
  • 网络magmatic cycle
  1. 滇东南锡矿带是燕山构造-岩浆旋回为主体形成的构造-岩浆-锡矿带。

    The tin ore belt of southeast Yunnan is a tectonicmagmatic-tin metallization belt formed in the Yanshan tectonic cycle .

  2. 岩浆活动旋回与地球多层对流系统

    Cycles of magmatic activities and multi layered convection system of the earth

  3. 在时间上表现为序列性,即火山喷发&岩浆侵入旋回;

    In time , it also shows the sequence the volcanic eruption - magmatic intrusion cycle .

  4. 岩浆活动旋回可按时间与空间分出相互对应的不同尺度,进而可与深度尺度不同的地球多层对流系统相互对应,从而给予了岩浆活动旋回的动力学意义。

    The cycles of magmatic activities may be divided into several types with different spatial and temporal scales firstly , which , further , may be correlated to the multi layered convection system of the Earth with different depths , and then the cycles is vested with a dynamic implication .

  5. 铁岭&靖宇成矿带西段构造岩浆活动具有多旋回特点。

    The tectonic-magmatic activity of the west of Tieling-Co-Jingyu mineralization belt had the features of multicycle .