
  1. 浅谈现代家居的地漏选择

    Talking about the Selection of the Floor Drain in Modern Residence

  2. 最常见的就是现代家居中的墙体彩绘。

    The most common is the wall painting in contemporary household .

  3. 浅谈现代家居绿色设计

    Brief Talk of " Green Design " in the Modern Houses

  4. 浅谈现代家居产品设计中的有机设计

    On the " Organic Design " in Modern Household Product Design

  5. 淋浴花洒是现代家居生活中不可或缺的物品。

    Shower nozzle is an indispensable item in modern home life .

  6. 中国传统风水文化在现代家居室内设计中的应用

    Inspiration for Modern Home Interior Design from Chinese Traditional Feng Shui Culture

  7. 民艺文化在现代家居设计中的语境功能

    Contextual Function of Folk Art Culture in Modern Domestic Design

  8. 现代家居设计中的卫浴空间

    On the bath space in the design of modern residences

  9. 现代家居设计风格的理性思考

    Rational Ponderation over the Styles of Modern Home Design

  10. 在现代家居中,以油画装饰墙面已越来越普遍。

    In contemporary household , decorate metope with canvas more and more general already .

  11. 家居装饰的环保问题是现代家居安全的核心内容。

    Environmental problems of home decoration is the core of the modern home safety .

  12. 现代家居环境中的民艺文化

    The Folk-Art Culture in Modern Resident Environment

  13. 人文理念在现代家居设计中的体现

    Humanistic Ideas in Modern Interior Design

  14. 现代家居饰材的选择

    Choose Material of Modern Home Decoration

  15. 对现代家居装饰设计若干问题的反思

    Reflections on Modern Interior Design

  16. 喜欢中式家具的人不少,而能像陆岩这样将中式理念与现代家居结合得如此妥帖甚至顽皮的人却并不多。

    Keen on traditional Chinese furniture , he perfectly combines the classical Chinese style with modern furniture .

  17. 宇坤是一个以设计为先导的现代家居用品公司,倡导自然环保的现代家居生活方式。

    Viken is a design-driven contemporary furniture company from China , which creates lifestyle furniture for world market .

  18. 基于视觉心理理论的现代家居室内环境设计和谐性研究

    A Study on the Harmony of Modern Home Indoor Environment Design from the Perspective of the Visual Psychology

  19. 中国传统家具与现代家居环境并分析了数字家居中全数字化通信传输与监控技术的应用。

    The Application of Traditional Chinese Furniture to Modern Home Environment The digitized communication and monitoring technology were analyzed .

  20. 如今,我们越来越希望找到一种家具美学,能切入现代家居和传统家居的断层,演绎出全新的经典风尚。

    While among all the aesthetic forms , something between modern and classic is really we are looking for .

  21. 室无瓷不雅&陈设瓷在现代家居空间中的魅力

    The room is not graceful without porcelain & on the charm of display porcelain in the space of modern furniture

  22. 作为当代设计寻找升级等现代家居装饰的需求是配件。

    As the look for contemporary design is escalating so is the demand for modern home d é cor accessories .

  23. 目前充斥市场的带轮的人造革椅,对于现代家居来讲就太粗糙了。

    Flood the market at present the leatheroid chair of belt annulus , will tell to contemporary household too coarse .

  24. 是现代家居装饰的理想选择,充分展现出时尚、高贵、典雅、清逸的家居风格。

    With the fashionable , noble and elegant style , Bopai doors should be the ideal choice of modern residential decoration .

  25. 嘉铭灯饰专业从事高档酒店、会所、私家豪宅的非标室内照明灯饰工程,以及现代家居灯饰的生产型现代企业。

    J.M.LIGHTING COMPANY embarks on the production of lights for high-class hotels , conference rooms , luxurious villas and contemporary houses .

  26. 为提高家居安防等级,提出了一种双通道远程监控和报警的现代家居控制系统。

    A modern home control system of dual-channel remote monitoring and alarm is proposed , in order to improve the home security level .

  27. 橱柜作为现代家居生活中实用性最强的家具之一,其功能性与艺术性的结合十分重要。

    Cabinet as one of the most practical furniture in contemporary household life , its combination of function and artistry is very important .

  28. 现代家居的发展不应割断自然恩泽的历史。

    Therefore , the development of modern family residences should not be garbled out of the historical context of the bounty of nature .

  29. 并通过对我国一些家装公司进行实践调查研究,分析了中国传统居室文化对现代家居设计产生的影响因素。

    Then through doing research on some interior decoration companies , the thesis analyzed effect of Chinese traditional interior culture on modern interior design .

  30. 整体机身线条曲直结合,刚柔并济。与现代家居环境完美配合。

    The overall outline of this device combines the curve and straight lines , hard and soft , matching the modern house environment perfectly .