
  • 网络Sichuan opera face;Face Changing;Changing Faces;change face
  1. 巴蜀文化变脸培训机构是全国最正宗的川剧变脸培训基地;

    Ba cultural training institutions face is the most authentic Sichuan Opera face training base ;

  2. 他的表演为川剧变脸这个古老的艺术增添了新的魔幻活力。

    His performance has enriched the old and classic art with fresh illusion energy .

  3. 论民间戏曲艺术中绝技的法律保护&以川剧变脸绝技外传事件为线索

    Law Protection of Exclusive Techniques in Folk Opera Thoughts & Inspired by the Emission of " Face-changing " technique in Sichuan Opera

  4. 这些表演包括舞狮和舞龙、少数民族舞蹈、传统音乐表演、杂技、川剧变脸和武术表演。

    These included lion and WET NAPKIN MACHINE , national minority dances , traditional music performances , acrobatics , Sichuan'Changing Face'opera and Wet Napkin Machine For Single Package .

  5. 川剧的变脸是绝活儿。

    Fast mask-changing is unique to Sichuan Opera performance .

  6. 川剧把变脸搬上舞台,用绝妙的技巧使它成为一门独特的艺术。

    The Sichuan Opera " facechange " to move up the stage , with the exquisite technique make it become a special art .

  7. 中国的最古老的戏剧形式之一的川剧的变脸技术被一些演员在没有官方许可的情况下泄漏了。

    The secret performing technique of " Bianlian ", or face-changing , in one of the oldest forms of Chinese opera-Sichuan Opera-has been revealed by some performers without authority allowance .

  8. 川剧的独门绝技变脸,让现场观众眼花缭乱、惊叹不已;

    The unique skill of Sichuan opera , Changing Faces , dazzled the present audiences who exclaimed with great surprises .

  9. 川剧不仅是中国传统戏剧之一,其独具特色的川剧变脸更是举世闻名。

    Tonight , Sichuan Opera is one of the principal genres of regional drama in China , particularly famous for its unique skills in " changing countenance " .