
  • 网络Urban area
  1. 第二,和农村地区相比,社会资本和教育对城镇地区的代际收入传递的贡献率更大,但是在农村地区的代际收入传递中健康的贡献率远远高于城镇地区。

    Secondly , compared with the rural area , social capital and education have a greater contribution to the intergenerational income transmission in urban area , but in the rural area , health contribute much more to intergenerational income transmission than the urban area .

  2. 中国居民食品消费的AIDS模型分析&以西部城镇地区为例

    An AIDS Model Analysis on Food Demand of Chinese Residents : A Case of Urban Areas in the West

  3. 中国西南财经大学(SouthwesternUniversityofFinanceandEconomics)6月份的一项调查报告显示,2013年中国城镇地区整体住房空置率超过20%,而截至今年8月份,空置住房占据了4.2万亿元(约6740亿美元)的住房贷款余额。

    A survey by China 's Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in June said that more that 20 % of homes in urban areas were actually vacant , while as of August , around $ 674 billion was owed on empty properties .

  4. 全球最大的房地产开发商埃玛尔地产(EmaarProperties)在巴基斯坦和印度投入更多资金,开发整个城镇地区及酒店,埃玛尔地产的总部设在迪拜。

    Emaar Properties – one of the world 's largest property developers , based in Dubai – is investing even more to develop entire townships as well as hotels in Pakistan and India .

  5. 广东城镇地区防治蚊虫试验

    Experiments on mosquito control in a town district of Guangdong Province

  6. 城镇地区、环境与能源专家组会议

    Expert Group Meeting on Urban Areas , Environment and Energy

  7. 地下水是我国城镇地区居民的重要饮用水源。

    Groundwater is important drinking water resources in city and town in our country .

  8. 教育与工资不平等:中国城镇地区的经验研究

    Education and Wage Inequality in Urban China

  9. 采空地面塌陷是门城镇地区危害性最严重的地质灾害类型。

    Gob collapse is the most serious geological disaster type in Mencheng Town , Beijing .

  10. 制定城镇地区固废服务与处置标准

    Service and disposal standards for urban areas

  11. 未来大批农村劳动力仍将向本省的城镇地区和收入较高的外省市流动。

    A lot of rural labor will migrate to urban or other higher income regiones .

  12. 与其他发展中国家相比,我国城镇地区的平均教育回报率相对较低,但女性的教育回报率比男性高。

    Returns to education are smaller in urban China than those in most other developing countries .

  13. 中国城镇地区私人教育收益率研究述评:1981-2001年

    Rates of Private Return to Education in Urban China from 1981 to 2001 : A Literature Review

  14. 这些人的职责在该国城镇地区主要是由护士担负。

    These people are responsible for duties typically carried out by nurses in urban areas of the country .

  15. 并且现有研究利用专门针对城镇地区人群卫生服务利用及筹资状况的数据较少。

    And less existing researches used data of health services utilization and the financing status specifically for urban areas .

  16. 根据世界银行的研究结果,到2020年,世界人口的55%将居住在城镇地区。

    According to World Bank research , 55 percent of the world 's population will live in urban areas by2020 .

  17. 不同地区和医保制度间的差距,意味着城镇地区卫生筹资存在水平不公平现象。

    The gap between different regions and health insurance systems meant the inequality in health financing in urban areas . 6 .

  18. 但是去年全国小城镇地区发现感染艾滋病的人数增加了37%。

    The number of AIDS cases found in small towns across the country has risen by37 percent in the last year .

  19. 农村城市化指的是农村人口和非农产业不断向农村城镇地区集中的社会经济过程。

    The rural urbanization is a process of flowing and pooling into the rural towns about the rural population and the non-agriculture .

  20. 在中国小额信贷有着广阔、潜在的市场空间,当前已经从农村地区推进到城镇地区。

    Microfinance in China has a vast , potential market space , and has been pushed from rural areas to urban areas .

  21. 该报告涵盖了中国在生物多样性保护、城镇地区可持续发展等领域的措施。

    It covers China 's measures in areas such as biodiversity conservation , and the sustainable development of Chinese cities and towns .

  22. 仇保兴表示,人口过剩和经济持续增长对许多城镇地区的水资源构成了严重威胁。

    Mr Qiu said over - population and relentless economic growth were posing a serious threat to water resources in many urban areas .

  23. 我国大部分医疗资源聚集在城镇地区,广大农村地区只能享受稀少的医疗资源。

    Chinese most medical cure resources and gather together in the city and town , the resources of medical cure in countryside are fewer .

  24. 菲律宾私营公用事业公司目前仍然是在城镇地区提供正规供水和环卫服务的一支主要力量,尤其是在马尼拉城区。

    Private utilities in the Philippines remain a major provider of formal water / sanitation services in urban areas , particularly in metro Manila .

  25. 收入差异主要来自城乡之间的差异,并且农村地区的收入差异要比城镇地区显著。

    The diversity between urban and rural causes the income diversity mainly and the difference in rural area is more distinct than urban area .

  26. 在这一趋势的推动下,城镇地区安全套的使用越来越广泛,但农村地区还没有明显改观。

    This has led to the more widespread use of condoms in urban China , but there has been no obvious rise in rural areas .

  27. 摘要在经济利益诱导机制的作用下,西部地区农村劳动力向西部城镇地区和东部发达地区迁移。

    Induced by economic benefit , rural labor in the western region has been transferring to urban areas and to the more developed eastern region .

  28. 该工艺适用于南方小城镇地区的污水分散处理。

    The above process has the advantages of low energy consumption , purifying environment and is adapt to waste water dispersal treatment in south China .

  29. 现在的政策让人想起很多发展中国家曾奉行数十年的老政策:食品价格进行控制,以避免城镇地区的不安定危及政权。

    The policies recall those followed for several decades by many developing country governments , which controlled food costs to protect themselves from urban unrest .

  30. 从长期来看,中国快速发展的城镇地区的健康与活力对于经济增长至关重要,有助于促进资源密集度低的增长。

    Over the long term , the health and vitality of Chinas rapidly growing urban areas will be critical to economic growth and promote less resource-intensive growth .