
  • 网络home quarantine
  1. 截止今天,已确定54名尚活着的家庭成员和病例的其它密切接触者,并已对他们进行自愿居家隔离。

    As of today , 54 surviving family members and other close contacts of cases have been identified and placed under voluntary home quarantine .

  2. 1%的受访者愿意遵守居家隔离,94.2%愿意不出席公众活动,90.7%愿意推迟社交聚会。

    Reported being willing to comply with home quarantine ; 94.2 % , to avoid public events ; and90.7 % , to postpone social gatherings .

  3. 安徽省的合肥工业大学宣布延迟一周开学,同时要求师生返校前居家隔离一周。

    Meanwhile , Hefei University of Technology in east China 's Anhui province has delayed the start of the upcoming spring semester for a week , requiring its teachers and staff to home-quarantine for a week before returning to campus .

  4. 根据(卫生)部周三下发的关于甲型H1N1流感防控策略调整的通知,(甲型H1N1流感的)密切接触者可以实施居家隔离,而且密切接触者的范围也将缩小。

    And the range of close contacts was narrowed down , according to a notice on adjusting A ( H1N1 ) flu prevention and control measures issued by the ministry Wednesday .

  5. 英国剧院空无一人,居家隔离使引座员、舞台管理员、服装师,以及后台工作人员生活艰难,该行业的慈善机构TheTheatricalGuild说其中有些人甚至企图自杀。

    Ushers , stage hands , dressers and those who work on the stage door of the nation 's empty theatres are struggling to survive during lockdown , with some even contemplating suicide according to the industry charity , The Theatrical Guild .

  6. 检测结果为阳性的病例将被居家隔离,并收到药物和使用说明。

    If being diagnosed positive , they will receive instructions and medication while quarantined at home .

  7. 在新一轮聚集性疫情爆发之际,石家庄采取了一系列措施,确保供暖、供气和供水,同时居民遵守居家隔离。

    Shijiazhuang has taken measures to ensure heating , gas and water supply as residents observe home quarantine amid a new cluster outbreak of COVID-19 .

  8. 有关部门表示,前往北京就医的非京籍居民必须居家或集中隔离14天。

    Authorities say that non-Beijing residents who come to the capital for medical care will have to undergo a 14-day observation at home or collectively .