
tún shù
  • garrison;defend
屯戍 [tún shù]
  • (1) [garrison]∶屯守

  • (2) [defend]∶指军队驻守边境

  1. 分两个部分来论述:1.文书记录在屯戍生活中的作用;

    The role book 's record play in garrison 's life .

  2. 汉代河西屯戍系统的仓

    On The Provision Storehouse of the Garrison System of Hexi Region in Han Dynasty

  3. 军市是指在军队驻扎地或屯戍地临时设立的市场。

    Military Markets were set up in the place where the troops were stationed .

  4. 汉代屯戍生活中的古典人道精神

    The Classic Humanitarian Spirit in the Life of Garrison Troops in the Border Areas during the Han Dynasty

  5. 从已经公布的居延汉简中看,汉代屯戍吏卒的“私去署”、“不在署”现象非常严重。

    According to public Jujan bamboo slips in the Han Dynasty , there existed a bad one 's post .

  6. 第四部分是从屯戍文书看汉简低层官吏的文化素养。

    The fourth part elaborates on officials at a lower level their cultural qualification , which is made up of two parts .

  7. 汉代屯戍组织中的吏卒间社会地位相对平等,并享有平等的法律地位。

    The soldiers in the garrison army in the border areas during the Han dynasty enjoyed relatively equal social and legal status with the officers .

  8. 尽管各级屯戍组织对此问题都比较重视,且有严格的处罚规定,但此一问题却屡禁不止。

    Though frontier defense organization at all levels paid much attention to it , with strict regulations of punishment , the problem had not been effectively restricted .

  9. 第一部分为当时西北边郡所见粮食品种的简介,并对屯戍军粮所涉及的主要品种进行归纳和区分。

    The first part is the brief introduction of the grain breeds in the northwest frontier area , and sums up and differentiates the main breeds in the garrison system .

  10. 长期远距离驻军和作战,如何保证及时、充足的后勤补给以及如何保证屯戍吏卒的正常生活,成为汉政府一个亟待解决的重要问题。

    Long distance garrison and combat , how to ensure timely , adequate logistic supply and how to guarantee the normal daily life of Garrison officials stroke into a Chinese Government an important problem to be solved urgently .

  11. 究其缘由:一是在征兵制下,内郡人民到边境“屯戍一岁”,不能适应战争需要;

    There were a few reasons as follows : ( 1 ) People in the interior counties must garrison the frontiers for a year according to the conscription system , and could not meet the needs of war ;

  12. 戍楼西望烟尘黑,汉兵屯在轮台北。也论简牍所见汉代河西屯戍系统的仓

    " We can see , from the look-out , the dust and Black smoke Where Chinese troops are camping , north of Wheel Tower . " Still on the Storehouse of the Garrison System of Hexi Region in Han Dynasty through the Bamboo Slips

  13. 汉代西北屯戍系统粮食分配问题探析&以汉简资料为中心这些粮食不是全国到处分配,而是搞几个点,专粮专用。

    Analysis of Foodstuff Allotment of the Northwest Garrison System in Han Dynasty & Taking the Wood Tablets and Bamboo Slips as center ; This grain would not be subject to nationwide distribution but put to special use in pig-raising in several selected centres .

  14. 本文指出,汉代屯戍吏卒的生活并非我们想象的那样苛繁悲惨,他们可以在日常工作之外可以参与一定的文化、娱乐活动,这也是西北屯戍防务机制能够长期有效运行的保障之一。

    This article points out that , the daily life of garrison officers was not as onerous and tragic as we imagined , they can take part in certain entertainment and cultural learning activities , and these measures guaranteed the defensive system of northwest operated effectively in a long period .