
sì yuàn fǎ
  • canon law;ecclesiastical law
  1. 寺院法在10世纪和11世纪初走向衰落。

    Canon law was in decline in the tenth and early eleventh centuries .

  2. 德国普通法,取法于寺院法并继承证据保全制度而沿传至今。

    The German common law which took its rise in the law of monastery inherited the perpetuating testimony system and followed now .

  3. 诉讼性证据保全发源于寺院法,非讼性证据保全起源于罗马法。

    The perpetuating testimony on litigation had its rise in the law of monastery , and it on non-litigation originated from Rome law .

  4. 寺院经济管理法主要体现在《库房规铭》上,主要有监察制度、会计制度、税收制度和募捐制度。

    The temple has the supervisory system , the accounting system , the tax revenue system and solicits donations the system .