
  • 网络city bank;Citibank;municipal bank
  1. 关键时刻发生在2003年4月一个致命的周末,当时,小型城市银行理索纳银行(resonabank)宣告破产。

    The moment of truth came one fateful weekend in April 2003 when Resona bank , a small city bank , failed .

  2. 请将所有的信件送到城市银行进口部。

    All correspondence to be sent to city bank import services department .

  3. “第一城市银行”加入了一长串破产银行之列。

    ' First City ' joined a long list of failed banks .

  4. 在日本最小的城市银行北海道拓殖银行(hokkaidotakushokubank)于1997年破产前的很多年,日本政治家一直忽视了这场不断恶化的危机。

    For many years Japanese politicians ignored the festering crisis , until Hokkaido Takushoku bank , the smallest of the city banks , collapsed in 1997 .

  5. 城市银行通信网络的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Communication Networks of Banks in Cities

  6. 我在欧洲城市银行开了户。

    I have an account with European city bank .

  7. 1906年,马克斯韦尔在西雅图创建了美国城市银行。

    Maxwell founded Seattle 's National City Bank in1906 .

  8. 股权结构、治理机制与城市银行绩效&来自山东、河南两省的调查证据

    Ownership Structure , Governance Mechanism and Performance of Urban Banks : Evidence from Shandong and He'nan

  9. 一个印度人走进纽约城市银行要见贷款客户服务经理。

    An Indian walks into a New York City bank and asks to see the loan officer .

  10. 凡是帮助警放抓住此人的都可以从城市银行获得五十英镑奖金。

    The city bank will pay fifty pounds to anyone who helps the police to catch this man .

  11. 城市银行尤其是和华尔街有关联的城市银行竞相追逐乡村银行的富余资金。

    Urban banks , particularly those with Wall Street connections , competed with each other for the surplus funds of country banks .

  12. 与中国其它城市银行和四大国有商业银行一样,在为当地项目提供融资方面,重庆市商业银行发挥着重要作用。

    Chongqing Commercial Bank , like other city banks as well as the big four state lenders , plays an important role in funding local projects .

  13. 此外我们还发现,外部董事比例和银行规模基本没有对银行绩效产生影响,而且山东、河南两省城市银行在公司治理方面也不存在省际间的显著差异。

    We also find that both the ratio of outside directors and bank size had little effect on bank performance , additionally , corporate governance of bank had no difference between the two provinces .

  14. 分析人士指出,通过此次收购,德夏银行将在不断扩展的土耳其零售银行及公共金融市场中获得重要的立足点。法国与比利时合资的德夏银行是全球最大的城市银行。

    Franco-Belgian dexia , the world 's biggest municipal lender , will gain an important foothold in the expanding Turkish retail banking and public finance markets as a result of the acquisition , analysts said .

  15. 政治家们不知所措,他们害怕把纳税人的钱浪费在如此不受欢迎的理由上。直到金融体系濒临崩溃时,他们才做出了回应,利用公共资金向主要城市银行进行全面注资。

    The politicians dithered , scared of lavishing taxpayers ' money on such an unpopular cause . Only when the financial system was close to implosion did they come up with a response , an across-the-board injection of public money into the major city banks .

  16. 城市商业银行与小企业有着天然的、共生共荣的联系。

    There exists one kind of natural and accrete relationship between city commercial bank and small business .

  17. 加入WTO后我国城市商业银行的市场定位

    The Market Orientation of China City Commercial Banks after Entering WTO

  18. 后WTO时期中小城市商业银行发展研究

    The Development Research of Small and Medium-Sized City Commercial Banks in Post-WTO Period

  19. 加入WTO后城市商业银行的发展战略探讨

    Probe into the Development Strategy of City Commercial Banks after the Access to WTO

  20. 加入WTO对城市商业银行的挑战及对策

    Analysis on the Impacts and Strategies on the City Commercial Bank with the Entry into WTO

  21. 基于DEA技术的城市商业银行内控评价研究

    Extension Study of the Internal Appraisal for City Commercial Banks

  22. 基于经济增加值(EVA)的我国城市商业银行创值能力研究

    Analysis of the Value-Creation Ability of China 's City Commercial Banks Based on EVA

  23. 尽管X城市商业银行在国内同业中综合竞争力位居前列,战略转型过程中一定程度上也受到了风险管理水平的制约。

    Although X city commercial bank is in the forefront in overall competitiveness in business , its strategic transformation process has been constrained to some extent by the level of risk management .

  24. 自我国加入WTO,整个金融体系发生了巨大的变化,四大国有银行的市场份额呈逐年下降趋势,股份制商业银行及城市商业银行的市场占有率逐年提高。

    After joining the WTO , great changes have taken place in the whole financial system . The market share of the four major state-owned banks is declining while that of the joint-stock commercial banks and city commercial banks is increasing year by year .

  25. 凯雷还被排除在投资于两家国有银行的大门之外,一家是广东发展银行,该行最终出售给了花旗集团(Citigroup)牵头的一个财团;另一家是最近的重庆城市商业银行。

    Carlyle has also been locked out of investments in two state-owned banks , Guangdong Development Bank ( eventually sold to a consortium led by Citigroup ) and more recently Chongqing City Commercial Bank .

  26. 结合我国城市商业银行的特点,通过大量借鉴国外先进经验,对比分析多种信用风险预测模型,笔者认为Logistic回归模型能够较好的运用于度量信用风险。

    Combining with the characteristics of city commercial banks , this paper attempts to construct a reasonable credit risk measurement model . With a large number of advanced foreign experiences , the author believes that the logistic regression model can be applied to measure credit risk much better .

  27. 最后得出城市商业银行应该继续将中小企业融资工作作为工作的重点。在SWOT分析之后,又对国际上发达国家城市商业银行提供中小企业融资的成功经验进行分析借鉴。

    Finally , we draw that the city commercial banks should continue to provide financing for the small and medium-sized enterprises and make it as the focus of the work . After the SWOT analysis , we continue to analyze the successful experience of the developed countries .

  28. 本文应用随机前沿方法(SFA)分析了城市商业银行入世5年的效率及其平均值变动趋势。

    Using stochastic frontier approach ( SFA ), we analyzed the efficiencies and their average value variable trend of domestic city commercial banks ( CCBs ) in the last five years after China 's access to WTO .

  29. 包括导论、商业银行战略管理的概述、我国城市商业银行的地位与发展趋势、温州银行发展战略的SWOT分析、温州银行发展战略的选择以及温州银行发展战略的实施,最后是结论与展望。

    Includes introduction , overview of the strategic management of commercial banks , commercial banks of the status and development trend , the Wenzhou Bank development strategy of the SWOT analysis , Wenzhou Bank development strategy of selecting and Wenzhou Bank development strategy , and finally the conclusion and Outlook .

  30. 强化城市商业银行的治理结构;

    To intensify the management structure of the urban commercial banks ;