
  • 网络yancheng;Yancheng City
  1. [方法]对2005年到盐城市疾病预防控制心VCT门诊自愿接受艾滋病咨询检测者有关资料进行分析。

    [ Methods ] Related data of volunteers who accepted HIV counseling and testing at VCT clinic in Yancheng CDC in 2005 were analyzed .

  2. 根据1990年以来盐城市吸收外资的实际情况,通过协整检验分析和误差修正模型得出外商直接投资与经济增长之间存在长期稳定的关系,通过格兰杰因果检验证明FDI与GDP之间存在Granger因果关系。

    Through the study of the imported foreign capital of Yancheng City since 1990 , there is a long-term stable relationship between FDI and economic growth according to the cointegration analysis and Error Correction Model ( ECM ), and it is found that Granger Causality exists through Granger Causality test .

  3. 以江苏省盐城市X村老年人照料现状为个案,在农村老年人照料过程中存在着家庭照料功能弱化;

    This article takes X village in Yancheng , Jiangsu province in China as a case , and draws the conclusions that there are many problems in the old care in countryside : firstly , the functions of family care for the senior citizens have been declining ;

  4. 目的了解盐城市淡色库蚊对4种常用卫生杀虫剂的抗性现状。

    Objective To investigate Culex pipiens pallens resistance in Yancheng city .

  5. 对盐城市职业学校体育现状分析与改革建议

    Analysis on the Situation of PE in Professionals School in Yancheng

  6. 盐城市地下水资源规划评价三维数值模型

    Three-dimensional numerical model for groundwater resource evaluation and plan in Yancheng

  7. 盐城市生活饮用水氯化物含量纵向分析

    Longitudinal Analysis on the Chloride Content of Drinking Water in Yancheng

  8. 盐城市399例麻风病病人常见慢性病调查分析

    Common Chronic Diseases Survey Among 399 Leprosy Patients in Yancheng District

  9. 小城镇绿地系统规划探析&以盐城市义丰镇为例

    Analysis on the Green Space System Planning in the Small Town

  10. 盐城市医院消毒质量调查报告

    Investigation on quality of disinfection in hospitals of Yancheng City

  11. 基于熵值法的农业洪涝灾害脆弱性评价&以江苏省盐城市为例

    The Assessment of Agricultural Flood-waterlogging Vulnerability Based on Entropy Method

  12. 关于江苏盐城市文明生态村建设的几点思考

    About the Thinking of Civilization Ecosystem Village 's Construction in Yancheng City

  13. 对盐城市沿海2008年浒苔发生情况的初步认识

    Initial understand of Enteromorpha prolifera Occurred in Yancheng Coastal Waters in 2008

  14. 盐城市蝇类种群分布及季节消长调查

    Investigation on population distribution and seasonal change of flies in Yancheng city

  15. 盐城市麻风流行趋势及特征分析

    Epidemic Trend of Leprosy and Its Characteristics in Yancheng City

  16. 盐城市经济发展滞后原因与对策研究

    The Causes of Economic Stagnation and Counter Measures in Yancheng

  17. 盐城市滩涂资源可持续利用模式选择分析

    Analysis of Sustainable Pattern of Tideland Use in Yangcheng City

  18. 盐城市市售蔬菜中汞含量的调查

    Investigation of Hg Content in Vegetables in Yancheng Market

  19. 2001~2005年盐城市螺情分析

    Analysis of snail status of Yancheng City , 2001-2005

  20. 基于社区居民调查的农业环境质量评价研究&以盐城市为例

    Study on the Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Environment Based on Community Resident Investigation

  21. 1999~2008年盐城市艾滋病疫情分析

    Analysis of the Prevalence of AIDS in Yancheng City from 1999 to 2008

  22. 盐城市农村影响产妇住院分娩的相关因素分析

    Influence of related factors on hospitalized delivery in rural area of Yancheng City

  23. 盐城市企业技术中心建设调研报告

    Investigation Report on Technical Centre Construction of Yancheng Enterprises

  24. 盐城市建筑业企业发展战略

    The Development Strategy of Construction Enterprises in Yancheng City

  25. 盐城市雾发生规律及其预报

    Occurrence Law and Forecast of Fog over Yancheng City

  26. 盐城市1987~1996年新发麻风病人的发现方式及误诊

    Detection and Misdiagnosis of Leprosy Patients in Yancheng City , 1987 ~ 1996

  27. 盐城市道路客运企业安全管理现状思考

    Current Situation of Safety Management of Road Passenger Transportation Enterprises in Yancheng City

  28. 盐城市消灭丝虫病5年后慢性丝虫病现状调查

    Surveys of chronic filariasis 5 years after its transmission interrupted in Yancheng City

  29. 盐城市兴棉强市之构想

    Conception of developing cotton industry in Yancheng city

  30. 盐城市受淹面积的预报方法及其防涝对策探讨

    The Forecast Method for Submerged Area of Yancheng and its Countermeasures to Prevent Waterlogging