
chénɡ zhèn jí tǐ qǐ yè
  • enterprise of collective ownership by the working people in cities and towns
  1. 产权制度改革&城镇集体企业刻不容缓的选择

    Property Rights System Reform Is the Urgent Choice for City Town Collective Enterprises

  2. 和乡镇集体企业,城镇集体企业改制步伐并不快。

    Furthermore , the reforming speed of town collective enterprise is not so fast as one of the village enterprise .

  3. 城镇集体企业产权以及其他产权的交易,可以在产权交易机构进行。

    Any transaction of the property right of a collective enterprise of a township and any other property right may be conducted in an organization of property right transactions .

  4. 特别是一些城镇集体企业,近年来尽管也根据上级的要求进行了体制更新,但企业的经营情况却没有改变,效益甚至出现了下降趋势,这不能不引起我们的重视和警惕。

    Especially , although some town-collective enterprises have also renewed system in recent years according to the request of higher authorities , the management situation did not change yet and the performance even appeared a descending trend .

  5. 失业保险费的征缴范围包括:国有企业、城镇集体企业、外商投资企业、城镇私营企业和其他城镇企业及其职工,事业单位及其职工。

    The limits collecting pay of unemployed insurance premium includes : private enterprise of company of state-owned company , investment of town cooperative , foreign trader , town and other town business reach its worker , the institution reachs its worker .

  6. 需要规范国营企业和城镇集体企业劳动者的行为,提高劳动力素质,并扩大开放,使国民经济转向知识、技能和技术的更高级和更有力的竞争。

    It is necessary to define staff and workers'action in state-run and township collective enterprises , to improve staff and worker 's quality , to expand opening to outside and to turn national economy into superior and keen competition in knowledge , skill and technology .

  7. 住房公积金指国家机关、事业单位、国有及城镇集体企业及其它城镇企业、私营企业、外商投资企业为在职职工缴存的长期住房储备金,用于职工住房的基本需求。

    Housing Fund refers to the reserve funds for long-term housing which is paid by the state organs , institutions , state-owned and urban collective enterprises and other urban enterprises , private enterprises , foreign invested enterprises for serving workers ' basic needs for employee housing .

  8. 近年来,江西未参保城镇集体企业退休人员、手工业联社未参保大集体企业退休职工、返城未安置就业知青等群体也相继纳入养老保险范围或享有养老生活补助。

    In recent years , the Jiangxi city town collective enterprises retirees , retired workers of the handicraft industry couplet in uninsured large collective enterprises and the educated youth groups who returning to the city without employment have also incorporated into the endowment insurance or pension allowance .

  9. 城镇小集体企业职工、临时工、个体工商户及私营企业从业人员是扩大基本养老保险覆盖面的重点对象。

    Workers of small enterprises in the towns , casual workers , private business people , workers of the private enterprises are the people to be encluded to receive old age pension .

  10. 城镇集体所有制企业改制中存在的问题及对策研究

    Problems Existed in the Town Collectively Enterprise System Reform and Its Countermeasures

  11. 近年来我国城镇国有和集体企业的隐性失业呈现此消彼长、新增量与消减量几乎不相上下的变化态势。

    In recent years the recessive unemployment in our country s town collective enterprises presents a dynamic tendency : as one falls , another rises ;