
  1. 二百年时间在中国文明史上只不过是一瞬间。

    Two hundred years seems like the blink of an eye in the history of Chinese civilization .

  2. 砚文化及其在中国文明史中的地位

    The Culture of Inkstone and the Status in Chinese Civilization History

  3. 文明冲突中的中国文明与人口&亨廷顿的文明冲突论及人口要素

    Chinese Civilization and Population in the Context of Clash of Civilizations

  4. 正如中国文明的早熟一样,中国的儒家教育也是早熟的。

    : The confucianism education is as premature as Chinese civilization .

  5. 关于中国文明起源研究的若干问题

    Some Questions on the Study of the Origins of Civilization

  6. 黄河是中国文明的摇篮。

    Yellow River is the origination of the Chinese cilvilization .

  7. 汤因比晚年对中国文明的反思

    Toynbee 's Reflections on Chinese Civilization in His Later Years

  8. 对于入侵者来说,中国文明的情况同样是诱人的。

    The state of the Chinese civilization was equally inviting to an invader .

  9. 再论黄帝时代是中国文明的源头

    Restudy on the Huangdi Period-the Start of Chinese Civilization

  10. 中国文明与国家探源的思考

    Reflections on the Studies of the Origin of Civilization and States in China

  11. 论中原地区在中国文明化进程中的作用和影响

    On the Role and Influence of Central Plains in the Process of Chinese Civilization

  12. 中国文明起源研究的历程

    History of Study on Origin of Chinese Civilization

  13. 论中国文明进程中的潜文化形态

    Sub culture in the Progress of Chinese Civilization

  14. 中国文明究竟有多悠久?

    Just how old is Chinese civilisation ?

  15. 孔子:中国文明的守望者&试论孔子的传统观及其文化贡献

    Confucius : A Watcher of Chinese Civilization

  16. 中国文明起源的若干理论问题新探

    The Theoretical Exploration of Chinese Civilization Origin

  17. 青铜文化与早期中国文明

    Bronze Culture & Early Chinese Civilization

  18. 辽西地区是中国文明起源的中心区域之一。

    The western Liaoning region is one of the center of the origins of Chinese civilization .

  19. 中国文明形成的考古学研究

    Archaeological Research on Chinese Civilization Formation

  20. 目前中国文明和其他非西方文明正在从先前的边缘位置向中心推进。

    Currently , the Chinese civilization is moving from periphery to center with other non-western civilizations .

  21. 近代以来,西方文明对中国文明进行了全方位渗透。

    Up to the recent , the Chinese civilization has been infiltrated by the western civilization totally .

  22. 中国文明的开始

    The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization

  23. 对中国文明史二里头起始论的质疑

    Queries to the " Theory of the History of Chinese Civilization Beginning from the Erlitou Culture "

  24. 作为中国文明的摇篮之一,成都有4500多年的历史。

    As one of the cradles of Chinese civilization , Chengdu has a history of more than 4500 years .

  25. 中国文明历史悠久,文化博大精深。

    The civilization of the china has been time-honored , its culture is in all its extensiveness and profundity .

  26. 青铜器在中国文明的流程中,既是一种象征,又是产生这种象征的因素(张光直语)。

    Bronze ware was a symbol and the factor of being the symbol during the evolution of Chinese civilization .

  27. 他将研究中国文明起源作为研究史前史的一把金钥匙,以实现他重建中国史前史的目的,着重解决中国从氏族社会到国家出现的历史。

    He researched the origin of Chinese civilization and emphasized the history from clan society to the appearance of state .

  28. 第二阶段中原文明初步形成并成为中国文明中心。

    During the second phase the civilization of Central plains preliminarily forms and becomes the core of China 's civilizations .

  29. 在历史的维度,中国文明史典型地体现了家庭作为伦理始点的地位。

    In the historical dimension , the role of family as ethical starting-point is typically represented by Chinese history of civilization .

  30. 他把中国文明的出现时间向前调了一千多年,使得中国文明能和古埃及处于同一时代。

    So he moved the date of Chinese civilization back a thousand years so that Chinese civilization would be contemporary with ancient Egypt .