- Hourly speed;【电工】speed at one hour rating

Methods : 1 . Test of pig livers : 1.1 Put the liver into 37 ℃ NS , then we injected difference dosage of HCL to liver by a extension tube to a syringe filled with difference density HCL .
Ostriches are roaming the Reading Fightin Phils outfield with a top speed of 40 miles per hour .
In order to overcome the drawback of SPRLS algorithm that have slow convergence rate when error is small , we use the information of error grads to modify the self-perturbing term and present a new modified SPRLS algorithm which is applicable to smart antenna .
The car dropped its speed by five kilometres an hour .
You want Barry to hit something at 800 miles an hour ?
at a steady 28 miles per hour ?
They can maintain flight speed of up to 40 miles per hour for long durations .
It can carry two people at speeds over one hundred sixty kilometers an hour in the air .
They 're then fired through a cutter at up to 70 miles an hour into thin sticks .
A cannon-ball only travels six hundred leagues an hour ; light travels seventy thousand leagues a second .
Of course , slamming into the pavement at40 miles per hour can be expected to break anyone 's bones .
The synchronized forces propel the nymph straight through the air at up to nine miles an hour - impressive .
It dyes fast , but is not even , appears stain in the condition of high temperature and low humidity .
On his way down , he broke the sound barrier , at one point travelling at 833.9 miles an hour .
Yet I think this is 80-mile-or 90-mile-per-hour storm . The waves are gonna be coming in this way for days .
Eddie Bernard : It was going about the speed of a jet , about 500 mph in the open ocean .
Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel , eclipsing the men 's record by two hours !
While the sunshine duration which is considered as main impact factor , is increasing with the speed of 3.6 h / a ;
A total of 155 pairs of trains will run on the line every day at an average speed of 300 km per hour .
Policeman : Ma'am , an deploys at 200 miles an hour . Your son 's too small to sit in the front seat .
It takes a car about 1 minute , driving at the speed of 120 kilometers per hour , to travel the same distance .
The key point of the test is to get Orion moving at about 20,000 mph before it slams into Earth 's atmosphere to test its heat shield .
An enrichment factor of 50 was achieved at a sampling frequency of 12 samples / hour with recoveries of 90 & 110 % for the tap water sample .
Far from chasing its prey at speeds of up to45 mph , as some studies have suggested , the fearsome creatures may not have been able to run at all .
It 's not that bad though , I mean , it is pretty scary to be in this big machine flying through the air at seven hundred miles per hour .
So far Virgin Hyperloop One 's test capsule has reached speeds of 387 kmph , but the company predicts it will send cargo at a top speed of 1000 kmph .
And travel they do , with a regular cruising speed of around 35 miles per hour , they cover migration ranges of more than a thousand miles in only a month .
In Africa , humans even hop on their backs and use them in races , as they can maintain a 60 mph speed for half an hour and cover many miles of ground .
After the insertion , the needle was connected by means of an extension tube to a syringe filled with 18 % HCL , adjust the speed to 12ml / hour through a micro-dosage injection pump .
For instance , one of the fastest men alive , Usain Bolt , was noted for having reached the speed of 44.72 kilometers per hour ( 27.79 mph ) in a 100-meter ( 330 ft ) dash .