
  • 网络dust lane
  1. 由于外形酷似草帽而得名的“草帽星系”编号为M104,它拥有显著的尘埃带,还有恒星和球状星团组成的明亮星系晕。

    Named the Sombrero Galaxy for its hat-like resemblance , M104 features a prominent dust lane and a bright halo of stars and globular clusters .

  2. 支持这一观点的证据在这张广角深空照片中清晰可辨,包括旋涡星系特有的暗尘埃带,以及暗淡的恒星和气体漩涡。

    Supporting evidence includes the dark dust lanes characteristic of a spiral galaxy , and faint swirls of stars and gas visible in this wide and deep image .

  3. 在这张令人难忘的高清彩色图片中,我们可以看到位于棒端和旋臂上那些密集的恒星诞生区,以及横穿星系中央亮核的清晰尘埃带。

    This impressively sharp color image shows intense star forming regions at the ends of the bar and along the spiral arms , and details of dust lanes cutting across the galaxy 's bright core .

  4. 尘埃粒子所带电荷数越大,磁场对它的影响越明显。

    The more charge number the dust grain carries the more obvious the magnetic field effects on it .

  5. 它还有助于阻止尘埃和空气所带的其它污染物进入室内。

    Also , it helps to prevent dust and other airborne contaminats from flowing into the room .

  6. 综述了国内外测量尘埃等离子体中尘埃颗粒所带平衡电荷量的实验方法。

    This paper introduces some methods of measuring the grain equilibrium charge on individual dust grain in a dusty plasma .