
  • 网络roof drains
  1. 屋顶与立面次结构可以有效减小主结构弦杆面外的计算长度,提供ETFE膜结构、下弦声学吊顶与屋面排水系统的支承条件,并形成结构的抗侧力体系。

    Roof top and facade secondary structure can effectively reduce the out-of-plane calculated length of the primary chords , and provide support conditions for ETFE cladding structure , acoustic ceiling at the bottom chord and roof drainage system , forming the lateral force resisting system for the structure .

  2. 虹吸系统在大面积屋面排水中的应用

    Siphon System Applied in Draining off Roof Water with Large Area

  3. 大型厂房屋面排水与渗漏处理浅议

    The drainage and seepage treatment of roofage for large scale workshops

  4. 本文通过对传统的屋面排水方式和虹吸式屋面排水方式的排水原理和特点的比较分析,重点论述了虹吸排水系统的技术优势和施工方法。

    By comparing and analyzing the drainage principles and characteristics between traditional way and siphon way of draining off roof water , the paper mainly expatiated the technical advantages and construction method of the latter draining way .

  5. 屋面雨水排水硬聚氯乙烯管道工程技术规程

    Technical specification for UP-VC pipeline work of roof rainwater drainage

  6. 压型金属板屋面雨水排水设计应注意的问题

    Precautions in design of rainwater drainage system for roofing with profiled sheets

  7. 压力流屋面雨水排水管系水力模型研究

    Investigation of hydraulic model of pressure pipeline system for roof rainwater drainage

  8. 高层建筑屋面雨水排水系统设计与安装技术探讨

    Study on Roof Drainage System Design and Installation Techniques of High-rise Commercial and Residential

  9. 基于可靠性的屋面雨水排水沟的设计

    Reliability based design of roof rainwater drainage system

  10. 高层建筑屋面雨水排水设计

    The Roofing-Rain-Drainage Design of High-Rising Buildings

  11. 研究了屋面雨水排水沟设计中的不确定性因素及基于可靠性的设计方法,对比研究了欧洲标准(EN12056-3)的可靠性水准;

    The uncertain factors of roof rainwater drainage design are analyzed and a design method of roof rainwater drainage based on reliability is given .

  12. 根据目前屋面雨水排水系统的工程实践和科技发展情况,结合过去的试验研究,阐述了雨水系统的泄水量与管内的流态变化情况。

    On the basis of engineering practices and scientific advances on field of roof rain water drainage , the flow rate of the rainwater system and the deviation of the flow patterns inside the rainwater pipeline are discussed in detail .

  13. 屋面雨水排水采用虹吸排水系统较重力排水系统,具有管径小、所需管道安装空间小、悬吊管道无坡度、下水道连接管和埋地管少等优点。

    Comparing siphon drainage system with gravity drainage system , the paper considers the siphon drainage system to possess many advantages such as small pipe dia , little installing space , non-sloped suspended pipe , short sewage connecting and underground pipe length etc.

  14. 屋面雨水虹吸排水系统技术与施工要点

    The Systematic techniques and Constructing Points of Roof Siphoning Drainage

  15. 屋面防水应从排水坡度、排水孔流量、防水等级、材料的选择以及采用新型防水材料和先进的施工方法等多方面考虑。

    During waterproofing roof construction , we should think about the following respects : drainage slope , flow of a drain hole , waterproof grade , materials selection , adoption of new waterproof material and advanced construction methods etc.

  16. 同时也详细介绍了种植植物及种植介质的选取,屋面防水、给排水等构造措施。

    At the same time , it also introduces the selection of the planter plant and the planter medium , the structure measures of the roof waterproof and the draining water and so on in detail .

  17. 目前屋面常用的绿化种植土存在密度大、蓄热性高、不利于屋面排水等缺点,不但增大了屋面荷载而且还存在夜间反向传热等问题。

    Currently green roof planting soil always had some problem like huge density , high heat resistance , Bad for roof drainage shortcomings and so on , it is not only increasing the roof load but also existing inverse heat transfer problem at night .

  18. 强调在屋面设计中应排与防并重,综合考虑,并提出压型金属板屋面雨水排水设计应注意的若干问题。

    This article focuses on " drainage " and " waterproofing " in roofing design , bearing in mind overall conditions and puts forward precautions in design of rainwater drainage system for a roofing with profiled sheets .