
  • 网络shouguang city
  1. 寿光市校校通工程实施纪实

    On-the-spot Record of School-school Network Project Implement in Shouguang City

  2. 寿光市湿地生态系统特征及健康评价研究

    The Study on Character and Health Evaluation of Wetland Ecosystem in Shouguang City

  3. 寿光市联合收割机刀片厂位于山东省寿光市。

    Shouguang Combine Bit Factory located at the Shandong Province Shouguang .

  4. 1993~2007年寿光市农村居民死因资料分析

    Analysis on Mortality Data of Shouguang Rural Population from 1993 to 2007

  5. 寿光市土壤养分特性及空间变异性分析

    Study on Statistical Features and Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients in Shouguang

  6. 山东寿光市北部沿海环境考古报告

    Report on Environmental Archaeology of the Northern Coastland of Shouguang City , Shandong

  7. 山东省寿光市土壤重金属环境质量评价

    Evaluation on Environmental Quality of Heavy Metals in Shouguang City , Shandong Province

  8. 山东省寿光市蔬菜种植区土壤原生动物研究

    Study on Soil Protozoa in Vegetable Field of Shouguang City , Shandong Province

  9. 2008年寿光市部分商店、超市内空气质量调查

    Investigation on the Air Quality in Stores and Supermarkets in Shouguang City in 2008

  10. 寿光市城市污水处理系统改造实例

    Renovation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment System in Shouguang

  11. 农业产业化经营的地域推进机制研究&以寿光市为例

    Research on the Advancing Mechanism of the Agriculture Integration Taking Shouguang City as An Example

  12. 截至2010年11月,寿光市农村土地流转面积达到7.7万亩。

    As of November 2010 , Shouguang City , rural land area of 7.7 hectares .

  13. 我们对寿光市农业局关于农民科技培训工程工作进行了有关的调查。

    We invested Shouguang City agriculture science and technology training project on " the farmer " .

  14. 第三章主要分析了寿光市农村土地流转的动因。

    The third chapter analyzes the flow of Shouguang City , the motivation of rural land .

  15. 第五章提出了规范和促进寿光市农村土地合理流转的对策。

    Chapter V proposes to regulate and promote the rational flow of rural land Shouguang countermeasures .

  16. 寿光市财政局政府采购中心主要从事与政府采购有关的业务工作。

    Shouguang Bureau of Finance and the Government Procurement Center engaged in operations related to government procurement .

  17. 1993~2007年寿光市农村居民循环系统疾病死亡情况分析

    Analysis on Circulatory System Mortality Data in Rural Residents in Shouguang Rural Population from 1993 to 2007

  18. 第四章主要是查找了寿光市农村土地流转存在的问题和影响因素。

    The fourth chapter is to find the Shouguang City , rural land problems and influencing factors .

  19. 集约化蔬菜种植区化肥施用对地下水硝酸盐污染影响的研究&以中国蔬菜之乡山东省寿光市为例

    Nitrate Contamination in the Groundwater of Intensive Vegetable Cultivation Areas in Shouguang City , Shandong Province , China

  20. 在此基础上,可以探讨寿光市土地利用/覆盖变化的原因及驱动机制。图5,表4,参12。

    Base on it , we may more discuss reasons and driving dynamics of land use / cover change .

  21. 介绍了山东省寿光市建设和使用教育城域网的经验。

    This article introduces experience of construction and use of education city area network in Shouguang City Shandong province .

  22. 2006~2007年寿光市改水工程水氟含量与地氟病病情调查

    Investigation on Water Fluoride of Water-improvement Projects and the Prevalence of Endemic Fluorosis in Shouguang City from 2006 to 2007

  23. 介绍了寿光市农村信息化发展概况以及模式,并对其模式进行了简单的分析评价。

    It introduces the general situation and development mode of Shouguang rural informatization and takes brief analysis and evaluation to its mode .

  24. 寿光市蔬菜种植区全年农药投入总量(商品量)为137.5kg/hm~2,其中杀虫剂占24.4%,杀菌剂占75.6%。

    The pesticide input amount to 137.5kg / hm ~ 2 , while 24.4 % is insecticide , 75.6 % is fungicide .

  25. 随着寿光市经济迅速发展,寿光市农民在现阶段的生活水平已经有了相当的进步。

    With the rapid economic development in Shouguang , Shouguang has been considerable progress in the living standards of farmers in this stage .

  26. 第四部分是潍坊地区农村信息化发展模式的案例分析&以寿光市为例。

    The fourth part is the case analysis about the rural informatization development mode of Weifang area , taking Shouguang city as example .

  27. 为进一步提高寿光市蔬菜质量安全,要构建蔬菜质量安全体系,要促进无公害蔬菜生产。

    To further enhance Shouguang vegetable quality and safety , we need to build the vegetable quality and safety system to promote green products production .

  28. 寿光市鑫参蔬菜保鲜加工厂始建于2001年下半年。公司主打产品以加工胡萝卜为主。

    Souguang City Xinshen vegetable processing plants start to set up the second half year in2001.company the Lord beat the product to process carrot is lord .

  29. 昨天,山东省寿光市一蔬菜包装车间发生火灾,造成至少18人死亡。

    At least 18 people have been killed after a fire broke out in a vegetable packaging plant yesterday in the city of Shouguang in Shandong .

  30. 论文以湿地系统中的能量流动为主线,绘制出寿光市湿地系统的能流模型图,进而分析了湿地的营养结构特征。

    As the energy flowage a masterstroke , the paper protracted the energy flowing mode of wetland ecology in Shouguang City , and analyzed its nutrition structure character .