
  1. 联系组织境外办展机构和企业来华举办各类展览、展销会。

    To make contact with foreign exhibition organizations & enterprises and invite them to hold various fairs cooperatively in China .

  2. 会展是会议、展览、展销等集体性活动的总称,是人类物质文化交流的重要形式之一。

    Convention and Exhibition , the general name for a series collective activities of conferences , exhibitions and trade fairs , is an important form of the material and cultural exchanges of human being .

  3. 本展览中心提供展销场地,不收场地租借费。

    Our exhiBition centre provides sites free of rent for exhiBition and sale of products .

  4. 热忱欢迎中外客商来江苏展览馆举办展览,展销会,贸易洽谈会。

    Customers both at home and abroad are welcome to Jiangsu Exhibition Center for exhibitions , sales fairs , or trade talks .

  5. 国内外商贸洽谈会在此召开,万商云集。你也会来参加,是吗?热忱欢迎中外客商来江苏展览馆举办展览,展销会,贸易洽谈会。

    An international Business fair is to Be held here . all merchants draw together like clouds . You 'll Be one of them , won 't you ? Customers both at home and abroad are welcome to Jiangsu Exhibition Center for exhibitions , sales fairs , or trade talks .