
xiǎo táo qì
  • imp;tyke;urchin;elf;a limb of Satan
小淘气[xiǎo táo qì]
  1. 我将会很高兴再见到那个小淘气。

    I 'll be glad to see the little urchin again .

  2. 他们的儿子是个冒失的小淘气鬼!

    Their son is a cheeky little monkey !

  3. 别捉弄她了,你这个小淘气鬼!

    Stop teasing her , you little fiend !

  4. 别捣乱了,小淘气!

    Stop that , you little monkey !

  5. 你这个小淘气鬼!

    You naughty little scallywag !

  6. 小淘气们由于恶作剧而弄得脏乎乎的

    The little wretches were all bedraggledfrom some roguery .

  7. 那些小淘气们正在打坏主意

    Those imps are brewing mischief .

  8. 你这个小淘气,把我的书藏到哪里去了?

    Where have you hidden my book , you little mischief ?

  9. 那群邋遢的小淘气们向我跑过来要糖果。

    Those grubby urchins ran to me and asked for candy .

  10. 这个小淘气就在她左耳边咬住自己的尾巴。

    Little rogue biting its tail just by her left ear .

  11. 瞧她这小淘气干下了什么!

    Tyke look what she 's done , the little tyke !

  12. 有时候我说漏嘴,也叫它“小淘气”。

    Occasionally , by now , I slipped and called him scampy .

  13. 你这个小淘气&快去睡觉!

    You wicked child & go to bed at once !

  14. 把表还给我,你这个小淘气鬼!

    Give me my watch back , you little perisher !

  15. 这个小淘气鬼戴上了他爷爷的眼镜。

    The little rogue has his grandpa 's glasses on .

  16. 马上回去睡觉,你这个小淘气!

    Get back into bed immediately , you young scallywag !

  17. 你来得实在太晚了,知道吗,小淘气?

    You 're terribly late , you know . Naughty !

  18. 是的,她的确觉得它是个小淘气。

    Yes , she really felt like that about it .

  19. 我敢说你年轻一点的时候是个小淘气鬼。

    I bet you were a little devil when you were younger .

  20. 你这个小淘气!瞧你弄得乱七八糟的!

    You little tinker ! Look at the mess you 've made !

  21. “孩子们一直在逗弄猫儿,这些小淘气鬼!”

    " The children have been teasing the cat , the little villains !"

  22. 我会把这小淘气鬼还你。

    And I 'll bring the little rascal over .

  23. 别动我的自行车,你这个小淘气!

    Get off my bike , you little villain !

  24. 她对她的孩子们的小淘气总是很宽容。

    She always overlooks minor naughtiness of her children .

  25. 小淘气鬼只需要动一下手指,就能马上得到关注。

    The little imp only has to click her fingers to get instant attention .

  26. “小淘气”的热情和精力丝毫未减。

    His enthusiasm and energy suffered no loss .

  27. 等着,瞧我逮住那小淘气!

    Wait till I catch the little perisher !

  28. 这个男孩是个小淘气。

    The boy is nothing but a rascal .

  29. 啊,你这小淘气跑那儿去了。

    Ah , you naughty thing was there .

  30. 小淘气,答应我(记住),(你)不准(不获批准)分享你的爱。

    Wicked , promise me ,( you are ) not allowed to share your love .