
  1. 几种重要的投入产出乘数和居民部门的作用分析

    Analysis on Several Important Input-Output Multipliers and the Roles of Resident Section

  2. 改革开放以来,我国居民部门的储蓄(以金融储蓄为主)大幅增长。

    Since the beginning of economic reform , the household sector has experienced a remarkable growth in savings .

  3. 杉并区一位官员已经开始采取监管老年群体的新举措了。这位官员名叫和久井嘉久,是老年居民部门的总负责人。

    That prospect has occurred to another Suginami Ward official , Yoshihisa Wakui , head of the senior citizens section .

  4. 改革以来,我国的国民储蓄大幅度增长的同时,结构发生了深刻变化:居民部门储蓄在国民总储蓄中占比大大提高,政府部门储蓄占比则大为降低。

    Since the beginning of reform , along with the high growth in national savings , its structure changed greatly . The ratio of resident savings to gross national savings grows remarkably , and the government savings ratio dropped notably .

  5. 对如何以投入产出模型和简单的投入产出乘数为基础,计算和分析居民部门诱发的投入产出乘数问题作了探讨,提出了以扩展直接消耗系数矩阵计算居民部门诱发乘数的方法。

    This paper discusses how to calculate and analyze the input-output multipliers induced by the resident section , when applying input-output and simple input-output multiplier method , and gives a way to calculate multipliers induced by the resident section with extended direct consumption coefficient matrix .

  6. 为此,政府应进一步出台相关政策,不断完善我国当前的收入分配制度,提高城乡居民部门收入在国民收入中所占的比重,提高城乡居民的劳动收入报酬。

    Therefore , the government should publish relevant policy , further consummate the current income distribution system in our country , improve the department of urban and rural residents in the share of national income , and improve the labor income of urban and rural residents .

  7. 在已有的碳排放研究中,大多集中在生产部门,而忽略了居民生活部门产生的碳排放,随着城镇化进程的不断推进,居民生活能源消费产生的碳排放越来越不容忽视。

    In earlier researches , the majority of studies only focused on the production department but ignored the carbon emissions from household department . Along with the progress of China urbanization , carbon emissions from residential energy consumption are playing a more and more important role .

  8. 微观决策与经济体制:房地产泡沫下的居民-金融部门破产

    Individual Decision and Institutional Evolution : the Bankruptcy of Households and Financial Institutions in the Real Estate Bubble

  9. 城市居民是供水部门收入的主要来源之一,这就产生了他们对改进供水服务的支付意愿的问题。

    This gives rise to an issue of residents'willingness to pay ( WTP ) for improving water supply services .

  10. 结果:村卫生室经济补偿模型涉及农村居民、医保部门、物价部门、财政部门等主体及相关政策;

    Results : The model of village clinics'economic compensation includes rural residents , medical insurance department , pricing department , financial department and some related policies .

  11. 同时由交通问题滋生的诸如交通安全问题一直困扰着城镇居民和政府部门,人们在不断努力寻求解决交通拥挤的对策和摆脱困境的有效途径。

    At the same time , urban residents and government departments have been plagued by breeding other problems by the traffic problems , such as traffic safety .

  12. 在重庆市主城区,已有的新居民小区开发部门投资配套小学教育的形式如,投资名校,以钱择校;

    In major city proper of Chongqing , the forms of newly developed resident lots ' development departments investing in well-known schools , choosing schools with money ;

  13. 首先通过储蓄缺口和居民、企业部门的债权及债务结构,对我国储蓄&投资转化的现状作了具体分析,发现其转化效率极其低下;

    Firstly , it analyzes the situation of the transforming mechanism in detail in terms of " saving gap ", the credit and debt structures between residents and enterprises sectors .

  14. 奥巴马说,在全国的太多社区,当地居民和执法部门之间都存在着一条不信任的鸿沟,在太多社区,有太多的有色人种青年被社会抛弃,并被视为恐惧的对象。

    In too many communities around the country , a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement , Obama said . In too many communities , too many young men of color are left behind and seen only as objects of fear .

  15. 居民纷纷向政府部门投诉,造成一种社会问题。

    Residents have to government departments to create a social problem .

  16. 建立社会、学校、家庭、社区、街道居民委员会、经济部门、群众团体、机关、街道媒体四结合的宣传思想工作模式;

    Set up four propaganda thought work patterns combined of society , school , family , community , neighborhood committee , economic department , mass organization , organ , street media ;

  17. 由于我国城乡分割的二元经济结构的存在,城镇居民的收入在居民部门中占有重要地位。

    As the urban and rural dual economic structure , the income of urban residents plays an important role in the population sector .