
  • 网络national park of China
  1. 中国国家公园的旅游发展

    Preliminary Discussion on Tourism Development of National Parks in China

  2. 中国国家地质公园建设的若干问题

    Some problems about the construction of National Geological Park of China

  3. 中国国家地质公园的名录和分类

    A List and Classification of China 's National Geological Parks

  4. 中国国家地质公园空间结构与若干地理因素的关系

    The Spatial Structure of National Geoparks and Its Relation with Some Factors of Geography in China

  5. 中国国家地质公园建设中的有关问题研究

    Issues during geoparks construction in China

  6. 中国神农架国家森林公园苔藓中的缓步动物

    Tardigrades from some mosses of Shennong frame state forest park in China

  7. 因为中国的很多国家公园和自然景区都是由国家提供资金支持的。

    As in many countries , national parks and natural scenic spots in China are supported by public financing .

  8. 据青海省省级官员上周三透露,中国第一个国家公园将得到该省更大力度的政策及财政支持。

    China 's first national park will develop rapidly this year , with stronger legal and financial support from Qinghai province , the top provincial official said last Wednesday .

  9. 国家海洋局一位官员表示,于2011年首次推出的中国国家级海洋公园,为滨海休闲提供了公共空间,加强了海洋生态系统的保护,并促进了滨海旅游业的可持续发展。

    China 's state-level marine parks , first introduced in 2011 , offer public space for coastal recreation , enhance protection of marine ecosystems and boost sustainable development of coastal tourism , an SOA official said .

  10. 我国森林公园的建设开始于上世纪八十年代初期,1982年中国第一个国家森林公园&张家界国家森林公园成立。

    In 1982 , we have the first natural park & Zhangjiajie Natural Park .

  11. 年经国家计划委员会批准为国家森林公园,是中国第一个国家森林公园。

    In1982 , the park was approved by the National Planning Board to be China 's first forest national park .

  12. 坚持保护民族资源的基本使命&兼评中国不能照搬美国国家公园制度

    Sticking to the Fundamental Mission of Protecting National Resources & And Commenting on the Argument that China Should Not Copy the US National Park System

  13. 愿我们的好牧人在张家界得荣耀。张家界是土家族人的家乡,也是中国第一座国家森林公园所在地。

    On todays MID AUTUMN FESTIVAL , pray for our Good Shepherd to be glorified in ZHANGJIAJIE , home of the Tujia minority and site of China 's first national park .

  14. 西溪国家湿地公园是中国唯一的湿地国家公园,公园内河港、池塘、湖泊和湿地的覆盖面积达到了70%。

    Xixi National Wetland Park is the only national wetland park in China , with river ports , ponds , lakes and wetlands covering 70 % of the park 's area .

  15. 千岛湖是中国第一个人工湖,同时也是中国最大的国家公园。

    It is China 's first artificial lake as well as its largest national park .