
  1. 开始写你一直想写的小说吧。

    Go start that novel you 've been thinking about .

  2. 来看看十部永恒的爱情小说吧。

    Check out the ten best timeless love stories .

  3. 可能在致力于创造一步小说吧。

    Maybe he is devoting for a novel .

  4. 忘了言情小说吧。

    Forget the romantic novel .

  5. 就想象一下看小说吧,假如过程很精彩,但结局却写得非常糟糕,那你还会把这部小说介绍给朋友吗?

    Even if the story was captivating up until the ending , would you still be happy recommending the novel to a friend ?

  6. 她谈起嫉妒时说,如果你希望一生都只能获得暂时的同盟者,这些伙伴们还会对你的每次失败欢呼雀跃,那就去写小说吧。

    On envy : If you want a lifetime of temporary alliances with peers who will glory in your every failure , write novels .

  7. 不妨闲来谈谈如何读小说吧。一部长篇小说分成三十二章,是作者的苦心经营,想把它建构得如同一座错落有致的布局合理的大厦。可是词语比砖块更难捉摸,阅读比观看更费时、更复杂。

    The thirty-two chapters of a novel - if we consider how to read a novel first - - are an attempt to make something as formed and controlled as a building : but words are more impalpable than bricks ; Reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing .

  8. 萨曼莎:在美国报道中,让我们来听听全世界与浪漫小说的相恋吧。

    Samantha : Let 's hear what the worldwide love affair with the romance novel is about , in Dateline USA.

  9. 本文选取小说《说吧,房间》中标题符号、空间符号、人物符号这三组修辞元素和话语这一修辞载体来作为研究对象。

    This paper selects three rhetorical elements of " speaking , room " - title symbols , space symbols , character symbols and rhetoric carrier which is known as the subjects of words .

  10. 杰弗里·布朗:好的,来看看我们的开栏之选,对,它就是杰思名·沃尔德近年来广受欢迎的一本小说《歌唱吧,未葬者,歌唱吧》。

    OK . So that cues our first choice , right , which is Jesmyn Ward , her novel " Sing , Unburied , Sing , " one of the most acclaimed novels of recent years .

  11. 至少我也要拍个罗尔德·达尔(RoaldDahl)的小说改编的电影吧,我的下一部影片是《友善的巨人》(BigFriendlyGiant),马克·里朗斯演那个友善的巨人。

    Or at least Roald Dahl 's , which is my next movie , " Big Friendly Giant . " With Mark Rylance playing the big friendly giant .

  12. 这可不能写在小说里,对吧?

    Couldn 't write this in a novel , right ?

  13. 这或许和科幻小说可以产生共鸣吧。

    So , that seemed to resonate with the whole science fiction part of it .