
  • 网络Nikita;maggie q;Maggie;La Femme Nikita
  1. 金对女主角尼基塔的扮演者MaggieQ赞口不绝,称这是她这一季中表现最好的一集。

    Kim praised series star Maggie Q , who plays Nikita , calling the episode her best performance of the season .

  2. 金对女主角尼基塔的扮演者MaggieQ赞口不绝,称这是她“这一季中表现最好的一集”。

    Kim praised series star Maggie Q , who plays Nikita , calling the episode " her best performance of the season . "

  3. 美国电影《双面女蝎星》(PointofNoReturn)和USA电视网1997年的一部电视剧也是自《尼基塔女郎》改编而来。

    S.movie'Point of No Return'and a1997 series on the USA network .

  4. 后来它在美国被翻拍为电影《尼基塔:永不回头》(PointofNoReturn),又被改编为电视剧。

    spawned both an American big-screen remake ( " Point of No Return " ) and a television series .

  5. 随着CW电视台的《尼基塔》第二季渐入尾声,女主角将不得不面对一些曾经不堪回首的往事。

    When the CW drama kicks off the final episodes of season two , its heroine will be forced to deal with issues left off to the side .

  6. TVLine独家消息,《尼基塔》请来了粉丝们由爱生恨的《24小时》演员SarahClarke,她将会扮演一个绝密的角色。

    Nikita has recruited Sarah Clarke , the24 alum fans loved to hate , for a top-secret role , TVLine has learned exclusively .

  7. 由阿尔伯特?金(AlbertKim)任编剧、杰弗里?亨特(JeffreyHunt)执导的新一集《愤恨》中,尼基塔被俘,也使得她必须直面一直以来都想埋葬的另一个自己。

    Written by Albert Kim and directed by Jeffrey Hunt , " Wrath " sees Nikita captured and left to face a side of herself she had buried a long time ago .

  8. CW电视台的美剧《尼基塔》第三季第一集首播收视惨淡,只有九十五万零一千位观众收看了该集,18-49岁观众中收视率为0.3,这比周五晚的平均水准低了太多。

    The Season 3 premiere of " Nikita " on The CW bombed even by Friday standards , drawing a meager 951000 viewers and a 0.3 rating in the 18-49 demo according to fast national ratings .

  9. 1960年尼基塔•赫鲁晓夫(1)(NikitaKhrushchev)紧握双拳在联合国的桌上猛捶,随后又提起他的皮鞋在桌上一阵猛敲,由于用力过猛以至于他的手表也被震停了。

    BACK in1960 Nikita Khrushchev hammered his fists , then his shoe , on the table at the United Nations so hard his watch stopped .

  10. 50多年前,在莫斯科的一间美国厨房样板间中,时任美国副总统理查德尼克松(RichardNixon)与苏联领导人尼基塔赫鲁晓夫(NikitaKhrushchev)曾就谁的制度更优越进行了一番争论。

    More than 50 years ago Richard Nixon , then US vice-president , and Nikita Khrushchev , the Soviet leader , argued in a mocked-up American kitchen in Moscow about whose system was superior .

  11. 尼基塔在屋里,这点他们并不知�

    Nikita 's in the house . They have no idea .

  12. 尼基塔,你不知道他的所作所为

    Nikita , you don 't know what he 's done .

  13. 我问我自己,换成尼基塔她会怎么做

    I asked myself , " what would Nikita do ? "

  14. 我们是你唯一的家人,尼基塔

    We were the only real family you had , Nikita ,

  15. 你知道这不能永远继续下去的,尼基塔

    You know this can 't go on forever , Nikita .

  16. 他能帮我们把黑盒和尼基塔搞到手

    He 's our ticket to the black box and Nikita .

  17. 我喜欢他勇敢面对尼基塔。赫鲁晓夫的样子。

    I liked the way he stood up to Nikita Khrushchev .

  18. 尼基塔大概已经告诉那小子他被跟踪了

    Nikita might have tipped him off he 's being followed .

  19. 尼基塔自遇到你那刻起就决定了自己的命运

    Nikita sealed her own fate the day she met you .

  20. 尼基塔,赶紧带着黑盒出来

    Nikita , you 're gonna come out with the black box

  21. 我们杀了尼基塔他就会网开一面的

    He will cut us some slack when we kill Nikita .

  22. 你好,我是尼基塔,幸会

    Hi . I 'm Nikita , nice to meet you .

  23. 尼基塔没有叛逃之前,你和她是亲密朋友

    And you and Nnikita were comrades when she served here .

  24. 我通过面部识别扫描系统找到了尼基塔

    My facial recog scan just got a match on Nikita .

  25. 这不关尼基塔的事,你也知道

    This isn 't about Nikita , and you know it .

  26. 是有一个女人,但不是尼基塔

    There 's a woman , but it 's not Nikita .

  27. 也许你拜错了神,尼基塔

    Maybe you 've been praying to the wrong person , Nikita .

  28. 尼基塔,你确定能信任沃斯吗

    Nikita , are you sure that you trust Voss ?

  29. 看来尼基塔又给自己拉了一个同伙

    Looks as though Nikita 's got herself another bedfellow .

  30. 你也是伪装生活过的,尼基塔

    You know all about living a lie , Nikita .