 该部分拟通过成本效益分析和博弈分析,揭示非对称信息条件下有效期约的形成,探求OTC公司信息披露的动机。(2)从信息需求者角度,研究OTC公司信息披露的外在原动力。

    This Part will do a cost-benefit analysis and game analysis to reveal the motivation of accounting information disclosure . ( 2 ) From the perspective of information demands , studying the external driving force of the OTC companies to disclose information .

  17. 在肯定了长期激励机制积极作用之后,利用一个非对称信息条件下的契约模型,对在西方长期激励工具中占有重要地位的ESO作了理论分析,得出了限制ESO发挥实效的一些因素。

    When the positive function of long-term incentive mechanism is affirmed , this paper theoretically analyzes ESO that is important in the western long-term incentive tools with a contract model under the condition of asymmetric information , and finds out some factors that make ESO inefficient .

  18. 从非对称信息理论出发,联系泰国农业合作银行(BAAC)的经营实际,笔者认为非对称信息引起的逆向选择和道德风险,是阻碍正规金融机构在农村开展金融业务的重要原因。

    Seeing from the information asymmetry theory , combining the practical operation of Thailand BAAC , the author holds that adverse selection and moral hazard resulted from information asymmetry are the important causes for impeding formal financial institutions providing financial services in rural area .

  19. 非对称信息条件下人才市场分析

    Analysis of Talented Person Market under the Condition of Information Dissymmetry

  20. 但金融市场又存在非对称信息。

    And again there is asymmetrical information in the financial market .

  21. 非对称信息条件下物流外包风险的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis of Logistics Outsourcing Risk Based on the Asymmetric Information

  22. 非对称信息下供应商-零售商供应链的批量折扣决策(英文)

    Discounting Decisions in a Supplier-buyer Supply Chain with Asymmetric Information ;

  23. 产品结构对非对称信息下供应链的激励效应

    Incentive effect of product structure on supply chain under asymmetric information

  24. 非对称信息条件下建筑企业市场声誉博弈分析

    Game analysis for construction enterprise reputation under restriction of asymmetric information

  25. 非对称信息下工程监理管理绩效理论分析

    Analysis of Management Performance between Owner and Supervisor under Asymmetric Information

  26. 非对称信息下的三级建筑供应链质量控制决策研究

    Quality Control Decision in Three-Level Construction Supply Chain under Asymmetric Information

  27. 基于非对称信息理论的信息技术外包风险管理

    Risk Management Basing on the Asymmetric Information Theory in IT Outsourcing

  28. 非对称信息下供应链协调激励机制研究

    Research on SC Coordination and Incentive Mechanism under Asymmetry Information

  29. 非对称信息下房地产市场博弈问题研究

    On the Game Problem in the Real Estate Market under Asymmetric Information

  30. 基于私有信息引起的非对称信息的误定价模型;

    Model of Mispricing Based on Asymmetric Information Resulted from Private Information ;