
  • 网络Peak area;peak district;PEAK DISCTRIT
  1. 以缬氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸CH3组成的峰区变尖、变窄、接近自由蜷曲状态蛋白质谱。

    The methyl regions formed by valine , leucine and isoleucine become sharp and narrow like the spectrum of a protein in the random-coil state .

  2. 本文提出了用Ge(Li)探测器测量正电子3γ湮没的方法,只测量511keV峰区计数,就能确定3γ湮没与2γ湮没的相对份额。

    A method for measuring the positron 3 γ annihilation , with Ge ( Li ) detector is introduced , in which the relative yields of 3 γ annihilation is measured by the counts of the 511 keV peak only .

  3. 用一维多群辐射输运程序(RDMG)对X光加热金平面靶的谱改造过程进行了数值模拟,得到的靶面出射谱与普朗克谱相近,但在谱峰区附近出现畸变。

    One dimensional multi group radiation transport program ( RDMG ) is used to simulate the process of X ray heating Au disk . It is found that although the outward spectrum from Au disk is near Planckian , the peak region is in some way deviated from Planck spectrum .

  4. 电离层赤道异常峰区的微分多普勒跟踪

    Differential Doppler tracking for the equatorial anomaly crests of the ionosphere

  5. 赤道异常峰区电离层的某些特点

    Some features of the ionosphere at the crest region of the equatorial anomaly

  6. 现阶段正处于北京春季物候偏早期的峰区,估计未来10多年春季物候仍持续偏早。

    It is estimated that spring phenophase will appear earlier in the future 10 years .

  7. 该算法运算量小,计算精度高,不仅避免了多阈值分割的高维搜索问题,而且有效避免了高斯拟合时相邻峰区的干扰以及过分割或欠分割情况。

    The algorithm effectively avoids not only the shortcoming of mass calculating of multi-thresholds segmentation , but also adjacent peak sections interfering when fitting the grey section of object by Gaussian functions .

  8. 由于赤道异常北峰覆盖我国整个南部地带,因此对峰区电离层特征的研究就成为掌握中国电离层特点的关键之一。

    The northern crest of the equatorial anomaly covers Southern China , therefore , the investigation of the ionospheric features of equatorial anomaly at crest is the key for understanding ionospheric characteristics over China .

  9. 用频率倍增后的数据进行速度分析,速度谱峰区显著变窄,噪声影响减小,静校正量的影响也有所减缓。

    When the new trace after frequency multiplication is applied in velocity analysis , the peak ranges on velocity spectra become narrower and with less noise interference , the influences of statics is also weaken to certain degree .

  10. 新泽西州峰岭区(GlenRidge)的贝琪•米德尔顿(BeckyMiddleton)有四个孩子,一个6岁、两个9岁,最大的11岁。她说她想选的是能控制音量的咒语。

    Becky Middleton of Glen Ridge , N.J. , who has four children ages 6 , 9 , 9 and 11 , said her spell of choice would be volume control .

  11. 桂林岩溶峰丛区溶蚀速度计算及探讨

    Calculation of karst denudation rate in peak cluster depression in Guilin area

  12. 五阳煤矿南峰扩区瓦斯涌出规律及治理方案

    Gas emission law and control scheme for Nanfeng extended section in Wuyang Mine

  13. 五阳煤矿南峰扩区3~煤层三维地震综合勘探

    3D Seismic Integrated Exploration in 3 ~ # Coal Seam Distensible Areas in Nanfeng in Wuyang Coal Mine

  14. 三级为国内和地方性吸引性资源,在生态旅游资源总量中占主要地位,数量较多,分别占25.2%和59.7%。反映了五老峰风景区的游客以国内特别是省内游客为主。

    The second and the third level are national and local attraction resources , covering 25.2 % and 59.7 % respectively .

  15. 我们在湖北省洪湖县峰口区潭州大队322例农民中用表格法调查了农民肺发病情况,同时用对流免疫电泳法检测血清沉淀性抗体。

    A random servey was made of 322 farmers for prevalence of farmer 's lung in a village of Honghu county , Hubei .

  16. 在信噪比较低时,可采取降频措施扩大测峰分辨区。

    When the SNR is low , a step for lowering down the frequency is used to expand the resolution region of correlation peak .

  17. 在对五阳煤矿深部接替采区南峰扩区的地质情况和矿井现状分析的基础上,提出了适合该矿的采煤方法。

    Base on analysis on the geological conditions of Nanfeng extended section of the follow up mining district in deep depth and the mine status of Wuyang Mine , the paper provided a mining method suitable for the mine .

  18. PAGE分析(7.5%凝胶)显示第3峰为单一区带;

    PAGE ( 7.5 % gel ) of S-100 protein showed a single band .

  19. EPDM的Tg峰向高温区移动;

    The T g peak of EPDM shifted to the high temperature region ;

  20. 西南喀斯特峰丛山区雨水资源有效利用

    The availability of rainwater resources at karst mountains in Southwest China

  21. 典型岩溶峰丛山区土地利用与水土流失

    Land Use and Soil and Water Loss in Typical Karst Mountain Area

  22. 牡丹峰自然保护区森林群落土壤动物多样性研究

    Study on Soil Animals Diversity of Forest Community in Mudanjiang Nature Reserve

  23. 珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区生态环境数据集成方案

    Multi-Source Ecological Environment Data Organization and Integration for the Qomolangma Nature Reserve

  24. 广西峰丛岩溶区水质现状与评价

    Status and evaluation of water quality in Karst peak cluster areas of Guangxi

  25. 珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区的初步评价

    A preliminary evaluation of the Mount Qomolangma Nature Reserve

  26. 西南峰丛山区分散供水模式及存在的问题

    Dispersal water supply pattern and its problem in karst peak-cluster area in Southwest China

  27. 《烈焰狂峰》二区豪华特别版秋季丰度最高、夏季次之、春季最低;

    Second peak occurred in summer , and the lowest abundance appeared in spring .

  28. 岩溶峰丛山区地下河系发育特征及综合开发利用典型研究

    Study on Development of Subterranean River System in Karstic Mountainous Terrain and Its Exploitation

  29. 喀斯特峰丛山区饮用水开发及其水质保护

    The Study of Exploitation and Protection of Drinking Water for People and Live-stock in Karst Areas

  30. 单粗糙峰通过接触区全过程的时变热弹流数值仿真

    Numerical simulation on transient thermo-elastic-hydrodynamics of the complete course when the single rough peak passes through contacting zone