
jū liú qiān zhènɡ
  • residence visa
  1. 在泰国若没有居留签证会很不便,因不能开银行户口,及每月都要出境到邻近国家一次。

    Living in Thailand without a residence visa is a headache because we cannot open a bank account and have to go for visa run every month .

  2. 她拿到了短期居留签证。

    She has a temporary resident visa .

  3. 匈牙利为投资25万欧元购买匈牙利国债的人提供居留签证。

    Hungary offers residency visas for people who make a 250,000 investment in government bonds .

  4. 我已经办理了居留签证而且在沙滩上有所公寓等着我的入住。

    I already have my residency visa and a condo on the beach waiting for me .

  5. 银行保密,并提供给富裕的外国人居留签证,基本上是投资的方式刺激旅游和外国人。

    Banking secrecy and providing residence visas to wealthy foreigners are essentially a way of stimulating tourism and foreign investment .

  6. 传统上,美国公民可以为外国出生的配偶作保,帮助他们获得居留签证,也就是所谓的绿卡。

    Traditionally , American citizens have been able to sponsor their foreign-born spouses for residency visas , known as green cards .

  7. 请在此信签发六个月以内前来使馆领取您的临时居留签证。

    You must collect your authorisation for temporary stay at this Netherlands embassy within six months of the date of this decision .

  8. 外国人如果在西班牙购置了价值不低于16万欧元的物业,就可以获得该国的居留签证。

    In the case of Spain , its visas give residency to any foreigner who buys property worth at least 160000 or $ 205500 .

  9. 到了期的护照;抓获用过了期的驾照开车的人。第11条居留签证适用于持外国护照,而拟在我国境内作长期居留之人士。

    Article 11 Foreign passport holders who are in possession of foreign passports and intend to stay in the ROC for a long-term period may apply for a resident visa .

  10. 他们居留超过了签证期限。

    They overstayed their visa .

  11. B:是的,但居留许可和签证已经合二为一了。

    B : Yes , we do . But it combined with the visa .

  12. B:是的,但居留许可和签证已经合二为一了。

    B : Yes , we do . But it combined with the visa .

  13. 在你拿到居留英国的签证之前,你需要有一个能正式资助你的人。

    Before you can get a visa to live in britain , you need to find someone who will officially sponsor you .

  14. 持证人必须经常注意检查自己的护照,居留证,签证的有效期。

    Attention should be taken quite often to check the expired date indicated on your passport , Residence Card and your visa .

  15. 因缺课问题而导致无法办理居留证或延长签证,学生须自行负责。

    The students should take full responsibility if their absence causes any trouble with visa extension or ARC application .