
  1. 博尼诺和美国达特茅斯学院(dartmouthcollege)比较文学主任格拉齐耶拉帕拉蒂(graziellaparati)表示,意大利女权运动曾非常有影响,但现在不是了。

    Italian feminism , say Bonino and Graziella PARATI , head of comparative literature at Dartmouth College in the US , used to be strong , but not any more .

  2. 过去我们确实是很喜欢他的影片,但现在不是了。

    We did like his movies , but now we don 't.

  3. 妈,他过去是,不过现在不是了。

    Mum , he was , but he 's not any more .

  4. 但你现在不是了,以后也永远不会。

    Butyou 're not now and you neverwill be .

  5. 她之前很开心,但现在不是了。

    She was happy before but now she isn 't.

  6. 我们还用它来表达某事以前是这样的,但是现在不是了。

    We also use it for something that was true but no longer is .

  7. 我们曾经是好朋友,但现在不是了。

    We were good friends at one time , but now we are not .

  8. 玛丽的父亲过去是农民,但是现在不是了。

    Mary 's father used to be a farmer , but he isn 't now .

  9. 我以前是篮球校队的成员,但现在不是了。

    I was a member of the basketball team in our school but not now .

  10. 这位新主管在他前个公司是个大人物,但现在不是了。

    The new director is a big wheel in his previous company but is not so important now .

  11. 过去,埃菲尔铁塔是世界上最高的塔,但是现在不是了。

    The Eiffel Tower used to be the tallest tower in the world , but now it is not .

  12. 但现在不是了,因为与埃及的边界被洪水淹没,隧道不再起作用

    But not anymore , because the Egyptian side flooded them up with water and they are not working anymore .

  13. 对神话中的先祖们来说保持野性本能和人类聪慧的平衡很简单,但是现在不是了。

    Legendary ancestors once found it relatively easy to balance their feral instincts against their human wisdom , but no longer .

  14. 而你是我最大的挑战,但现在不是了,因为我打败你了。

    and you were the best distraction and now I don 't even have you , because I 've beaten you .

  15. 两种无懈可击的魅力使它的人气如滚雪球般增长:一是它说得通,二是它看上去基本上是对的&但现在不是了。

    Its snowballing popular appeal was powered by two unassailable charms : it made sense and seemed largely true – but not any longer .

  16. “多亏他,现在不是了。”他打趣2016年奥斯卡金像奖,指责其没有提名足够多的异族背景的演员。

    That 's gone , thanks to him . ' He poked fun criticism of the 2016 awards for not nominating enough actors from ethnic backgrounds .

  17. 你看,我不是来和你吵架的,好吗?我来这里是想告诉你我知道害怕去表现你是谁的感受,我以前是,但现在不是了。

    Look , I didnt come here to yell at you , Okay ? I came to tell you I know what it feels like to be afraid to show who you are . I was , but I 'm not anymore .

  18. 在剧院的花费曾比电影院高一些,但现在已经不是了。

    Theatre once cost little more than cinema but no longer .

  19. 我告诉过你这件事是不会错的,现在不是证实了?

    I told'ee it would be all right , and now'tis proved ! '

  20. 我妈妈现在不是律师了

    My mom 's not an attorney right now .

  21. 但是现在不是惊喜了!

    But now it 's not a surprise !

  22. 祖尔法拉克阵亡英雄现在不是精英了。

    Dead Heroes are no longer elites .

  23. 所以他们现在不是嫌疑犯了?

    So now they 're not suspects ?

  24. 你周末一般不工作现在不是做了

    You don 't usually work on the weekend . Well , now I do .

  25. 罗恩:是啊,幸而现在不是这样了。

    Ron : I know . it 's good that it isn 't like that any more .

  26. 杰西:是啊,在他的课本里,冥王星还是一颗行星呢。现在却不是了。

    Jesse : Yeah , in his textbooks , Pluto was still a planet . It 's not any more .

  27. 我没法解释自己,先生,爱丽丝说,因为你知道吗,我现在不是自己了。

    ' I can 't explain myself , sir , 'said Alice , 'because I 'm not myself , you know . '

  28. 呃我之前说他是个大好人不过从现在起不是了现在

    yeah , I used to say that he was a such regular guy but , yeah , and now no longer , now he 's

  29. 他愣说这里不能种水稻,现在不是种成了吗?

    He insisted that rice wouldn 't grow here , but you see we 've grown it .

  30. 你们现在不是六岁了,Dan。

    Serena : Well , you 're not 6 anymore , Dan .