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  • 网络Shouchun;Tho Xuan
  1. 北魏曾在寿春建立了船厂、港泊和一支水军,并普遍运用树栅阻止敌船的战术。

    The Northern Wei regime established in Shouchun a shipyard , a port and a navy , and tried to prevent enemy ships from entering by a tree stump grid .

  2. 从《鹖冠子》涉及的相关史实可以推断,《鹖冠子》的最后成书应该是在楚迁都寿春之后(公元前241年)、楚被秦国灭亡(公元前223年)之前。

    After Chu State moved the capital to Shouchun ( 241 B.C. ), and before Chu State was eliminated by Qin State ( B.C.223 ), He Guanzi had finished the book of He Guanzi .

  3. 东晋南朝时期,淮南寿春(阳)是南北争战的热点区域之一,双方经常利用当地水文条件来克敌制胜。

    The Six Dynasties Era found Shouchun ( Yang ) of Huainan a hot spot for water battles between north and south , each trying to vanquish the other by taking advantage of the local hydrological conditions .

  4. 当苻竖得知晋军先锋缺乏粮草的情况后,便亲率精骑八千,兼程赶往寿春,并派俘虏的晋将朱序到晋营威胁谢石投降。

    Informed the facts that the Jin army had merely insufficient supplies , Fu Jian hurried to Shouchun with 8 000 strong crack horsemen and sent the surrendered general of Jin , Zhu Xu to intimidate Xie Shi to give in .

  5. 十月,前秦先锋苻融攻占寿春,进驻洛涧(安徽定远西),封锁淮水,阻挡晋军前进。晋军被阻,在距洛涧25里的地方驻扎。

    In October , the vanguard Fu Rong took over Shouchun and entered Luojian ( west of Dingyuan , Anhui ) and closed off Huai River to block Jin army and the latter had to station in the place 25 miles away from Luojian .