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yóu wù
  • femme fatale;rare thing;rare beauty;remarkable personage
尤物 [yóu wù]
  • (1) [rare thing]∶珍贵的物品

  • 夫有尤物,足以移人。--《左传.昭二八年》

  • 信造化之尤物。--宋. 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》

  • (2) [bewitching female beauty]∶特别漂亮的女人

  • 投甘言而引尤物,贵丽色而作生涯。--《包公案》

  1. F-Type是一个尤物。

    The F-Type is a beaut , all right .

  2. 我可以称她为天然尤物

    well , what can I call her , nature thing .

  3. 不过,其他人却认为这个金发尤物非常危险。

    But this pretty blonde is seen by others as very dangerous .

  4. 你那戴徽章的尤物说过,他们正和国际刑警组织合作

    Your crush object with a badge said they were working with Interpol .

  5. 这里又不是只有海莉一个尤物。

    Haley isn 't the only hottie living here .

  6. 像你这种尤物来交友网站干嘛呢

    So what 's someone like you doing on a dating web site ?

  7. 她真有闭月羞花之色啊,真是上天赐予之尤物啊

    She 's glorious.What an exquisite creature .

  8. 如此尤物,才值得我为她从飞机上跳下去

    Now that , is a woman that 's worth falling out a plane for .

  9. 她可是尤物你差点跟她说我要结婚了!

    She 's a fuckin ' hottie . And you almost tell her that I 'm gettin ' married ?

  10. 少来了,拘泥于那种传统方法我永远把不到那种尤物。

    Chandler : Oh , come on . I can never get a girl like that with conventional methods .

  11. 如果你仅仅是姿色更上一层或性感尤物,你却缺乏油然而生的自豪感。

    It 's a lack of pride you know would be there if you were just prettier , or sexier .

  12. 现在我们正在黄石国家公园,跟拍一些苍狼,一睹这些致命尤物的风采。

    We are here in Yellowstone National Park to follow some grey wolves and observe the deadly brilliance of the pack .

  13. 然而有些事儿可不够性感,当你试图让自己像个性感尤物时,走起路来却失足摔倒、摇摇晃晃或者把自己给绊倒。

    What isn 't sexy , however , is stumbling , wobbling and tripping over yourself while trying to look like hot stuff .

  14. 小镇美女玛丽·罗杰斯是个让人心动的尤物,所有迷恋她的人都来到她上班的纽约雪茄店。

    Town beauty Mary Rogers was an object of admiration who infatuated all who came to the New York cigar shop where she worked .

  15. 这个尤物一路从哥伦比亚闯到美国难道不认识一些狠角儿吗?他们会不会帮她的忙呢?

    Did this woman made it all the way here from Colombia without knowing some very bad men who would love to do her a favor ?

  16. 要是你能将这颗蓝色尤物装进自己的口袋,那你等于随身带了一颗价值超过6千万英镑(约为6.3亿人民币)的钻石。

    But if you had this rare blue beauty in your pocket you would be carrying around a diamond that could be worth more than £ 60million .

  17. 英国广播公司文化评论家尼古拉斯•巴伯说道,“斯图尔特浑身上下都散发着上世纪30年代性感尤物的光辉,从她身上可以看出那个年代羞怯和朴实的人物形象”,而“艾森伯格是伍迪镜头下最自然的角色之一”。

    According to BBC Culture 's critic Nicholas Barber , " Stewart has the glow of a bona fide 1930s bombshell while retaining her characteristically sheepish , down-to-earth persona , " while " Eisenberg is one of the most natural of Woody proxies . "