
  • 网络small and micro enterprises;small and micro businesses;MSME
  1. 第四部分是完善我国小微企业民间融资法律监管制度的建议。

    The fourth part is relating to some recommendations to perfect legal supervising system on small and micro businesses ' private financing .

  2. 小微企业作为我国国民经济的重要组成部分,其发展越来越受到国家的重视。

    Small and micro businesses as an important part of our national economy , The development of more and more attention by the state .

  3. P2P借贷平台,不仅是对我国现有借贷市场的重要补充,更是帮助了很多小微企业和个人,实现了他们的发展和梦想。

    After all , point out that the P2P Lending platform is an important supplement and its indispensable of the lending market in our country , it help a lot of small micro enterprises and individuals achieve their development and dreams .

  4. 对小微企业实行税收优惠,600多万户企业受益。

    Over six million small businesses with low profits benefited from tax breaks .

  5. 然而,对于我国的小微企业而言,融资难仍然是制约其发展的重要瓶颈。

    However , difficulties in financing still is important bottleneck restricting its development .

  6. 小微企业贷款瓶颈难于突破的问题有待解决。

    The bottleneck problem of loan for small and micro enterprises needs to be settled .

  7. 根据草案,会有政府部门主导管理小微企业事务。

    A leading government department will be designated to manage SME affairs under the amendment .

  8. 第四章介绍小微企业搜索营销的效果的评估和提升,指导小微企业搜索营销效果评估并学会运用相关工具。

    The next chapter guidance small and micro-enterprise search marketing effectiveness learn to use tools .

  9. 其中,贷款难已成为制约小微企业持续发展的瓶颈。

    And loan difficulties have become a bottleneck restricting sustainable development of small and micro enterprises .

  10. 进一步分析,融资风险感知在创业自我效能感对科技型小微企业债务融资行动的影响关系间起到中介作用。

    And financing risk perception plays the intermediary role between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and debt financing action strategy .

  11. 资金缺乏、外部环境差等问题一直都是制约着小微企业的发展的障碍。

    Financing , talent shortages and other difficulties have long been restricts thedevelopment of small and micro-enterprises .

  12. 除此之外,在新草案中还考虑保护小微企业的法律权益。

    Additionally , protecting the legal rights of SMEs is also being considered in the new draft .

  13. 社区银行有能力且有动力对小微企业提供融资。

    Community Bank has the ability and has the power to provide financing to small and micro enterprises .

  14. 通过内外兼修,小微企业融资难才能从根源上得到解决。

    Through internal and external efforts , financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises can be solved radically .

  15. 最后提出了优化乡镇小微企业融资机制的对策建议。

    At last , it puts forward the optimization countermeasures and suggestions of township small micro enterprise financing mechanism .

  16. 统计结果显示,小微企业每年大约有7000亿元的融资缺口。

    Statistics showed that " small micro-enterprise " Each year , about 700 billion yuan of the funding gap .

  17. 第5章探讨了从供应链融资解决小微企业融资难的问题。

    The fifth chapter discusses the supply chain financing to solve the financing problem of small and micro enterprises .

  18. 机构有钱无处贷,小微企业需款难以得,已陷入供需矛盾的恶性循环。

    The money of institutions has nowhere to be loaned , but Small Micro Enterprises could hardly get the loans .

  19. 而且大银行还有规模、技术、信誉等方面的优势可以支持大银行实现对小微企业的金融服务。

    The large scaled banks have vantage of scale ; technology and credibility which can help them support small-and-micro sized enterprises .

  20. 从中国整体而言,小微企业数量增长迅速,它们的融资渠道较为单一,主要来自于银行信贷融资。

    In China , the number is rapid increase of Micro-enterprise , moreover that main financing source from bank credit facilities .

  21. 这一行为直接制约着小微企业的生存和发展。论其原因很多学者都针对传统金融学理论做出解释。

    The Credit-Crunch directly restricts survival and development of Micro-enterprise , and many scholars explain this phenomenon from traditional finance theory .

  22. 小微企业数量庞大,拥有着广阔的市场,是商业银行的重要客户群体。

    There are so many small-micro enterprises which occupied the broad market . They are the important customers of commercial banks .

  23. 武汉是全国商贸物流的重要基地,是全国小微企业商业活动最活跃的地区之一,武汉市集群市场里商户的发展可以说是我国小微企业发展的缩影,很具有代表性。

    The development of Wuhan cluster market merchants can be said to be the epitome of small and micro enterprises in China .

  24. 小微企业尽管近几年发展势头强劲,但仍然无法掩盖其由于自身实力孱弱所造成的诸多隐患。

    Although small-micro enterprise enjoys a quick development in recent years , it still could not hide its problems caused by its weak strength .

  25. 同时,小微企业普惠性减税和个人所得税专项附加扣除等政策减税降费近200亿元。

    Meanwhile , inclusive tax reductions for small and micro enterprises and deductions in personal income tax made up for nearly 20 billion yuan .

  26. 最后,从组织、人员、资源、制度等方面,提出了肇庆农行实施小微企业信贷改进的保障措施。

    Finally , the article puts forward the safeguard measures for the credit improvement from the organization , personnel , resources and so on .

  27. 在加拿大某大学拿到经济学学位的陈星言创立了一家小微企业融资公司,专门帮助女性经营的小企业。

    Armed with an economics degree from a Canadian University , she also started a micro-financing business , to help women in small businesses .

  28. 小微企业是我国国民经济和社会发展的重要力量,对国民经济的发展做出了重大贡献。

    Small Micro Enterprises are important force of our national economy and social development ; make significant contributions in the development of national economy .

  29. 中国将加大对小微企业和个体工商户的支持力度,帮助他们克服困难和发展业务。

    China will extend more support to micro and small enterprises as well as self-employed individuals to help them overcome difficulties and grow their businesses .

  30. 最后是第五章总结与展望,总结小微企业的搜索营销大有可为并预判未来的深入研究方向。

    Finally , Chapter V Summary and Outlook promising in-depth study and to predict the future direction , summed up the small micro-enterprise search marketing .