
shàng yǐn
  • be addicted;addiction;hooked;get addicted to;get into the habit
上瘾 [shàng yǐn]
  • [get into the habit;get addicted to] 喜爱某种事物,成了癖好

  • 这种药吃多了会上瘾

上瘾[shàng yǐn]
  1. 也许最重要的是,facebook用户似乎容易上瘾。

    Perhaps most importantly , Facebook users seem to be addicted .

  2. 你对能上瘾的任何东西都包含三个主要因素。

    DK : Anything that you can be addicted to has three components .

  3. 强效纯可卡因是一种药效极强、容易使人上瘾的可卡因制剂。

    Crack is a highly potent and addictive derivative of cocaine .

  4. 海洛因很容易使人上瘾。

    Heroin is highly addictive .

  5. 下午的小组谈到具体的上瘾病例以及其中的问题。

    Afternoon groups relate to the specific addictions and problems therein .

  6. 大约3个月后,我就不再对尼古丁上瘾了。

    After about three months , I was no longer addicted to nicotine .

  7. 英国广播公司的系列节目“当红厨师”是个让人一看就上瘾的节目。

    The BBC series Hot Chefs is compulsive viewing

  8. 不相信抽烟能上瘾的人肯定不是老烟民。

    Anyone who does not believe that smoking is an addiction has never been a chronic smoker .

  9. 香烟很容易使人上瘾。

    Cigarettes are highly addictive

  10. 你可以上班时给我打电话,只要别一来二去打上瘾了就成。

    You can phone me at work as long as you don 't make a habit of it .

  11. 他抽烟上瘾了。

    He 's got into the habit of smoking .

  12. 他看小说看上瘾了。

    He 's crazy about novels .

  13. 这东西吃多了会上瘾吗?

    Is this habit-forming ?

  14. 她说她无法戒烟,已经完全上瘾了。

    She says she 's unable to give up smoking ; she 's completely addicted .

  15. 上瘾群体对烟草的渴望是不能适应一些经济条款的,因为他们对花费相对不敏感。

    In economic terms , addicts'cravings are inelastic – they are relatively insensitive to cost .

  16. 他们的动机就是让我们上瘾。

    They have an incentive to keep us hooked .

  17. 这些产品容易让人上瘾并不是偶然的,而是设计好的。

    These products aren 't habit-forming by chance , it 's by design .

  18. 没行业会承认其销售会使人上瘾的毒品作为生活方式的选择。

    No business likes to admit that it sells addictive poison as a lifestyle choice .

  19. 尽管我的职业就是研究易令人上瘾的科技,但对我来说也很难戒掉。

    Even though I study habit-forming technology for a living , disconnecting is not easy for me .

  20. 并非能够给人们一种训练,逐渐减少很可能让他们在彻底戒掉之前再次上瘾并且回归到以前的症状,这可能就是为何第二组成员中较少的人坚持到了最后。

    Instead of giving people practice , the gradual reduction likely gave them cravings and withdrawal symptoms before they even reached quit day , which could be why fewer people in that group actually made it to that point .

  21. 脸书和照片墙告诉BBC他们的应用程序的设计理念是让人们聚在一起,而从未想开发让人上瘾的产品。

    Facebook and Instagram have told the BBC that their apps are designed to bring people together and that they never set out to create addictive products .

  22. 电子游戏机的问题在于它们会使人上瘾。

    The problem with video game is that they 're addictive .

  23. “巧克力狂”指的是吃巧克力上瘾的人。

    A chocoholic is a person who craves1 or compulsively consumes chocolate .

  24. 我爱盐和醋芯片。他们非常上瘾。

    I love salt and vinegar chips . They are very addicting .

  25. 如果你对电子产品和社交媒体上瘾,那么没有比戒掉它们更可怕的事情了。

    If you 're addicted and social media , going cold turkey has never been scarier .

  26. “分心上瘾者”是指容易分心且经常分心而忘了手边工作的人。

    Distraction1 addict2 refers to a person whose attention is easily and constantly drawn3 away from the task at hand .

  27. 它是摩登、年轻、活力的诠释,令人上瘾。我以前买的时候给这个写过香评,这瓶我已经快用完了,而且肯定会再买的。

    I 've reviewed this before when I bought it but I 've got to the end of the bottle already and will definitely buy it again .

  28. 这个男孩的自拍瘾始于15岁时,自拍上瘾导致他辍学,体重也掉了近28磅。

    A 19-year-old boy addicted , which began at the age of 15 , caused him to drop out of school and lose almost two stone in weight .

  29. 桑迪·帕拉吉拉斯在2011年和2012年间担任脸书的平台运营经理,他说他在任期间,公司内部确实意识到脸书容易让用户上瘾。

    Sandy Parakilas , who was a platform operations manager at Facebook in 2011 and 2012 , said there was definitely an awareness8 that Facebook was habit-forming when he worked at the company .

  30. 英国身体畸形恐惧症基金会指出,英国健身房里大约10%的男性会员有肌肉上瘾症或健身过度症,也被称为“恐瘦症”。

    Muscle dysmorphia , also known as " bigorexia " , may now be affecting one in 10 men who visit gyms in the UK , according to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation .