
  1. 现代中医临床治疗心血管病的难点与对策

    Difficult Points and Countermeasures of Modern TCM Clinical Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases

  2. 从中西医学的竞争和渗透谈现代中医临床思维的变革

    Discussion on the Reform of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Clinical Methodology Due to Infiltration of Western Medicine

  3. 脐疗法的现代中医临床应用范围更广,涉及人体各种系统,且都取得了独特的医疗效果。

    Umbilical therapy clinical application of modern medicine broader , involving various body systems , and have achieved a unique medical effects .

  4. 该方剂在现代中医临床仍广泛应用,主要用于治疗慢性肝炎、胆囊炎、慢性胃炎等病症,疗效显著。

    The prescription is still widespread used in modern clinical medicine , mainly for the treatment of chronic hepatitis , cholecystitis , chronic gastritis and other diseases , in which have the significant effects .

  5. 本文对《中藏经》组方用药特点的总结、分析,希望能给现代中医临床治疗疾病提供一个新思路。

    Sincerely hope the summarization and analysis on the character of selecting herbs and making prescriptions of Central Treasury Canon would bring about a new thinking to the modern clinical treatment of Chinese medicine .

  6. 脐疗法应用广泛,对人体各个系统疾病治疗均有报导,在现代中医临床中对内、外、妇、儿、血液、皮肤、保健等各科疾病都有其独特的医疗效果。

    Umbilical therapy is widely used in various systems on human diseases are reported in the modern clinical internal medicine , surgery , gynecology , child , blood , skin , health and other subjects the disease has its own unique medical effects .

  7. 临床流行病学、循证医学与现代中医药临床研究

    Evidence-Based Medicine , Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical Study of Modern Chinese Medicine

  8. 法医病理鉴定中的医学伦理学问题探讨临床流行病学、循证医学与现代中医药临床研究

    The Bioethics Issues in Judicial Expertise Work in Forensic Pathology ; Evidence-Based Medicine , Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical Study of Modern Chinese Medicine

  9. 在新药临床试验中开展临床研究协调员工作临床流行病学、循证医学与现代中医药临床研究

    Work experience of clinical research coordinator in clinical trials of new drugs Evidence-Based Medicine , Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical Study of Modern Chinese Medicine

  10. 文献综述分两篇,第一篇为中医临床研究方法概况,主要论述了传统的及现代的中医临床研究方法的概况。

    The document survey divides into two , the first is ' clinical research approach overview of Chinese medicine ' , have described the overview of the traditional and modern clinical research approach of Chinese medicine mainly .

  11. 现代中医药抑郁症临床研究主要包括病因病机、辨证论治研究和中药实验研究。

    Modern Chinese Medicine clinical study of depression includes etiology detecting pathogenesis , treatment based on the differential diagnosis and using of Chinese medicine .

  12. 祖国医学对DR的认识综述祖国医学对DR病名、病因病机、治法方药的认识,及现代中医药防治DR临床及实验研究进展。

    We summarized the evolve on name , etiology , pathogenesis , prevention and therapy , herbs and experimental of DR in Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) .