
wū dǐng
  • roof;roof-top;housetop
屋顶 [wū dǐng]
  • [roof;housetop] 房屋或构筑物外部的顶盖,包括屋面以及在墙或其它支撑物以上用以支承屋面的一切必要材料和构造

  • 长长的内部有一个漂亮的五彩装饰的露木屋顶

屋顶[wū dǐng]
  1. 大风从屋顶上刮下了一两片瓦来。

    The wind dislodged one or two tiles from the roof .

  2. 屋顶塌了下来,灰尘、碎片纷纷落在我们身上。

    The roof collapsed , showering us with dust and debris .

  3. 屋顶的木料已经腐朽并遭虫害。

    The roof timbers were affected by rot and insect attack .

  4. 这些立柱必须支撑起屋顶的重量。

    The pillars have to support the weight of the roof .

  5. 这些立柱坍塌了,一部分屋顶坠落下来。

    The pillars gave way and a section of the roof collapsed .

  6. 我们从屋顶的小洞能看见星星。

    We could see the stars through an opening in the roof .

  7. 黑色浓烟从屋顶滚滚冒出。

    Thick black smoke was pouring out of the roof .

  8. 房子需要修葺,不过屋顶还完好无损。

    The house needs attention but the roof is sound .

  9. 检查一下屋顶上是否有瓦被风刮得挪位。

    Check for roof tiles that have been displaced by the wind .

  10. 屋顶用几根木头支撑固定住了。

    The roof was braced by lengths of timber .

  11. 屋顶有飞檐突出,保护墙壁不受雨淋。

    The roof has an overhang to protect the walls from the rain .

  12. 有一只鸟落在屋顶上。

    There was a bird perched on the roof .

  13. 修过的屋顶若干年内不会漏雨。

    The finished roof should be weatherproof for years .

  14. 茅草屋顶在暴风雨中遭到严重破坏。

    The thatch was badly damaged in the storm .

  15. 高高的屋顶使声音更响亮。

    The sound was magnified by the high roof .

  16. 冰雹砸得屋顶咚咚响。

    Hail was hammering down onto the roof .

  17. 暴雨???地砸在屋顶上。

    Heavy rain pounded on the roof .

  18. 囚犯在屋顶上举行了抗议活动。

    The prisoners staged a rooftop protest .

  19. 我们在屋顶漏洞下放了一个水桶接水滴。

    We put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips .

  20. 暴雨砰砰砰地砸在屋顶上。

    Heavy rain pounded on the roof .

  21. 大雨噼里啪啦地打在屋顶上。

    Heavy rain splattered on the roof .

  22. 屋顶每逢下雨就漏。

    The roof leaks whenever it rains .

  23. 这些茅草屋顶屡屡着火。

    These thatched roofs frequently catch fire .

  24. 洪水几乎涨到屋顶。

    The floodwater nearly reached roof level .

  25. 这屋顶结构不牢固。

    The roof is structurally unsound .

  26. 屋顶漏雨,我不得不用桶来接。

    The roof was leaking and I had to use a bucket to catch the drips .

  27. 屋顶在漏雨。

    The roof was leaking .

  28. 只有屋顶上滴答滴答持续不断的滴水声打破了寂静。

    The silence was broken only by the steady drip , drip of water from the roof .

  29. 他把那一小束光对准了屋顶。

    He directed the tiny beam of light at the roof .

  30. 戈德史密斯修理了屋顶,以确保房屋能够抗风。

    Goldsmith has repaired the roof to ensure the house is wind-proof