
  • 网络Shandong Library
  1. 山东省图书馆创建于1909年(清宣统元年),是我国创办最早的十座省级综合性公共图书馆之一。

    Shandong library was set up in 1909 . it is one of the ten most oldest comprehensive common libraries in china .

  2. 屈万里先生曾经任山东省图书馆典藏部主任,并历尽艰险载书远播,对于山东省的文化事业贡献甚大。

    Once working as director of Special Collection Department of Shandong Library , Mr Qu overcame unthinkable hardships and took various ways to protect ancient Chinese books , and made great contribution to the cultural undertaking of Shandong .

  3. 山东省医学图书馆信息技术应用调研

    Application of information technology in Shandong medical libraries : an investigation

  4. 山东省医院图书馆人力资源现状研究

    Research on Human Resource Status of Hospital Libraries in Shandong Province

  5. 山东省高校图书馆馆际互借服务状况调查及对策

    Analysis of Investigation and Countermeasure Against the Service Status of Interlibrary Loan

  6. 山东省高校图书馆网络数据库建设概况及发展对策

    The General Situation and Development of Network Database Construction in the University Libraries of Shandong Province

  7. 山东省高校图书馆随书光盘管理现状的调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of the Management Status of CDs with Books of University Libraries in Shandong Province

  8. 山东省高校图书馆的电子资源内容越来越丰富,种类也越来越繁多。

    The electronic resources of university libraries in Shandong are more and more richer in content and type , as well as the self-built resources .

  9. 山东省高校图书馆馆长队伍,学历、专业职称结构偏低,本专业的毕业生偏少,年龄结构偏高,科研成果不尽如人意。

    The are many problems in the structure of university librarians in Shandong Province , such as low academic degrees , few university graduates , old ages , etc.

  10. 为掌握信息技术在山东省医学图书馆应用的状况,对山东省市级以上图书馆进行问卷调查。

    An investigation into medical libraries at provincial and municipal levels in Shandong Province was conducted with questionnaires in order to understand the current status of application of information technology in the medical libraries .

  11. 山东省高校网上图书馆主页调查研究

    Study on the Web of colleges libraries on Internet of Shandong Province

  12. 山东省高校数字图书馆联盟构建策略

    Construction strategies of digital library alliance in Shandong universities

  13. 本文通过调查山东省高校网上图书馆的现状,分析了山东省高校网上图书馆存在的问题,探讨了网上图书馆的开发领域,展望了网上图书馆的发展。

    This paper analyses the questions of the college libraries on Internet of Shandong Province , discusses their developing fields and views their development by surveying their situation .

  14. 文章利用中国教育网对山东省14所高校图书馆开设的读者培训讲座从访问路径、讲座内容、讲座形式等方面进行了调查与分析,在此基础上提出了有效完善讲座的建议。

    Based on statistical data about lectures developed in libraries of Shandong Province universities , The paper summarizes the main characteristics of the access routines , lecture contents and lecture forms , puts forward some suggestion on how to improve the lectures .