
  1. 初步建立的XX住宅小区开发项目成本控制体系及提出的成本控制策略需要进一步实践验证。

    Initial establishment of the beauty county residential sunshine project cost control system development and cost control strategies propose for further practice .

  2. 文章运用Delphi和层次分析法,建立了川南旅游小区开发序位评价模型,并通过该模型对川南14个旅游小区的开发价值进行了评分。

    In this paper , the model of exploiting order of tourism sub areas in south Sichuan was constructed by using the methods of Delphi and stratification analysis . Applying this model , the author evaluated the 14 tourist subareas and gave them scores respectively .

  3. 本文的不足之处:(1)将房地产项目开发成本控制研究成果及理论方法具体应用到XX住宅小区开发项目,存在一定程度上的误差,需要进一步的调整和修改。

    The shortage is as follows : ( 1 ) the real estate project development cost control research and theoretical methods applied to the light of specific beauty county residential area development projects includes a certain degree of error , and we need for further adjustments and amendments .

  4. 价值工程在居住小区开发方案中的应用

    Value Engineering Applied in Development Project of the Housing District

  5. 谈山地住宅小区开发设计&以重庆山地住宅小区为例

    To discuss the development design of mountainous region residence district

  6. 浅谈限额设计在住宅小区开发中的应用

    Preliminary Discussion on Application of Norm Design in Development of Residential Quarter

  7. 亲情社区&住宅小区开发的新亮点

    Amicable Community & New Highlights of Residential District Development

  8. 广州市芳村珠江桥南1、2号小区开发性规划

    Two Communities Developing Control Planning at the South Bank of Pearl River Guangzhou City

  9. 关于智能小区开发几点建议

    Some advices on developing intellectualized Uptown

  10. 最后,针对上海生态住宅小区开发存在的问题,提出相关的政策性建议。

    Finally , the thesis comes up with some policy suggestions aiming to prompt the ecological residential quarter development in Shanghai .

  11. 大盘地产不能等同于小区开发&大盘地产开发规划属性及在城市化中的地位

    Large-Stretch Building Estate Not Equal to Village Development & On the Planned Property of Large-Stretch Building Estate Development and Its Status in Urbanization

  12. 阐述了住宅小区开发中设计理念与开发决策协调统一的重要性及沟通方式。

    The importance of coordination and integration of design concept and development decision for development of residential quarters and communication ways were described in this paper .

  13. 在重庆市主城区,已有的新居民小区开发部门投资配套小学教育的形式如,投资名校,以钱择校;

    In major city proper of Chongqing , the forms of newly developed resident lots ' development departments investing in well-known schools , choosing schools with money ;

  14. 分别从城市用地规划、住宅建设用地规划、建筑结构体系创新、套型标准确定、地下空间开发以及立体停车技术等若干方面来研究小区开发的节地措施。

    Researches the technology measures of developing the land-saving residential district such as city planning , residential district planning , architectural structure innovation , interior space standard and etc.

  15. 该模型考虑了住宅小区开发的利润、成本、房屋需求量、小区开敞空间等多个目标,追求小区开发的经济、社会和环境的综合效益,从而克服了仅追求开发利润目标的片面性。

    The model considers profit , cost , building requirement and opening space of residence zone . At the same time , it gets over the one-sideness only to pursue profit of exploitation in pursuit of integrate benefit of economy society and environment of residence zone .

  16. 主要研究了LON总线与RS-485组成的分级混合控制网络结构以及组态软件在智能小区网络开发中的应用。详细阐述了引入混合网络结构的优点;

    This paper mainly researches on the application of hierachical hybrid network structure and configuration software in the development of intelligent community network .

  17. 近年来我国每年小区的开发面积近4亿m2,智能小区是其中新的经济增长点,因此,针对我国的具体情况开发适合我国国情的小区智能化系统,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Recently the buildings development area of out country approximated 4 hundred millions m2 , intelligent buildings is the new economic point of growth among it . So it will have an expansive development prospect to develop a building intelligent system that adapt to our frondose national conditions .

  18. 小区域开发的战略研究

    A study on strategies for small region development in mountain area

  19. 混合网络结构和组态软件在智能小区网络开发中的应用

    Application of Hybrid Network Structure and Configuration Software in the Development of Intelligent Community Network

  20. 绿色环保,能为高尚生态小区的开发和推广增加新的卖点;

    Green environmental protection , can the noble eco-development and promotion of the community to add new selling points ;

  21. 在电梯远程监测中心系统稳定运行基础上,面向小区用户开发了电梯远程监测楼宇系统的主要模块。

    On the base of stable running of Center System , we developed the main modules of Building System .

  22. 河北省关于小区域开发的战略研究,是在太行山开发中被列为研究课题的。

    The study on strategies for small region development is a research subject put forward for the developing the Taihang Mountains , He-bei Province .

  23. 居住小区地下空间开发利用的讨论

    Discussion on Development and Utilization of Underground Space in Residential Regions

  24. 试论旅游小区包片开发投资经济效益预测方法

    On the Forecasting Methods for the Economic Benefits of Investment in the Development of Tourist Regions by Contract

  25. 本文通过对北京欣园小区房地产开发过程中主要成本分析,来探讨一下房地产开发成本控制方法,从而达到提高房地产开发的利润,增强房地产企业竞争力目的。

    The paper make analyses on the major cost of Beijing XinYuan real estate in the development process to look into the way of cost control in the real estate development . So that we can achieve to increase greater profits , enhance the competitiveness of enterprises .

  26. 介绍了基于LNS(LonWorksNetworkServices)的LonWorks智能小区分布式控制网络开发及实例,对LNS的基本特性和优点做了分析,还对LNS的编程环境进行了讨论。

    This paper introduced the intelligent residential quarters based on LNS ( LonWorks Network Services ) technology . The fundamental features and advantages of LNS are discussed . Then , the specialties of LNS programming environment are analyzed .

  27. 智能小区管理系统的开发

    Development of the Management System of Intelligent Communities

  28. 本文研究城市住宅小区停车方式,开发了一种简易升降式机械停车设备。

    The paper analyzes the parking ways and expounds a compact lifting mechanical parking system .

  29. 皮尔集团已经成功将一笔中国资金弄到手,用于开发一个位于默西河对岸别根海特的住宅小区。公司的开发主管林赛•阿什沃思说道:如今,比起英国政府,中国政府是个更有前景的资金来源。

    The Peel Group has already secured Chinese cash for a development in Birkenhead , across the Mersey : these days , says Lindsey Ashworth , the company 's development director , China is a much more promising source of funds than Britain .

  30. 在住宅小区规划指标的制定上,将其作为小区开发的标准之一,保证大片开敞空间的保存和建设。

    For Guarantee the save and construction of the large stretch of open space , regard the two indexes as the standard developed in district , when to formulate the planning index in the housing district .