
shān qiáng
  • gable wall;pediment;head wall;gable wall on the side of a house
山墙 [shān qiáng]
  • [gable wall on the side of a house] 支承人字形屋顶两头的墙

  • 离村老远,她就望见了她那座被烟熏黑了的山墙。--《党员登记表》

山墙[shān qiáng]
  1. 带天窗的斜屋顶连接着两边的山墙。

    It has a dormer roof joining both gable ends

  2. 这栋总面积为400平方米的“L”型房屋,几乎完全背向马路,带有栅栏线条简洁的窗框、陡峭倾斜的板岩房顶和山墙末端的烟囱。

    The L-shaped house , which totals about 400 square meters , or 4400 square feet , almost faces away from the road and has simple barred window frames , steeply pitched slate roofs and chimneys at the gable ends .

  3. 带着独特的奇彭代尔式的屋顶山墙,这座大楼曾出现在多部电影中。大楼巨大的中庭包括了多媒体博物馆——索尼奇迹技术实验室(SonyWonderTechnologyLab)和一家索尼(Sony)零售门店。

    With its distinctive Chippendale-style roof pediment , the tower featured in several movies , and its huge atrium contained the Sony Wonder Technology Lab - a multimedia museum - as well as a Sony retail outlet .

  4. 我小时候常去山墙庄园做客。

    I often visited The Gables when I was a boy .

  5. 其中有一间可通过山墙上的扇骨半圆窗俯瞰海湾。

    One overlooks the bay through the pediment 's fan window .

  6. 四坡屋顶有倾斜的端墙而不是山墙。

    A hipped roof has sloping ends rather than gables .

  7. 一次,姑妈有一个星期没在“山墙庄园”住。

    After being absent from The Gables for a week .

  8. 山墙上有对开的窗,以使空气对流。

    Hill wall outside the window , so that the air convection .

  9. 白色山墙宽厚高大,灰色马头墙造型别致。

    The white Gables are very tall , with gray wharf wall .

  10. 这儿有一座古老的教堂,样子古雅,显得零乱,是带山墙的建筑。

    Here was an old church , quaint and rambling and gabled .

  11. 她在乡下有幢巨大杂乱的房子。叫做“山墙庄园”。

    She had a huge , rambling country house called'the gables ' .

  12. 山墙结构整体计算浅谈

    He elementary introduction of breast - wall structure calculation in its entirety

  13. 从女性主义解读《绿山墙的安妮》中的生存主题

    A Feminist Reading of the Survival Theme in Anne of Green Gables

  14. 温度荷载下砌体结构顶层山墙裂缝计算分析

    Computation Analysis for Cracks in the Top of Masonry Structure under Temperature Loads

  15. 为九山墙的圣人。

    Here 's to the saint of nine gables .

  16. 在每一座建筑物的基石与山墙上,骄傲且具有象征意义的平民坚守在那里。

    On every plinth and pediment , the proud , symbolic populace stands firm .

  17. 山墙对金属拱型波纹屋盖结构承载力的影响

    Influence of End Wall on the Load Bearing Capacity of Arched Corrugate Metal Roof

  18. 纪念碑的山墙周围,又布满了电幕。

    There were telescreens all round the pediment .

  19. 日光温室山墙对室内太阳直接辐射得热量的影响

    Effect of gable wall on the heat gain from direct solar radiation in sunlight greenhouse

  20. 轻型门式刚架山墙结构体系设计探讨

    Discussions on the design of structural system of gable wall of light-weight buildings with portal frames

  21. 浅谈室内山墙窗口圈梁构造柱防结露措施

    Elementary introduction the measure to prevent the wall , window , beam , pillar from dew indoors

  22. 当房子屋顶山墙建成时,进行庆祝活动。

    It is celebrated when the walls of the house and the roof struts have been built .

  23. 栗树开花,钟声清晰地高高飘过山墙和圆屋顶。

    The chestnut was in flower and the bells rang out high clear over her gables and cupola .

  24. 山墙尖呈斜坡的两坡式屋顶是在上坡的时候和在山坡顶上么?

    Jerkinhead roof ' Coming up the hill , and at the top of the hill , both ? '

  25. 设计团队大胆地将整个建筑的山墙打开直冲路边,路人将与其零距离接触。

    The design team boldly dragged the facade out to the road for passersby to peer in through the glass .

  26. 山墙加保温材料改善室内热工环境的理论分析与实际效果

    The theoretical analyses and actual effect of the indoor heat environment by inserting insulation in the exterior walls of residential building

  27. 《绿山墙的安妮》是著名的加拿大作家露西·莫德·蒙哥马利的一部静待你少年儿童著作,出版于1908年。

    Anne of Green Gables is a classic children 's novel published in1908 by the renowned Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery .

  28. 本文论述了室内山墙、窗口、圈梁、构造拄、结露的产生原因及预防措施。

    This paper discussed the causation and measure to prevent the wall , window , beam , pillar from dew indoors .

  29. 在哥德式的教堂中,中堂往往是一个小的山墙,从中央的北部或南部突出。

    In Gothic cathedrals the porch was often a small gabled structure projecting from the northern or southern walls of the nave .

  30. 窗户在高高的山墙上,它的顶端几乎碰到向两边斜下来的屋顶上。

    The window was high in the gable , its top corners almost reaching the roof which stopped down on either side .