
  • 网络micro-credit company;Small loan company;microfinance company
  1. 笔者认为,小额贷款公司是经营贷款业务的非银行金融机构。

    I believe that the micro-credit company belongs to non-bank financial institutions .

  2. 小额贷款公司兼具备银行、公司与民间金融的优势。

    And micro-credit company has such advantages as banks , corporations and private financial .

  3. 此外,通知还要求规范放贷机构及其外包合作机构营销行为。小额贷款公司要加强贷款客户身份的实质性核验,不得将大学生设定为互联网消费贷款的目标客户群体,不得针对大学生群体精准营销。

    Micro lenders should strengthen identity verification of clients and not make college students their target clients for online consumer loans or carry out targeted marketing aimed at them .

  4. 部分小额贷款公司以大学校园为目标,通过与科技公司合作发放互联网消费贷款,导致部分大学生过度消费,陷入高额贷款陷阱。

    Some micro lenders have targeted university campuses and issued online consumer loans via cooperation with technology companies . The practices have caused some students to overspend and fall into debt traps .

  5. 本文分析了我国小额贷款公司的鲶鱼效应并利用DEA模型对最早试点的7家小额贷款公司的效率进行实证分析,发现七家小额贷款公司自试点以来,整体运行效率是好的。

    This paper applies DEA model about the pilot seven microfinance companies empirical analysis , found the whole operation efficiency is good .

  6. 通过建立小额贷款公司技术效率影响因素分析的Tobit模型,得出了影响小额贷款公司技术效率的因素。

    Through the establishment of the technical efficiency of small loan companies Tobit factor analysis model , the company obtained the technical efficiency of micro-credit factors .

  7. 本部分首先利用自由分布法(DFA)对浙江省四类农村中小金融机构的X-效率进行了测度,这四类金融机构分别是小额贷款公司、农村银行、村镇银行以及农信社。

    This part uses the approach of DFA to measure the X-efficiency for four types of rural financial institutions in Zhejiang province . They are Micro-finance companies , rural banks , village banks and RCC .

  8. 第一部分,小额贷款公司的基本概述。

    The first part is a basic overview of micro-credit companies .

  9. 我国农村小额贷款公司可持续发展问题研究

    A Study on Sustainable Development of China 's Rural Micro-loan Companies

  10. 然而,目前关于小额贷款公司的法律政策很不健全。

    However , the small loan companies on very sound legal policy .

  11. 新票号:小额贷款公司的山西实验

    New Receipt Numbers for Micro-loans Initiated by Companies in Shanxi

  12. 第四,研究加强小额贷款公司政府监管的对策。

    Fourth , the countermeasures to strengthen government regulation of small loan companies .

  13. 小额贷款公司发展的法律障碍及克服路径

    On the Legal Impediments of the Development of Small-loan Company and Possible Solutions

  14. 小额贷款公司从2005年10月成立至今,发展迅速。

    Microfinance company , since its establishment in October 2005 , developes rapidly .

  15. 而对各种风险的防范是小额贷款公司持续经营的前提。

    The variety of micro-credit risk prevention is the premise of going concerned .

  16. 最后针对目前的问题提出从小额贷款公司自身建设和国家政策扶持两方面提出了可持续发展的建议。

    Finally put forward suggestion for sustainable development from self-build and support policy .

  17. 如今小额贷款公司在我国如火如茶的发展。

    Small loan companies now in full swing of development in our country .

  18. 小额贷款公司没有被列为银行,因为它们不吸收存款。

    Small-loan companies are not classified as banks because they cannot take deposits .

  19. 我国小额贷款公司金融风险预警与控制研究

    Research on the Control of Financial Risks of Small Loans Companies in China

  20. 针对影响制约小额贷款公司发展的因素。

    Factors for the impact of restricting the development of small loan companies .

  21. 近年来,小额贷款公司在我国大量涌现。

    Recently micro-credit companies have mushroomed in China .

  22. 最后,现行小额贷款公司监管法律制度不健全。

    Finally , the existing small loan company regulatory legal system is not perfect .

  23. 内蒙古小额贷款公司发展面临的问题及对策研究

    The Study of Development of Micro-Loan Companies Facing Difficulties and Countermeasures in Inner Mongolia

  24. 明确小额贷款公司的身份定位是解决小额贷款公司监管困境的关键。

    Clear positioning of Micro Credit Corporations is the key to solve this problem .

  25. 此外,小额贷款公司在全国范围内也得到快速发展。

    In addition , Micro-finance companies in the country has also been a rapid development .

  26. 然而,小额贷款公司在我国的运行也出现了很多问题。

    However , the small loan companies operating in China there have been many problems .

  27. 此后,各地的小额贷款公司试点相继展开。

    Since then , amount of small-loan companies have lunched in many parts of the country .

  28. 小额贷款公司的坏账也在增加。

    Bad loans are also rising .

  29. 但这些小额贷款公司及其客户对经济形势的变化最为敏感。

    But such businesses and their clients are among the most sensitive to changing economic conditions .

  30. 小额贷款公司是以中低收入人群以及中小型企业为对象,提供小额度信贷服务的机构。

    Microfinance Company mainly refers to providing small amount credit services for low-income people and objects .