
  • 网络Household Consumption Expenditure
  1. 但是与理论相悖的是,在家庭住房资产不断膨胀的同时,居民消费支出在GDP中的占比并没有显著增加,反而有逐年降低之势。

    But contrary to the theory , while the family housing assets expand , the proportion of household consumption expenditure in GDP does not significantly increase , on the contrary has the decrease trend year by year .

  2. 公共消费支出对居民消费支出在总体上呈现正向变动,对居民消费具有挤入效应。

    The effect of government public consumption expenditure on household consumption expenditure showed positive changes , it called crowding-in effect .

  3. 检验结果表明房地产价格波动是居民消费支出发生变化的Granger因果原因。

    The test results show that the real estate price fluctuation is the residents consumption expenditure changes occurring in the Granger causal reasons .

  4. 居民消费支出结构转型是经济增长方式转型的重要内容。

    Relations between consumption structure and income standard of citizens in China ;

  5. 浙江省城镇居民消费支出结构的实证分析

    Analysis and Forecast on Expending Structure of Urban Households in Zhejiang Province

  6. 中国城镇居民消费支出的区域差异分析

    Empirical Analysis of Consumption Expenditure of Urban Residents of China

  7. 实证结果显示,养老保险支出显著影响居民消费支出,并且与之呈现正相关的关系。

    The result shows that the pension positively affects consumption .

  8. 江苏省城镇居民消费支出结构分析与预测

    Analysis and Forecast on Expending Structure of Urban Households in Jiangsu Province

  9. 浙江农村居民消费支出系统函数的稳定性检验

    Testing the Parametric Stability of the Demand System of Zhejiang Rural Residents

  10. 1978&2005年中国居民消费支出结构研究经常开支;经常开支;经常性费用;经常性费用;经常性支出;经常性支出

    The Research on Chinese Residents Consumption Payout Structure during 1978-2005 ; recurrent expenditure

  11. 重庆市城镇居民消费支出结构的灰色关联分析

    A Gray Relevance Analysis of Consumption Structure of Urban Residents in Chongqing Municipality

  12. 黑龙江省农村居民消费支出与收入的回归分析

    A Research of Relationship between Consume and Income of Rural Residents in Heilongjiang Province Based on Regression Analysis

  13. 论心理预期对我国扩大内需政策的影响心理预期对我国城镇居民消费支出影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Impact of Psychological and Expected Factors upon the Consumption Expenditure of Our City & Town Residents

  14. 因此,稳定持续增长的收入和资产性财富的增加有利于农村居民消费支出的增加。

    Therefore , the stable growth of income and increase in wealth is conducive to the increase in consumption expenditure of farmer .

  15. 由于缺乏居民消费支出的个体数据,无法进行个体分层的差异分析。

    As the data of residents ' individual expenditures are unavailable , it is not feasible to compare the differences between individuals or clusters .

  16. 消费因素对辽宁省经济有很大的影响,居民消费支出是构成内需的主体。

    The factor of consumption has a great impact on the economy of Liaoning Province . Consumer spending is the main form of domestic demand .

  17. 本文分别从消费水平和消费结构两个角度来研究地区对外开放水平的差异对我国城镇居民消费支出的影响。

    This paper studies the impact of regional diversity on the consumption of urban residents in our country from the perspectives of consumption level and consumption structure .

  18. 而根据传统金融理论,调动居民消费支出增加,必须充分考虑到居民资产总量和居民收入水平。

    According to the traditional financial theory , mobilizing increase of consumer spending , must take into consideration the level of the residents total assets and income .

  19. 居民消费支出与可支配收入的长期均衡及短期波动关系研究&对韶关城区居民家庭生活抽样调查数据的计量经济分析

    Relations between Residents ' Consuming Expenditure and Disposable Income : Long-term Equilibrium and Short-term Fluctuation & Economic analysis on the sample surveying data of living standard of Shaoguan people

  20. 第四,建立完善的社会保障体制,提高公共基础服务质量和数量,强化社会保障调节农村居民消费支出中的转移支付能力。

    Fourthly , set up a complete social security system and improve the quality and quantity of public fundamental service and enhance the social security to adjust the transfer payment ability in rural inhabitants ' consumption expenditure .

  21. 金融危机爆发以来,社会保障作为促进居民消费支出的重要手段被提高到前所未有的重视程度。

    Social security , as one important way to promote residents ' consumption , has being put high emphasis since financial crisis . There is no denying that social security plays an important role in economic and social development .

  22. 近几年,居民消费支出对我国经济发展的促进作用日趋明显。

    In recent years , a increasing evident is that consumer spending growth of China has play a key role in economy development , and the development of commercial bank credit has become the key role in consumer spending growth .

  23. 但是自20世纪90年代以来我国居民消费支出增长幅度明显下降,我国居民的平均消费倾向,即总居民消费占国内生产总值的比重一直在减少,导致了我国居民消费率长期偏低。

    The increasing degree of consumption expenditure of residents had obviously dropped since 1990s in China . The average propensity to consume of residents , namely the proportion of taking gross domestic product of total consumption of residents keeps reducing in China .

  24. 根据经济学理论,资产增值会产生财富效应,即随着财富的增长,消费支出会增加,这意味着,随着房产增值,家庭财富在不断累积,居民消费支出应该也随之增加。

    According to economic theories , the asset appreciation will generate wealth effect , with the growth in wealth , consumer expenditure will increase , which means that household wealth accumulates with the house estates ' appreciation and the consumer expenditure should also increase .

  25. 本文在对中国城镇居民消费支出结构与居民可支配收入进行协整分析的基础上,引入市场化指数、现代化指数、消费者信心指数等环境因素,对中国城镇居民消费支出结构进行了广义分析。

    Based on the analysis of consumption structure and urban per capita disposable income of China , the author introduces such correlated factors as marketization index , modernization index and the consumer confidence index , and analyzes the consumption structure in Chinese urban areas .

  26. 通过与经济发展状况和消费支出比较,生态足迹同经济发展水平和居民消费支出是相应增长的,说明经济增长和居民生活水平提高的同时,其居民的生态消费也在相应增加。

    Compared with economical development condition and consumption expenses , the ecological footprint grew correspondingly with the economic development and the residents'consumption expenses , indicating that with the improvement of economic growth and the living standard of the residents , ecological expense of the residents was also increasing .

  27. 上半年,全国居民人均消费支出11471元,比上年同期名义增长18.0%,扣除价格因素,实际增长17.4%。

    Chinese per capita nominal consumer spending rose 18 percent year on year to 11471 yuan in the first half of the year . After factoring in price levels , spending went up 17.4 percent year on year .

  28. PPS抽样方法在我国农村居民生活消费支出估计中的应用

    The Use of PPS Sampling Method in Estimating of China 's Rural Residents ' Consumption Expenditure

  29. 在格兰杰因果检验中,农村居民生活消费支出对GDP的作用在滞后第一期、第二期和第三期都有显现,但是表现为GDP拉动消费的增长。

    In the Granger causality test , the consumer expenditure of rural residents affects on the role of GDP in the first lag , second and third are also obvious , but shows growth of GDP driving consumption .

  30. 然后,采用了Johansen协整检验与误差修正模型研究了我国城镇居民家庭消费支出和通货膨胀之间的关系。

    Then , the relationship between urban consumption and inflation in China was studied by means of Johansen Test and Error Correction Model .