
xiàn yǒu rén kǒu
  • existing population
  1. 首先,人口压力使社会在提供现有人口生活条件和提高人民生活水平方面,遇到了难以克服的困难。

    First , the population pressure on the community in the provision of the existing population living conditions and raising the people 's living standards , has encountered insurmountable difficulties .

  2. 四川大学硕士学位论文得到如下结论:成都市区的现有人口规模与经济规模己超出了现有的自然环境与社会环境的容纳力,人口、经济、环境是不协调的。

    By applying the model to the Chengdu City , we can draw a conclusion that the existing population and economy scale in the Chengdu City exceed the capacity of the natural and social environment .

  3. 新西兰现有人口三百万。

    The population of New Zealand is now three million ( s ) .

  4. 哥本哈根现在已有56万辆自行车,相当于它现有人口的4万倍。

    Copenhagen now has560 thousand bicycles , 40 thousand more than its current population .

  5. 毛南族聚居在中国西南边陲的广西壮族自治区境内的大山中,现有人口7万左右。

    Maonan people live in the mountains of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , which is situated in Southwest China .

  6. 这些大都市以后都不可能再增加2350万人(或者澳大利亚的现有人口数量)。

    Neither of these metropolises is likely to grow by 23.5m people ( or one Oz population unit ) hereafter .

  7. 这似乎表明世界甚至养活不了现有人口,更不消指望2050年还能养活90亿人。

    That seems to suggest that the world cannot even feed its current population , let alone the 9 billion expected by 2050 .

  8. 人类甚至学会了战胜疾病,地球上现有人口的衣食与住房也很充足。

    He is even learning to protect himself against disease . He can produce adequate food , clothing and shelter for the present population of the earth .

  9. 今年早些时候发布的另一项研究显示,下世纪日本人口将缩减到现有人口(1.277亿)的三分之一。

    Another study released earlier this year showed Japan 's population is expected to shrink to a third of its current 127.7 million over the next century .

  10. 该岛现有人口271人,大部分是原始定居者的后裔,以农业和手工业为生。

    The islands now have a total population 271 people , most of whom are descended from those original settlers and make their living as farmers and craft makers .

  11. 塔拉戈纳市因拥有大量的古罗马遗址而闻名,其中包括海边的古罗马圆形竞技场。该市现有人口13.5万,根据市政厅提供的数据,目前注册登记的宠物狗超过2800只。

    Tarragona , a city of 135000 people which is known for its wealth of Roman ruins , including a seaside amphitheatre , has more than 2800 registered dogs , according to city hall .

  12. 按现有人口保守推算,至少有5000万至1亿人正在受到颈椎病的折磨。神经根型颈椎病是颈椎病中发病率最高的一种类型,约占其总发病率的60%~70%。

    Reckon the existing population , at least 5-10 million people are be attacked with CSR , which is about 60-70 % in the total outbreak rate , is the highest incidence category among cervical spondylosis .

  13. 在我国当代的社会主义建设中,虽然工业化、城市化的速度越来越快,但在我国现有的人口构成中,12亿人口中仍然有9亿是农民。

    In our socialist modernization drive , despite the accelerated industrialization and urbanization , 900 million people out of the 1.2 billion are still peasants in the current population structure .

  14. 通过分析我国现有流动人口相关法律所存在的缺陷与不足,提出了应对流动人口犯罪的立法和司法对策。

    The paper analyses some defects of the current law about floating population , and give advices on legislative and judicial strategies that are relevant to prevention against floating population crime .

  15. 随着人口系统、经济系统与资源环境系统内部以及系统之间矛盾的日益凸显,我国现有的人口与社会经济发展战略亟待调整。

    As the highlights of the growing contradiction among the population system , economic system and the resources and the environment , our existing population and socio-economic development strategy need an urgent adjustment .

  16. 由于某些原因,现有劳动力人口中的一部分目前仍滞留各地再就业中心的大龄下岗困难职工,将可能永远无法再回到社会主导产业中去,或找到稳定的就业机会。

    For certain reasons , some poor employees at old age , who are still staying at the reemployment center in different areas , will probably not return to the main industries and find stable employment opportunities .

  17. 本文通过民国人口调查制度与民国历次人口统计调查经过的研究,对现有民国人口资料进行了整理与汇总,并结合了现有的回顾性抽样调查资料对民国人口资料进行了分析与评价。

    Attempts have been made in this paper to sort out , analyze and evaluate demographic data in the Republic of China by examining its demographic survey system , all the demographic surveys conducted and the existing retrospective sampling survey data .

  18. 潍坊市现有农业人口628万,约占总人口的74%,是典型的农业大市,而农村妇女410万,占农村劳动力的65%,女农民已成为推动潍坊农村经济社会发展的一支重要力量。

    Weifang has 628 million agricultural population , 74 % of the whole population , is the typical agricultural region , it has 410 million female population , over 65 % of the rural labor force , female peasants have become the important force promoting rural economic and social development .

  19. 现有81万人口,2004年全县地区生产总值(GDP)50亿元,工业处于起飞初期。

    It owns a population of 810,000 . The GDP of the county is 5 billion RMB in 2004 , which means the industry is in the beginning of rapid development period .

  20. 除此之外,现有的城市人口也有巨大的潜在需求。

    On top of that , there is huge potential demand from the existing urban population .

  21. 美国土著人,原居住于美国威斯康星州南部和伊利诺斯州北部,现有的少量人口住在堪萨斯州、俄克拉荷马州和墨西哥北部。

    A Native American people formerly inhabiting southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois , with small present-day populations in Kansas , Oklahoma , and northern Mexico .

  22. 研究者界定了患病率作为“特定时期内现有的疾病人口总人数的估计”;

    The investigators defined prevalence as an " estimate of the total number of cases of a disease existing in a population during a specified period ";

  23. 另一方面现有的贫困人口主要集中在老、少、边穷地区,贫困程度深,扶贫难度大,成本高。

    On the other hand , the existing poverty-stricken population mainly concentrated in the old and less , while poorer areas , the extent of poverty is deep , supporting the poverty is very difficult and costly .

  24. 土地利用与区域协调发展实际上是分析和预测现有及未来人口、乡村经济和城镇经济发展趋势约束下的土地利用是否有利于生态格局的优化。

    The essential of land use and regional harmony development is to analyze and forecast whether or not land use is in favor of optimizing ecological patterns , obligated by the development trends of existing and future population , country economy and town economy .

  25. 孟加拉国现有大约1.1亿人口。

    Bangladesh now has a population of about 110 million .

  26. 通过对现有同类系统的普遍调研发现,其他省市现有投入使用的人口信息管理系统或多或少都存在着不足之处。

    Through to the existing system of general investigation found similar , other provinces and cities put into use existing population of most of the information management system there are many shortcomings .